Chuuya x Reader

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Thanks @SprinkleFish180 for the request!

The rain poured, soaking through my jacket as I shivered.  Dark clouds rolled high above, threatening a downpour that I both hoped would come and yet wouldn't.  My job here wasn't finished and being caught in the rain was a different sensation than being drowned by it. 
The city was quiet this time of day, early morning with a light fog that, paired with the cloudy sky, hid the horizon from view.  It made early kills easy and witness free but also provided more grief and a somber mood to the whole ordeal that I usually refused to feel. 
Today felt different though as I allowed my tears to run down my face, staring at what I've done.  They were all horrible of course but that didn't neglect the fact that their lives were taken by my hand.  A gut wrenching sigh slid past my lips, the soft voice of a ghost in the light rain.  The sound of the drizzle calmed me, keeping away any form of panic from taking hold of me.  All that was left was a sense of longing. 
It was a peculiar emotion to feel after a massacre but I found that I needed to have the arms of my lover around me, keeping me close.  He was bound to be home by now after a long night of his own tasks and probably tired.  If I was lucky, I'd catch him before he turned in to sleep for a few hours.  Perhaps I could crawl in beside him to feel the warmth of his body as we both nodded off to sleep together. 
The thought caused a small smile to spread across my blood stricken face.  I turned away from the bodies to start my way home to find someone standing not far from me.  My first instinct guided my hand to my blood soaked knife to hold out in front of me but when I caught sight of who was there, I lowered it with a small laugh.  Chuuya's ice cold gaze looked me over, glancing behind me where the bodies lay before he stepped closer to wrap me up in his arms. 
"What are you doing here?  I thought you'd be home already," I grinned, pushing closer to rest my head against his neck affectionately.  His hands ran down my back, pulling me in by my waist as he tilted his head to kiss the side of my face.  Warmth spread through my body at the loving gesture despite the cold of the rain. 
"When I got home, you weren't there so I wanted to find you.  I wouldn't be able to sleep without you by my side," he whispered against my skin.  By the way he was leaning on me, I could tell that he was moments away from falling asleep whether he was home or not.  I appreciated his care and concern but now I was worried about getting him home so he could properly rest. 
"You're so sweet.  I love you," I smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips that made him hum happily.  He seemed to melt into the kiss, his hands coming up to cup my face to keep me from pulling away.  When he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, I felt my pulse kick up a notch.  As wonderful as this was though we had to leave before someone stumbled across us with a couple of corpses nearby. 
"Mm, we should go.  I'm still covered in blood," I whispered against his lips but he only pulled me in again for another kiss.  I avoided touching any part of him in order to not smear any stains on his damp clothes but he had no problem rubbing against me.  His hands came up to grasp mine, the blood making the contact sticky as the rain did its best to wash it away with little luck. 
"Does it look like I give a damn?  You look good after a kill anyways," he smirked, mischief in his eyes as his hands began to stray.  A small yelp escaped my lips as one of his hands gripped my thigh firmly, slowly starting to throw me off balance to where I was holding onto him to avoid falling. 
His expression darkened with a promise of all sorts of trouble but a sudden wave of exhaustion seemed to hit him then as he swayed a bit, releasing my thigh from his hold.  My arms reached out to catch him before he fell, his head resting on my chest as he smiled weakly up at me.  His hat fell to the ground, his beautiful red hair exposed and bright as it fell around his shoulder before the rain began to darken it. 
I took a moment to admire how he looked right now in the early morning drizzle before snapping out of my trance to help him on his feet, beginning to shuffle down the alleyway after grabbing his wet hat off the rain soaked ground. 
"I wasn't finished with our little exchange," Chuuya huffed, side eyeing me as his arm wrapped around my shoulder to steady himself.  I shouldered his weight, starting our slow progress for a decent walk home in the rain.  He leaned in, pressing more distracting kisses along my face as I tried to focus on each step we took. 
"Once you're well rested we can keep going.  And next time we won't have to stop," I winked at him, loving the way a light blush spread across his flustered expression.  The somber mood I had felt earlier had completely vanished now, replaced with a longing passion that refused any other thoughts to cross my mind.  All I could think of was the warmth of our bed and Chuuya holding me close as we listen to the rain outside

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