Chuuya x Reader

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The kings of the streets. Everyone who knew of them bowed down. They were a dangerous duo, an even more twisted Bonnie and Clyde. If anyone wanted to keep their life they stayed as far away from the dark shadows of the city as possible.

"Alright everyone drop your weapons and put your hands in the air," I barked out. The dozen or so low life thugs snapped their heads in my direction being met with my pistols. It was clear they weren't aware of who I was as they turned their guns towards me with amused chuckles. A smirk stretched across my face.

Without my title and reputation I was just a guy with tiny guns, poor aim and no backup. It's a good thing I was a lot more than I looked. In the blink of an eye four men were already down and bleeding out. Whether it was an amazing shot or my ability remains a secret to most.

The other men were clearly freaked as I watched their hands tremble slightly to take a shot. Bullets raced towards me but never hit their mark. A fun gamble of whether he was here or not.

The thugs' eyes widened as some dropped their guns and made a run for it, all in vain of course as my bullets tore through their bodies. The remaining few let their weapons hit the floor as they shot their hands in the air far too late. I lowered my guns as well just as a blurred figure emerged from a darkened corner.

"You really should've listened to him," the new player scowled. Another second and the rest of the thugs were on the floor. I spun my guns in the air before sliding them into my hip holsters with perfected ease. Another job well done to report back to the boss.

"Not bad Chuuya but I think we were supposed to question them first," I mused as the figure approached me. His suit was as spotless as ever with his hat in its usual place. It was a wonder how that thing didn't fly off. He smirked in my direction, clearly not caring about the excessive bloodshed.

"What a shame but I also recall you pulling the trigger first," he rasped out with a shrug of his shoulders. I closed the distance between us, my finger gripping his choker to pull him closer. My breath rolled across his lips teasingly.

"My hand slipped, my bad." He seemed to shiver at my words. His hands left their usual place in his pockets to clasp my wrists. I could practically read his mind at this point and I already loved the idea forming in his eyes.

"Let's go riding for a bit before calling it a day," Chuuya offered. I happily nodded as we walked away from the massacre hand in hand. We left the warehouse and stepped out into the night air.

The breeze was crisp and clear as it cleaned my senses. The sky was a murky black, the stars hidden behind the lights of the city. The night was perfect for a ride. A surge of energy jolted down my spine as Chuuya's motorcycle came into view. The thing was sleek and could go fast as hell, the perfect mix of beauty and danger.

The little devil's owner sat on the dark leather seat as he looked at me expectantly with a look full of trouble. How could I resist? I slid behind him, my arms wrapping around his torso as my chest pressed firmly into his back.

It didn't take long before the stand was kicked up, the engine was turned on and Chuuya was giving my arms a reassuring pat as he sped us out of the abandoned lot. My hair flew wildly in my face as I pressed further into Chuuya. He picked up more speed making the hairs on my neck rise in anticipation.

It seemed to be one of those nights where we risked just a little more than usual. His heart was beating rapidly against my palm. He shifted slightly alerting me to lean as we made a turn.

Everything rushed by in a blur, my eyes not comprehending where we might be but judging by the new deadly speed it wasn't a busy street. A muffled car honk made me flinch but didn't wash away the adrenaline.

A few more leans and it was clear we had reached a freeway. I could just make out the words "hold on" before Chuuya gunned the motorcycle for all it was worth. Fucking speed demon. The world completely drowned out, only Chuuya and the motorcycle remaining.

A faint red glow graced my outline making me chuckle softly. He still had some sense it seemed. A sturdy feeling tugged me down eliminating any worry of flying off.

There was a sudden swerve catching me off guard before we evened out again. I felt Chuuya turn slightly with faint shouts of cusses. It was a miracle he didn't turn the motorcycle around to bash whoever pissed him off's skull in.

There was a change in his attitude as he revved the engine louder and swerved more often. It was hot to say the least, also slightly alarming if he let his gravity ability slip. I slid my hand to his collarbone and tapped the skin, a signal to stop. The speed instantly decreased, my ears popping at the change. It was as if a switch had been flipped, the ride's entire energy shifting. Chuuya's muscles relaxed, his back pressing into me reassuringly.

He took the next exit, running the red light but not trying to break the sound barrier with speed alone. I was able to scan our surroundings and let out a content sigh at the familiar signs of home. The motorcycle pulled into a discreet alleyway and rolled to a stop.

The engine was barely turned off before Chuuya turned around and grabbed my face in his hands. His lips collided with mine, his fingers trailing down to my neck where my own choker rested. It was several seconds before he pulled away with that mischievous smile.

He pulled me off the bike, dragging me into the nearby building we called home. As the door shut behind us Chuuya gently pecked my forehead.

"Nothing like a nap after a hard day's work wouldn't you say?" he whispered enticingly. I smirked up at him.

With a wink I spun and ran in the direction of the bedroom, yelling over my shoulder. "You better keep up or you're sleeping on the couch!"

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