Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @George_thepenguin324 for the request!

A sinister glee sent adrenaline coursing through my veins like a powerful drug.  The shadows clung to me as if I were a martyr and it was my devotee.  No one was stopping me tonight, not when I was feeling this high up. 
The base wasn't as hidden as its low class gang had thought it to be.  It stuck out like a sore thumb, so worn down it would only be used for the man sized rats of this city.  How stupid could you get to be so obvious? 
Mori had made my job easy and simple.  When someone got in his way, it was my task to rip the obstruction into pieces in any way I desired.  Tonight, it was this base.  Tomorrow...who knows?  In my past lay a trail of debris and death. 
This would be fairly easy under the cover of the moonless night sky.  No one would spot me as I stalked towards the building with a supply of small bombs hidden under my coat.  Getting creative, all I had to do then was decorate all the exits and stand back as I pressed the beautiful red button that would ensure an even more beautiful explosion.  It would take the base out in one fell swoop without getting my hands dirty. 
Turning the corner, I was nearly shuddering in anticipation for the bright colors that would flash in my eyes, the wall of heat that would brush against my skin as I sat safely back.  It'd be a wonderful display of the power of the Port Mafia and of myself.  My reputation was covered in gasoline with me carrying the lighter and I planned to keep it that way. 
I now stood at the side entrance of the building, ruffling through my coat for the first small device.  For something so small it sure caused a lot of damage.  It was what I most admired about the bombs.  No one suspected much from it but when under the right circumstances, it knew how to make a scene. 
The explosive stuck to the door frame easily as I pressed a small button along the side of it to activate it.  A small chirp sounded before it went silent again.  It was ready for action now as I smirked evilly.  It was all coming together. 
Working my way around the building, I stuck the bombs against any exit I could find.  This group wasn't even smart enough to have hidden entryways.  Everything was out in the open.  It only made my job easier, which I didn't mind.  Though a challenge was always fun as well. 
I had seemed to prepare for anything but when I spotted small movement in the nearby alleyway, I jumped.  There was a prickling sensation at my neck that warned me of trouble as I smiled.  I was hoping to get to have a one on one brawl and it seemed that someone was lucky enough to be my victim tonight. 
Sliding away from one of the exits where another small device now was placed, I stalked over to the movement where a figure was clearly waiting.  My blood began to curdle as power surged through my body joyfully.  I began to slide my dagger from its sheath excitedly. 
My unknown opponent made their move first as a gunshot rang out, a bullet panging off the wall beside my head.  I paused my movements, a wide smile stretched across my face.  Looking into the shadows, I could make out the familiar form of an ADA member. 
"Oh my, is that you Kunikida?  You've come all this way for little ol' me?" I teased with a wink.  He stepped out of the shadows then, his usual neutral glare focused on me with a gun raised high and aimed at me.  It made my heart race with anticipation. 
"Stand down.  You're under arrest for arson and murder.  Don't make this any harder than it has to be," he sighed out tiredly.  Oh but I wanted this to end up bloody and broken.  Any fight with him was exciting and I was ready to unleash the power thrumming just under my skin.  All I needed was a bit of blood.
I made it quick, darting forward as Kunikida's eyes widened.  A few more gunshots rang out but I managed to slide past them without being struck.  My heartbeat echoed loudly in my ears at how close to death I was. 
I used that rush to guide my hand up as I closed the distance between Kunikida and I.  My dagger was sharp and had no trouble cutting through the fabric of his clothes and into his skin.  Quickly, my other hand came up to press against his wound before he could kick me off.  He managed to collide his knee into my chest though and sent me flying into a nearby wall.  Something crunched in my back but I already had what I needed. 
My laugh was high and insane as I looked at the smear of crimson on my palm.  Kunikida looked at me in horror, already knowing what was about to happen as he took a defensive step back.  It was too late to run now and he was aware of that. 
For the lost ones.  My ability activated at its name, my hand buzzing as Kunikida's blood started to grow and spiral.  The tendrils kept multiplying and spreading until I had amassed a small army of bloodied vines.  The power felt so good to unleash and I couldn't help the shaky sigh that left my mouth. 
Another gunshot rang out as one of my vines intervened the bullet midair, squeezing the metal sinisterly.  A laugh bubbled up my throat as I struck out with the vines.  Kunikida pulled out his notebook swiftly, calling out for another object when his own dagger was gripped in his hands.  He brought it up forcefully, slicing the crimson tendril in two. 
It didn't stop me from closing in though as my other vines attacked.  Everything became a blur of silver and red as Kunikida's knife and my tendrils intercepted each other.  Blood started to smear the ground as the vines were cut apart, my smile widening with each burst of crimson.  Even if it meant I was losing, it was still a beautiful sight to see.  It also meant my opponent would be distracted. 
When I noticed his attention falter for only a moment, I collected the remaining amounts of my energy to cause the rest of my vines to launch at Kunikida.  His eyes widened but he had no trouble fending them off in spectacular explosions of blood...his used blood.  When he managed to kill off the rest of them, I was already high up on a nearby rooftop. 
"Sorry to cut this short but I don't feel like being arrested tonight.  Maybe another time but thanks for the dance," I called down at him cheerily.  He glared up at me but didn't comment.  I watched him pant for a bit before waving goodbye to him and sliding away.  Even if I missed out on the explosion, I truly enjoyed the duel with Kunikida far better.  There were other days anyway.

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