Chuuya x Reader

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"You gotta be kidding me?"  If looks could kill then the man in front of me would be brutally murdered and lying dead on the floor as I relished in the silence.  The glare he returned was nothing short of homicidal.  Fate was unreasonably cruel today. 

"Forget it, I'm not going, at least not with him," I hissed through my clenched teeth.  This whole mission was ludicrous by itself but throwing him in the mix was making my blood boil. 

"As if I want to go with a brat like you," Chuuya spat back.  My hands twitched, desperate to whip out my knives and plunge one through his chest.  He's been a bothersome thorn in my side for months now and I'd rather walk through hell than deal with this asshole.  The nerve of him to even speak to me was baffling. 

"Now, now.  There's no need for such hostility," Mori chided.  I bit my tongue to stop the string of words I would end up dying by.  Our boss would not be merciful to threats from his subordinates, even through my rage I wouldn't act so careless. 

Chuuya's glare was burning holes through me, tracing every line of my body as a hungry fox would do to his prey, however, I refused to be his little rabbit.  A flick of my hand and a gleam of silver flashed across the space between him and I. 

Chuuya's eyes didn't even blink at the dagger that had grazed his cheek.  The said weapon lodged into the wall behind him, sunken deep into the wallpaper.  My rival's hand came up to his face, thumb sliding over the drip of blood. 

"My eyes are up here asshole," I hissed.  A burning silence spread between us, soaking into my skin and setting my nerves on end.  His blue eyes were narrowed with a murderous intent I've seen a million times before.  I flashed him an amused smile, triumph oozing from every pore right before his eyes.  He snarled, hand darting to his gun holster. 

"You little fuc-".  Mori abruptly stood from his chair making both of us freeze in place.  Chuuya's hand fell from the holster, fists clenched at his side.  Our boss strided over to where my dagger penetrated the wall, his hand yanking it in one graceful pull.  My blade twirled between his fingers as he walked past Chuuya and to me, dropping the dagger into my palm.  I instantly sheathed it up my sleeve, ready to use it on this next job I'm about to be forced into. 

"Sadly, you two are the best for the job despite your poor relations so I expect some sort of codependency even if it kills you," Mori sighed tiredly.  His eye was starting to twitch like it always did when Chuuya and I were in the same room.  We've been known to drive people insane with our bickering. 

I still absolutely loathed the idea of any sort of dependence on my rival but something told me the boss could only handle so much of us before he snapped.  Taking a deep breath to clear my mind, I stuffed my emotions away for another time.  Chuuya met my stare with a cold expression, much better than the fiery hell that had possessed them earlier. 

"You better make this quick, I'm not dragging your ass," my voice swept away the earlier tension for another time.  Chuuya's eyes could've rolled out of his head with the force of the action. 

I strided to his side as he lifted his elbow out, somehow making the movement as menacing as cocking a gun.  My arm slid around his, my body burning where our sides touched.  This better be fucking quick. 

"You ready to go clubbing?"  The sweetness of my voice was laid on thick but still incredibly believable to any strangers we would bump into later on.  Chuuya grumbled something under his breath before leading me out of the boss's office. 

"As ready as I'll ever be."


The plan was simple enough.  It made no sense why me and Chuuya had to be here.  We were to shut someone up.  There have been rumors floating around of a traitor in our midst who was leaking important information to a small rival gang.  All we had to do was visit a club where he made daily appearances and make sure his loose lips were permanently sealed.  He wasn't a threat, I could've done this job without a grumbling sidekick. 

"Could you shut it already!  People will stare if they see you muttering with a very attractive date beside you," I spoke in his ear.  Music and lights filled all the spaces in this tiny building making a private chat impossible.  The best we could do was a corner booth in a dark spot where the rave lights never touched.  I was dangerously close to sitting on Chuuya's lap, my thigh across his knee and my arms wrapped around his neck. 

"Attractive huh?"  He raised an eyebrow earning a light pinch from me.  "Don't you think you're overdoing it? Nearly sitting on my lap I mean," he muttered against my cheek.  A couple approached the table, luckily, before I could strangle my date.  I glanced up at the man and woman. 

Fate was on my side after all.  The man gave a questioning look before slipping into the booth behind us.  I tugged on a strand of Chuuya's hair but he didn't look at me.  Rolling my eyes I decided on a different tactic.  I ran my fingers through his hair greedily making him tense.  God I hate this.  I pressed a fierce kiss against his jaw making him flinch but to my amusement and horror he didn't pull away.  I smirked against his pale skin, deciding to bite the flesh harshly.  He pulled away at that. 

"Damn you!  Go to hell," he shouted, his hand massaging the bite mark.  I gripped his chin with one hand, guiding his face close to mine.  It might've just been a trick of the light but I swear he had a light blush across his face. 

"He's behind us," I whispered seductively.  His eyebrows shot up in surprise, fingers laying on his gun holster.  I shook my head at him.  "Guns make too much noise, knives are more silent."  I flicked my wrists as my daggers slid into my palms, the cool metal sending a thrill up my spine.  He opened his mouth to protest but I laid a finger against his lips with a wink. 

"We'll talk about your flustered urges once the job is done."  I spun myself over onto his lap, straddling his waist momentarily as his hands shot up to avoid touching me.  I rolled my eyes before kissing his nose (putting as much hatred into it as I could). 

"I hate you," he grumbled. 

"I hate you too Chuuya."  And with that I slid off his lap and out the booth.  I slicked back my hair, adjusting the collar of my shirt before slinking to the booth behind Chuuya where my next victim sat.


"It was about time they worked together and I've been bored lately," Mori sighed contently.  Dazai nodded in understanding, draining his glass as he watched the two guys in the booth, clearly bickering. 

"They're obviously into each other.  Poor little Chuuya just has no game," Dazai clarified.  The Port Mafia members watched their subordinates with clear interest.  Weirdos.

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