Chapter 122

953 39 16

Arthur Leywin POV

"So the beasts and the Alacryans are in one giant formation?" Elion asked, scanning over the map laid out on his desk with his eyes.

Mom, Elion, and I were all in the command building in the office. The three scouts who initially observed the beast horde were in the office as well. Elion wanted to get a report from them directly so we could develop substantial defenses.

"Yes, General," the scout known as Reese said with a nod.

"That makes it easier for us," Mom said, looking at the map. She was holding the bottom of her chin, looking down at the map, deep in thought.

"Agreed," Elion said with a nod. "With them all congregated together, we don't need to worry about them attacking in waves."

"Plus, they're one giant target," I pointed out.

Elion looked up from the map, eyeing the three scouts before us, "How many beasts did you count?"

"We couldn't get a solid count, General," the scout known as Greggory said. "However, it was definitely well within the thousands. Beasts and Alacryans in all."

"They're not going light on the attack, huh?" I said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood a little.

The room was silent, and no one chuckled. Reese looked at me with a raised brow, and I awkwardly cleared my throat. It was obvious that everyone was nervous. Hell, I was too. It's not every day you have to deal with a horde of mana beasts.

"Commander Virion advised us that Aya overheard one of the Scythes say they were heading to the Best Glades," Mom said and looked at the scouts. "Did you see any Alacryan elite soldiers with the horde?"

"Yes, Captain, we saw at least two. One large horned figure dressed in black armor and a red-haired female. They were flying around giving orders to the Alacryans." Reese responded.

'Cylrit? Perhaps he and Seris lied to us after all.' I said mentally.

'Don't jump to conclusions. That apparel could be normal to Scythes and Retainers. It could be anyone.' Regis said mentally.

'I guess we'll find out soon enough.' I said mentally.

Elion sighed, "So not only will we be dealing with the horde, but their elite soldiers as well."

"Plus, we don't know their ranks. They could be scythes, retainers, or both," Mom pointed out.

Elion stood staring and rubbed his temples, looking frustrated. I watched him as he took his hand away from his forehead and looked down at the map, seeming deep in thought.

I shrugged, "When the horde arrives, the soldiers can handle the horde. The three of us could handle the elite soldiers."

"Yes, that is one scenario. And one they would expect," Elion said flatly, not taking his eyes off the map.

My brows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

"Let the soldiers fight while the elite soldiers on both sides meet in battle. It seems too plain and obvious. The enemy will be expecting this," Mom explained.

"Ah," I said with a nod, feeling like an idiot for recommending it.

'Ah, don't feel bad, Princess. It's not your fault you're not the smartest one in the room.' Regis said mentally.

'Wow, thanks, Regis, I appreciate that,' I said mentally in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes.

'You're welcome!' Regis said mentally.

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