Chuuya x Reader

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Thanks @Ultimate-mycologist for the request!

Humming to myself delightfully, my hands moved on their own in quick flicks of my wrist. My fingers dug into random passerby's pockets and purses, finding and taking anything that I could touch. No one even noticed that they were being pickpocketed but that was also because I was just too damn good at it. At this point I wasn't even sure why I did it other than a strange needy urge inside me ordering my hands around.

My own pockets were filling up pretty quickly with the amount of stolen stuff I nabbed off of people, a sign that it was time for me to start making my way back home before I spilled my precious treasure. As I turned around a corner along the street though, I had a brief thought of what Chuuya would think. He was surely going to disapprove once again of my continuous habit/hobby considering we lived in the same apartment but I wasn't about to return all of this glory.

We've already talked about my kleptomaniac tendencies, Chuuya letting me know that he frowned upon the constant stealing but even when I tried my hardest to recognize objects as not mine, I still felt that insistent tug to take it for myself. I was a dragon building up my arsenal of jewels and treasures to guard, one of my very few purposes in life. No one could touch my beautiful trove...except Chuuya of course.

The clink of the rings on my fingers brushing against each other dragged me out of my daydreaming before eagerly diving to expertly retract a bracelet from a wealthy woman's wrist. The shiny jewels on it had my mouth nearly watering with anticipation for adding it to my collection. The woman didn't even notice the stolen jewelry as I cheerfully skipped down the street with a triumphant smile.

By the time I walked through the front door of my apartment, my pockets were jingling with the stolen loot. I proudly strode across the living room towards my own room when a shadow emerged from the corner of my eye. Swiveling around to attack what I thought was an intruder, I found myself immediately wanting to hide in shame. Chuuya raised his eyebrow in suspicion at me.

"And where the hell were you?" he questioned with his serious tone that usually meant I was in some kind of trouble. My hands dug deeper into the pockets of my jacket in hopes that he didn't notice the obvious bulging. By the way his eyes narrowed into a knowing glare, my secretiveness didn't do much to hide my new treasure. There wasn't much that escaped Chuuya's knowledge.

"Just out walking for a bit, nothing special," I shrugged even though the lie was obvious. Chuuya sighed in exhaustion of my antics before stepping closer to me, his hands gripping my wrists to yank them out of my pockets. When he did so, my rings fell off and dropped to the ground along with a few other trinkets I had snatched including, but not limited to, a couple bracelets, some spare change, an empty lighter, a pair of leather wallets with cash inside, a house key, a few driver's licenses and a taser.

"Are you kidding me?" Chuuya deadpanned at me, squeezing my wrists as he rolled his eyes. I frowned, averting my gaze to the ground in disappointment at letting myself get carried away again. There were just too many shiny and sparkly objects that were practically screaming for me to grab them. It turns out the metallic rings on my fingers weren't enough to ward off the desire for more. Lowering my head at my lack of self control, I felt Chuuya's hold on me soften.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a problem and I really did try for a bit," I mumbled quietly, feeling like a scolded puppy. My eyes traced over the spilled stolen objects that glittered upon the ground but I didn't dare bend down to grab any of them, not even my own rings that lay in the mess. Chuuya would only interpret me cleaning up my mess as a way to shelter some of the shinier objects into my pockets again and he might've been right if he didn't beat me to it and scoop up the shiny artifacts for himself.

"Let's just go put it with your other pile, you hoarder," he muttered softly as he turned away from me towards my room. I perked up at the sight of my treasures in Chuuya's hands that were getting closer and closer to my other steals. They were going to look so beautiful with my collection, the idea of it making me cheer up even as Chuuya frowned at me in disapproval.

He opened the door, leading me into my dark room that, once the lights were turned on, revealed a thousand bejeweled twinkling. Shelves lined against the wall along with several open trunks all of the spaces filled with shiny jewelry, stolen wallets, various ID's, random glasses, silverware and coins. It was a trove to rival the greediest of hoarders, mine much more shimmery and eye-catching. I truly felt like a dragon at the sight of my cave full of treasure.

"This is a mess, y/n," Chuuya sighed, dropping my latest catches on my bed. I lunged towards the bright collection of stolen items like an eager cat, instantly slipping all the rings back on my fingers and even throwing on the bracelets and necklaces as well. When I glanced up from my greedy, materialistic comfort, I saw a twitch of a smile on Chuuya's lips as he watched me. If there had been anyone else staring at me and my treasure, I would've killed the witness on the spot but I knew I could never hurt him. He was the only one willing to work with me through this and I would've missed him if he ever left me.

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