Nikolai x Reader (Part 1)•

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Thanks @AsherTrejo for the request!

I could feel an intense stare focused on my back as I strode through the streets.  Glaring around me, I couldn't spot where Nikolai was even though it was clear he was around here somewhere from the chills rolling through my body.  His jealousy was practically flooding the streets as Fyodor smirked in my direction from my side.  I knew Nikolai was infuriated if even Fyodor could feel his anger. 

"What's got him annoyed this time?  He's been trailing us for some time now, hasn't he?" Fyodor pointed out, tilting his head quizzically while not bothering to look around to see if he could spot the clown boy.  Me, on the other hand, was desperately trying to pinpoint where he was while trying to figure out why the hell he was stalking us with such intensity in the first place.  Fyodor and I had a job to do anyways and it required not having our covers blown by some childish grown man. 

"Who knows at this point?  We've got a task to do so maybe focus on that for now," I grumbled bitterly to myself.  It was embarrassing to have Nikolai trailing us as if we weren't trusted to complete our mission on our own.  Both Fyodor and I were strong and capable of handling ourselves even without being paired for the job at hand.  If anything, I could've handled this all myself without anyone but our boss had other plans. 

"You seem tense, little mouse, you should be the one trying to focus," Fyodor purred, taking a single step closer.  My shoulders rose up in defense as if he was going to attack me, seeing the shimmer of mischief sparkling in his eyes in the dark of night.  It wasn't unlike Fyodor to try to start something just for the chaos but he didn't understand what would happen if he happened to trigger Nikolai's anger. 

I stepped away from him as we came across the old rundown building that was our destination.  The tension in the air curled like a thick fog, threatening to suffocate me as I desperately looked over my shoulder for any sign of Nikolai but there was only the abandoned street staring back at me even though I swear I could feel his eyes trailing over me.  Perhaps it was Fyodor's troublesome gaze that was making me uneasy. 

"So we get in, get out and reconvene back at the hotel," I stated, imprinting the plan into my head.  It was simple enough to follow and promised a decent amount of violence that might lead to a bloodbath but at least there was no way for me to screw up.  My nerves were already jumpy though with Nikolai lingering somewhere nearby, probably hyper aware of Fyodor inching closer to me casually. 

"That's right, little mouse.  Don't leave any survivors," he smiled wickedly, eyes narrowing in anticipation for the bloodbath that was about to occur.  He reached out to slip into the building as I did a final look around to try to at least spot a glimpse of Nikolai.  I could feel his glare though and his intentions felt murderous.  A shiver shot down my spine before I turned away and followed Fyodor into the building where our targets waited like sitting ducks.


Blood coated my clothes, the dark stains clashing with the white shirt I had on but there wasn't anything I could now as I cleaned my dirtied blade.  With my back against the wall, I gazed at the room full of massacred bodies that littered the ground with Fyodor standing in the middle of it all, a certain expression on his face that seemed like bliss.  I decided to leave him be for a few quiet moments before I had to usher us out of here and back to the hotel where Nikolai would probably find us so he could latch onto me again. 

I had felt bad abandoning him earlier when I was assigned with Fyodor for this mission but he was just so clingy that I had to snap at him to get him to leave us alone.  I didn't regret my decision on leaving him behind, especially knowing that he wasn't left behind at all after he decided to stalk Fyodor and I. 

"Have I ever told you how handsome you look after a fresh kill, little mouse?  Your skin is practically glowing," Fyodor smirked at me.  My head shot up to find him staring with that same look of trouble in his eyes.  He was clearly up to something but I couldn't figure out what as I rolled my eyes to brush him off.  His not so subtle flirting was starting to get on my nerves.  And I clearly wasn't the only one who felt that way as a swirl of light appeared out of the air nearby. 

"I swear I'll kill you!  Quit talking to him like that," Nikolai hissed as he walked through the golden light to stand in front of Fyodor who only smirked back in amusement.  It was suddenly clear to me what Fyodor's flirting had been about and it wasn't about me.  He had been targeting Nikolai to purposefully elicit this jealous response from him.  It was working as Nikolai sneered distastefully. 

"I was only playing around with him.  There is no harm in flattery, right y/n?" Fyodor winked past Nikolai at me.  Suddenly both of their attention was turned on me so that I could finally see the crazed desperation in Nikolai's stare.  He looked ready to snap at any moment, whether at Fyodor or me, I couldn't tell and didn't really want to find out. 

"Knock it off Fyodor.  And Nikolai, calm down.  What do you think would even happen between us that makes you feel the need to stalk me?" I asked with a frown.  He completely abandoned Fyodor then, moving too fast for me to see before he was pressing me against the wall. 

I only had a single moment to process Fyodor smiling innocently at me as he left the room to head back to the hotel, leaving me stuck here with a jealous, deranged delinquent who's sudden smirk made me uneasy while filling me with anticipation for what his move might be next.

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