Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @evolets for the request!

The sound of shuffling papers filled up the silence of the empty classroom, my pen scratching against the tests.  A proud smile fell upon my face at the high scores of all my students as I worked through on grading. 
It was starting to get late but I didn't want to bring work home with me this time, in fact, I had plans to meet up with an old colleague of mine soon enough.  My smile widened even further in anticipation of seeing Kunikida again. 
I wrote the last score on one of the tests before stacking the papers together in a neat pile on the corner of my desk.  With a satisfied sigh, I snatched up my bag and made my way out of my classroom and through the halls of the school. 
Fond memories were etched inside the very walls of this building.  Back when Kunikida used to work here I was at my happiest.  He brought this light around with him that helped me through my darkest moments.  I loved being a teacher, don't get me wrong, but Kunikida was my solid source of comfort. 
He had left this job a while ago to work with the ADA but I still cherished the days when we would have pleasant talks on our lunch breaks and exchange notes for classes.  He would even drive me home at the end of the day though I regret never inviting him in. 
I hadn't known he would leave to do greater things but I was happy for him.  He was a natural protector and it would've been selfish of me to hold him too close when there were plenty of other people who needed him more. 
Through it all though, Kunikida found a way to reach out to me and our weekly tradition of meeting up for a single night began.  I tossed my stuff into my car before jumping in to start the engine.  The satisfying thrum of the engine only hyped my anticipation up more. 
This time was going to be different and I wasn't sure where this was going to lead.  Kunikida had suggested politely if we could hang out in my apartment due to his exhaustion of his week and so I had agreed ecstatically but the weight of my choice was starting to settle in. 
We were never alone together in a private area and it made me jittery just imagining it.  Kunikida was a very responsible person though and I doubted anything crazy would occur but on the drive home, my head began to wander despite logic. 
I didn't live too far away from the school and so the drive was short but it seemed that my guest had already beat me home by the sight of a deep black car parked in my usual spot.  I pulled up beside the car, quickly putting my vehicle in park before allowing myself a deep inhale to settle my nerves.  I've seen him however many times before, this would be just like all the other times...just in my apartment...with him...alone. 
A soft knock on my window made me jump in terror, the familiar face smirking at my reaction.  I cast him a friendly glare before opening my door. 
"Sorry for scaring you," Kunikida apologized before grabbing my hand gently in his to escort me from my car.  My face was already heating up at the contact, this night was going to be a long one for sure.  "You seem flustered." 
That certainly didn't help me in any way as my face heated up even further, my hand snatching away from his as I gave him a small frown.  He only laughed slightly before he pushed his glasses up his nose. 
I quickly grabbed my keys from my bag and walked up the pathway with Kunikida behind me.  I was still too nervous to even talk to him.  It was like everything I wanted to say was too tangled to even work through.  It wouldn't be long until Kunikida started noticing my weird behavior and figured out why. 
Breathing in deeply again, I turned the key in the door to my apartment, hyper aware of Kunikida's stare resting at my back.  Pushing against the door, I stepped into my home with my guest right at my heels. 
"Well, this is it, make yourself at home," I quietly announced, going to turn on the lights.  Working up the nerve to actually look at my guest, a small smile touched my lips at the sight of Kunikida stretching before moving to sit politely on my couch.  He almost looked like he belonged here.  The thought made my face heat up again. 
"Would you like something to drink?" I nervously rambled suddenly drawing his attention.  He gave me one glance from head to toe before he rose from the couch.  I instantly shrank back as he stepped nearer to me, everything starting to feel a little too cramped.  Kunikida paused his movements a few steps away from me with a concerned expression. 
"If I'm making you uncomfortable, we can reschedule this for another day at another place," his smooth voice resonated off the walls.  My gaze averted to the floor almost shamefully.  We've known each other for years now and I was about to ruin a perfectly good night over my silly emotions.  It was like I was a little boy again, not sure how to communicate these intense feelings without sounding ridiculous. 
"I'm fine, just tired I guess," I shrugged before making my way to the couch where I patted the spot by my side.  Kunikida flashed me a speculative look before he sat by my side carefully.  His knees were nearly touching mine with how close we were...by ourselves...in my apartment...goddamn
"How's teaching going?  Was it a tough week?" he questioned, watching me with an intense stare.  Breathing evenly, I stretched my arm over the side of the couch to get comfortable.  The action caused my leg to flex a bit, bumping against Kunikida's knee.  Deciding to man up already, I let the contact continue without moving. 
"It's been great.  Just a little quieter without you around everyday I guess," I mumbled.  After so many of our visits, this was one of the few times where the old days were brought up.  Kunikida sighed, his knee pushing into mine a bit making me squirm.  His eyes caught the movement as he frowned at me again. 
"If your week was good then why have you been acting so fidgety?  Like I said before, I can leave," he proposed, moving to stand.  Without thinking, I reached out to tug on his sleeve.  He paused to stare at me with slightly widened eyes.  Surprisingly my grip didn't waver as I stared up at him with a pleading expression.  He slowly sat down again, his hand wrapping around mine to hold between us.  "Tell me," he urged with his serious tone. 
"We're alone in my apartment, just the two of us.  It's a little nerve wracking all by itself not to mention how I've been feeling about you for a long time now," I whispered nervously.  I didn't dare look at Kunikida, expecting him to let go of my hands to establish boundaries between us but he only tightened his grip. 
I looked up just in time for warmth to press against my lips.  My eyes widened in shock as Kunikida pulled away with a blush dusting his face.  It took my head a moment to stop spinning from the kiss before my hands shot up to my cheeks in embarrassment. 
"I was hoping that was why you were so flustered," he smiled at me.  A large grin adorned my face as well as he leaned in again to kiss me once more.  This time I was aware as I gently pushed against him.  His hands came up to my face, tenderly guiding me along to his rhythm. 
"One night a week isn't going to work for me anymore," he breathed against my lips.  It wasn't until he removed his glasses to place onto a nearby table that I realized how flustered I was really about to become.  I guess it was a good idea to finish my work at the school then to free up my night.

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