Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @xXHailSNailXx for the request!

Dazai POV

I happily made my way to the ADA office, already thinking about seeing y/n and scooping him into my arms. He was the best part of all my days and hopefully the last face I saw before I died. Even just imagining passing away as he smiled at me made me jittery with anticipation. Even though he's shut down all ideas of a double suicide, I could still dream.

On my way to him though, I started to feel uneasy as if someone was watching me. This feeling was actually quite normal but somehow this time felt slightly different. With malicious intensity, goosebumps rose along my arms. It felt like an eerie calm before a storm. A frown tugged at my lips as I pulled out my phone.

"Damn it," I muttered to myself, seeing not a single message from y/n on my notification screen. He usually would send me good morning messages or follow up texts asking me why I'm late but there was not a single word from him. It sent alarms off in my head that I couldn't ignore. Something was wrong and it involved y/n as well as the feeling of being watched if my instincts were right.

Just to be sure, I called his cell before being immediately sent to voicemail. I quickly clicked it off, knowing what this meant without even needing a ransom note to prove it. It was clear that someone had gotten to y/n and was going to use him to get to me. Whoever did this is sure to be in for a surprise once they find out how much he meant to me and the lengths I'd go to take him back.

After swinging by the office, I received a note from an anxious Kunikida from an anonymous sender that was surely a ransom note. I memorized the address on the paper before ripping it to shreds in my irritated grip, feeling particularly murderous as I stormed out of the office without another word to my coworkers who asked me if I needed help getting him back. This was something that I could do on my own and that promised to get bloody quickly.


The address led me to an old apartment building that was supposed to be abandoned. The ransom letter mentioned turning myself in but I had no intention of staying behind, only worrying about grabbing y/n and retreating with both of us preferably alive, for now. No one would take him away from me and live to see the next day. This crime was unforgivable.

Retrieving the gun from my holster inside my coat, I quickly barged into the abandoned building with little hesitation. Apparently these punks who thought they were so big and bad weren't as high class as I thought considering there weren't even any guards posted along any of the exits. It could've all been a trap but it sure made it easy to work my way deeper into the building and closer to y/n.

"Don't you dare touch him unless you want the boss to push you off the highest building! We're only supposed to watch him till we can strike a deal with the ADA representative," an unfamiliar voice echoed through the hallways, guiding me where y/n must've surely been held captive. These guys must've been a bunch of idiots to not only let me in so easily and give away their position by talking but also giving away their intentions of what they would or wouldn't do. This was going to be too easy.

Cocking my gun, I strode through the hallway with all the confidence I had. This might've been a risky move without the intel I've already gathered and if I didn't fear death itself. The only thing keeping me going at this point was the sight of y/n's limp body tied in a chair with his eyes closed and fluttering. It made sense why his ability Canary Call wasn't working considering he wasn't awake to use it. It filled me with newfound rage as I lifted my gun to face the thug nearest to his vulnerable form.

"Back the fuck away before I fill your lungs with lead," I hissed out, tempted to shoot anyway. There were four men in total, all armed and yet cowardly as they all lifted their hands in the air quickly. It surprised me that they had managed to take someone as strong as y/n. Perhaps he hadn't had his coffee yet when they nabbed him. It would explain his lack of attention to the gangsters that would eventually kidnap him.

"Listen, we're just following our boss' orders so give us the money or turn yourself in and the little prince won't be hurt," the supposed leader of their little squad announced, the only one not cowering but fixing me with a dedicated glare. Once I knocked him down, the others would go down easily without a single issue after seeing their leader dead. I lifted my gun to face him, sneering distastefully at the captor of my prince.

"Don't ever call him that again," I growled low, pulling the trigger without another word. The bullets flew without my mind even registering them, each one hitting their mark as the leader abruptly fell before his other men died right behind him. Honestly, they were all stupid to think I'd listen to any of the shit they had to say with y/n already kidnapped and tied up. That was enough harm done to him for them to die by my hands. I've killed for less.

Sliding my gun back into my coat, I quickly ran to y/n to get him out of here. I untied his hands from behind his back, shaking his limp body as his eyes flew open in shock and fear. He jolted in the chair, clearly distraught before I crouched down to pull him into my arms to calm him down. He took several panicked breaths before he ultimately relaxed into my embrace.

"Geez, that wasn't fun. Thanks Dazai," he rasped out, his hand sliding to cup my face. He promptly leaned in to place a kiss on my lips that I gratefully returned, scooping him up in my arms to elicit a surprised hum from y/n. His arms wrapped around my shoulders firmly when I started to walk us out of the building and past the bloody bodies left behind us and back to safety.

"Anytime my prince."

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