Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @evolets for the request!

The delicate smell of old paper filled the air and put my mind at ease as I walked between vast shelves stuffed full of books, many of which were far older than I was.  It was calming to be surrounded by so much history, memories intimately etched into every page with dark ink in hopes for the carefully binded package to last many lifetimes.  Goosebumps traveled down my arms at the mere thought of it. 

With a fulfilled sigh, I hugged the stack of books in my arms tighter to my chest.  I glanced down at my watch to notice that my daily visitor was to arrive any minute now.  A small smile rested on my face with anticipation as I made my way to the front desk of the library. 

On cue, the doors of the library swung open as a very official looking man walked in with a confidant stride.  I set my stack of books on the desk before running a hand through my hair out of habit.  I couldn't help but feel a bit inferior when Kunikida walked in looking so professional.  It made me look like a chaotic mess in comparison. 

"Good morning Mr. Kunikida!  How are you?" I waved with a smile.  The blond man seemed to brighten up as he made his way over to me with his own gentle grin.  I felt my neck heat up at the sight knowing that I had caused it. 

"Good morning to you as well, though I've said you could just call me by my name.  I've been fine, busy as usual.  How have you been?" he replied cheerfully in his deep, smooth voice.  His elbow rested on the desktop as he leaned in, making me hyper aware of how close he was to me.  I mean, if he leaned in just a bit further we would've been....  I shook my head at the thought, now definitely flustered. 

"I've been fine as well.  Not much happens around here anyway, it's what I like about working here," I stated with enthusiasm.  It was all true, being a librarian in this peaceful part of town was relaxing and borderline therapeutic.  I got to spend all day surrounded by books and people who also loved books, not to mention these daily visits from an ADA member to collect information.  Lucky for me that I've taken a fancy to this particular ADA representative. 

Kunikida pushed his glasses up his nose, a clear sign that he was ready to get down to business.  It was my job as a librarian to find recent newspaper clippings and local files that could be used for the ADA's detective cases, not a huge job but a task nonetheless.  I was almost disappointed he was moving on to his purpose for being here but that was before he placed a small box on my desk, his stare averting to the floor as I tilted my head in curiosity. 

"What's this?" I asked, reaching out for it tentatively while waiting for Kunikida to stop me in case I wasn't meant to pick it up.  The blonde man glanced at me almost shyly as I picked up the box delicately.  It was of decent weight but not any extremes to where I could easily guess what could be inside. 

"It's for you actually.  A thank you gift from the ADA for helping us out," he mumbled, still not entirely looking me in my eyes.  His behavior was strange considering the confidence he usually held for himself.  I always viewed him as cool and collected so where was this shy and mumbling Kunikida coming from? 

Focusing on the box, I pulled off the lid before stifling a gasp.  In the package was the most beautiful cover I had ever seen.  The book was a deep black with scripted letters that spelt my name in shimmery silver ink. 

Tenderly picking up the book from its box and flipping to the first page, tears nearly spilt down my face seeing the name of my favorite book on the inside page.  The beautiful custom made cover had the entirety of my favorite story inside its delicate pages.  I pulled the book to my chest lovingly, bouncing on my heels excitedly with the biggest smile on my face.  If I wasn't in the library, I might've squealed. 

Shifting my focus to Kunikida again, I stopped my excited movements as my face heated.  He was standing there with his mouth slightly agape, his eyes widened in awe and a small blush along his cheeks.  He looked absolutely starstruck and his gaze was intensely focused on me. 

Clearing my throat nervously, I gently put the journal back in its box though my smile never faltered.  Walking around from behind the desk, I flung my arms around Kunikida's shoulders.  His body tensed up for a moment before his hands wrapped around my back gently. 

"Thank you so so much.  I love it," I whispered against his shoulder, now entirely flustered with our contact.  I began to pull away from the hug before Kunikida tightened his grip on me.  This definitely wasn't helping my flustered behavior but I also couldn't lie and say I didn't like being this close to him.  I glanced towards the blond man as he stared at me with that same intimate expression from earlier. 

"I have a confession to make actually," he bashfully stated.  My heartbeat picked up eagerly at what he might tell me next.  Ever since he showed up months ago, I've been dreaming of this moment.  Kunikida gave a small sigh.  "I seem to be harboring very intense romantic feelings towards you and thought I should let you know." 

I was suddenly sky high, my head reeling with his confession.  Even his declaration sounded professional.  My smile widened even further as butterflies erupted in my chest.  It felt like nothing could drag me down from this high. 

"I really like you too!  Like, for a while now," I excitedly rambled, bouncing on my heels again with renewed energy.  Kunikida suddenly picked me up to twirl me around, a small yelp sounding from me in surprise before I dissolved into chuckles.  The poor people just trying to enjoy the silence of the library were probably getting annoyed but I was too ecstatic to care at the moment. 

My feet touched the floor once again as Kunikida pulled me in to place a quick kiss against my lips.  Suddenly I went into shock, everything tingling and numb as I tried to form a coherent thought. 

"I should start heading back to the office," he declared with his usual confidence slipping back into place though the blush on his face remained.  Kunikida placed another kiss on my forehead before starting to turn away.  "I'll pick you up after your shift later tonight if you want." 

I merely nodded in response, my mouth not able to form any words to say.  My hand reached out to hold the desktop to steady myself as I watched Kunikida leave, my lips still warm from where his lips had touched.  Clearing my throat, I weakly stumbled back behind the desk and, for the first time, started counting down the minutes until my shift was over.

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