Chapter 54

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Arthur Leywin POV

I woke up in the Helstea estate after not getting much sleep. I was too excited to sleep properly last night since today is the day we are going on the field trip to the beast glades. I looked to my left and saw Tess sleeping beside me peacefully. Just looking at her brought a smile to my face. I leaned my head over and kissed her forehead.

She stirred slightly and her eyes opened slowly. She nuzzled my shoulder, groaning a little bit.

"Good morning, beautiful." I whispered to Tess. Tess smiled and giggled.

"Good morning, handsome." Tess replied.

"Are you ready for the field trip?" I asked. Tess' eyes shot open and she shot up with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe I almost forgot! Yes, I'm excited!" Tess said with jubilation, waking Sylvie up.

'Mama is way too awake for me right now,' Sylv said mentally as she laid her head back down. I laughed at both of them.

"How about we get dressed in the gear Professor Glory gave us, and get some breakfast before we head to the academy?" I said.

Tess smiled and nodded, "Sounds good to me. I'll get ready first." Tess said as she gave me a kiss. Tess got out of bed grabbing her gear, and walked into the bathroom to get ready.

'Hey Sylv, are you going to come with us to the Beast Glades?' I asked Sylv mentally.

'No, I'm gonna stay here. Ellie is going to the academy tomorrow anyways, so I'll just see you then.' Sylv said mentally. I just patted her head as she kyu'd and fell back asleep.

I looked at the bathroom and heard the shower stop. I couldn't help but think about Tess in the shower and felt my face grow red. I smacked my face a little trying to get the thoughts out of my head.

'Can't forget about that cactus.'

After a few minutes, the bathroom door opened and Tess came out dressed in her gear. I blushed at seeing her pearly skin a little red from the hot water. I got out of bed and grabbed my gear and started to walk to the bathroom. Before I walked into the bathroom Tess gave me a hug. I couldn't help but notice the sweet smell of flowers coming from her. She looked up to me and I leaned down pressing my lips to hers.

We broke the kiss and Tess smiled at me. "Don't drown while you're in there." Tess said teasingly.

"Well, I have you to give me mouth to mouth if I need it." I said and Tess smirked.

"Go get washed up, you big dummy." Tess said.

"Yes Princess." I said teasingly causing Tess to pout slightly since I know she hates it when I call her princess. I laughed as I walked into the bathroom. I got washed up and dressed into my gear and walked out.

I noticed Sylvie and Tess weren't in the room, so I walked out into the hallway. I heard talking coming from the kitchen and made my way over there. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mom, Dad, and Tess sitting at the table laughing while Sylvie was on the floor eating some meat.

"You're awake!" I said happily seeing my parents.

"Like we were going to miss seeing you off." Dad said as he stood up. Mom also got up from the table and they both gave me a hug. I saw Tess smiling brightly watching our family moment.

"The maids are preparing the breakfast now, go ahead and eat before you go." Mom said.

I nodded and sat down next to Tess. We talked for a little bit until the maids came out with breakfast for all of us. After we ate our breakfast we all walked to the front doors where the carriage was waiting outside.

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