Nikolai x Reader (Part 2)•

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Thanks @-N1K0LAI for the request!
‼️implied suggestive content‼️

"You think it'd be funny to have Fyodor talk to you like that, right?  Do you have any idea what that does to me?" Nikolai whispered into my ear, his breath fanning against my skin.  My body tensed up at the lack of distance between us as he pressed himself further against me.  It felt right to be this close but I also knew that Nikolai was having a jealous fit that might leave me craving more than his touch. 
"It's not my fault he was flirting!  I didn't even know he was going to do that, stop being ridiculous," I shot back, my voice wavering as Nikolai pressed his lips against my neck.  My hands shot up to squeeze his shoulders, his body fitting too well against mine and leaving me clinging to him eagerly.  He left rough, quick kisses on my skin, moving from my neck to my collarbone then back up to my jaw until he reached my mouth. 
I tried to move forward to bring our lips together but his hand quickly gripped my chin to stop me.  A whine escaped me before I shut my mouth in embarrassment, my face growing hot as Nikolai smirked at me.  He knew the effect he had on me when he teased me like this and I was steadily becoming too desperate to care what I did if it only meant that Nikolai would hold me closer and give me all the affection I've denied him so far tonight. 
"I'm the one being ridiculous?  Look at you right now.  You're practically squirming just for me to kiss you right.  You're the needy one out of the two of us," he smirked slyly, lifting my chin to place a kiss along my neck again.  I didn't even fight back the groan that slid past my lips when he grazed his teeth along my sensitive skin.  It wouldn't be surprising if he decided to bite me and a small part of me was anticipating the pain it would bring if he did fall back on his sadistic tendencies.  He was intent on leaving me unsatisfied though as he pulled away to look at me teasingly. 
"At least I wasn't the one stalking, you creep.  Have some faith in me and know that I wouldn't do anything with anyone else," I whispered, trying to catch my breath quietly so he didn't notice how undone I already was.  In the span of a few seconds, I watched as Nikolai swept his cape up and over me.  His ability activated in a soft golden glow that left me tingly as he teleported me to who knows where.  It felt like falling even though I could've sworn I was standing only a moment before. 
Now I was laying back on a soft mattress that smelled familiar, my eyes adjusting to the sudden shift of scenery.  When the bed dipped down to my side, I turned my head in time to see Nikolai staring at me intently with his cape now off and thrown somewhere else in the room.  I only had a moment to realize we were in his apartment before he was leaning over me to place an earnest kiss on my lips, silencing all other thoughts. 
"If I'm a creep then why are you enjoying this?  I can practically feel your excitement, y/n.  You can't help being honest, can you?" Nikolai breathed against my lips, making my heart flutter.  His fingers slid over my body enticingly before clinging to my waist firmly.  He knew every place to touch to make me shiver pleasantly, my heartbeat racing with each tense minute that passed with his lips glued to mine.  This time when his teeth pressed against my bottom lip, he didn't hesitate to bite down enough for me to flinch. 
"Fuck you Nikolai," I breathed out shakily, my fingers moving to touch the new wound.  My mouth filled with a faint metallic taste with my fingertips stained a beautiful crimson color.  Nikolai smirked at me yet again as his own finger swiped along the corner of my mouth where the warm liquid slid down my skin.  He didn't break eye contact as he proceeded to lick my blood from his finger, a mixture of excitement and disgust swirling in my gut. 
"If that's what you want, my dear, then I'll be happy to comply.  Anything for my prince of course," he chuckled to himself, leaning in closer to kiss me again.  This time there was something more hungry and greedy in the movement of his body against mine.  It made any other thoughts beside Nikolai fly out of my head, leaving behind only the feel of him and the love I felt growing for him.  It was almost too much to bear by the time he undid that first button on my shirt. 
My hand came up anxiously, pushing at his chest rather than pulling him in closer.  He immediately stopped what he was doing, his hand falling away as he leaned back to look at me in concern.  I couldn't even express my appreciation that he stopped what he was doing the second I showed discomfort.  Taking a moment to catch my breath, I sat up to stare at him with all seriousness. 
"Are you okay?  Did I do something wrong?  Was I being too much or moving too fast?  I'm sorry, I should've asked first before moving to the next step," Nikolai prompted, all of his earlier teasing and snarkiness melting away to be replaced with care as he gently took hold of my hand in his.  His eyes were wide and searching mine to look for any sign that he did something wrong but it was just the opposite.  I just couldn't handle this massive amount of longing and need that I felt for him. 
"You're doing great Nikolai.  It's just before any of this continues wherever this goes, I want you to know that I love you.  I'm not lying when I say that I wasn't going to let Fyodor do anything earlier.  I just want to get that straight," I proclaimed confidently, interlacing our fingers together between us.  His smile that spread across his face was bright and true, a soft blush tinting his pale skin.  He pulled me in for a heartfelt embrace that I cuddled into, feeling safe in his arms. 
"I love you too.  I'm sorry for following you earlier but I do trust you," he smiled back, leaning in to kiss me yet again.  This time it was pure and sweet without any other hungry emotions letting us get carried away.  He treated me gently, carefully holding me before we laid back down again.  This time when one of his hands reached up to grip my hair softly, the other unbuttoning my shirt, I was ready to continue knowing that Nikolai would only do all of this with love.

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