Nikolai x Reader x Fyodor

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Thanks @Ryujikunai for the request

It was a miracle the alarms weren't blaring by now as I struck down another unit.  My ability lashed out without mercy, too quick to be detected by anything, not even the guards that fell dead at my feet.  They wouldn't know what had hit them until it was too late to call for backup. 

At this point I wasn't even sure where I was going.  This prison was made to be like a maze for a reason but I still felt that I was allowed to be sour about it.  It wasn't making it easier to pinpoint exactly where Nikolai must've been if his radio I picked up on mid transit was any indication.  I made sure to thank my YouTube recommended for that fun little skill of intercepting radio interference.  It sure came in handy when it boiled down to me having to track Nikolai down. 

A guard perked up as I came around the corner, humming to myself before my ability struck, not giving the guard even a chance for a final breath.  To say I was a little pissed off was a lie.  These past few months have been irritating so if I happened to take out a few more guards than I have to, I was justified in doing so as a way of de-stressing and an act of self care. 

I might've been a little extra moody after being away from Nikolai and Fyodor for so long.  I knew it was my own fault for it but that didn't make it hurt any less.  So when I caught word that Nikolai was making a move into the same prison Fyodor was being held in, I wanted to join in on the reunion after so long of all of us being apart.  Just the thought made my heart race and a satisfied smile twitch onto my lips. 

It's been hard keeping myself away when I went into hiding for a bit after a particular incident that left me with a crazed stalker that I didn't want Fyodor and Nikolai to worry over and get involved with.  I needed time to lie low until things straightened out (I managed to exterminate my stalker) so that I could finally go back home.  I had been waiting for the right time and now this seemed to be it.  What better time to make a dramatic entrance than during a break out with my two favorite people? 


It took a bit of time before I managed to stumble across a room that already had its gateway opened.  Voices from inside echoed through the corridor I was walking down.  One voice in particular stuck out as goosebumps rose along my skin and I brightened up instantly.  There were only two people's voices in this world I could recognize as quickly and hearing Nikolai after so long away from him, I didn't hesitate to start sprinting towards my beacon home. 

I followed the path of the corridor, turning a corner to rush right into what looked to be the strangest meeting ever.  I knew I looked like a mess, standing there covered in blood and panting slightly from the exertion of running all this way.  I could only focus on Nikolai though in his bright stripes and cheerful voice.  Although that was also until I spotted Fyodor right beside him. 

"Y/n!  My dear!" Nikolai immediately gushed excitedly as he took a step forward with his arms outstretched.  I didn't waste a moment to dive right into his embrace, letting out a shaky sigh of content when his arms wrapped around me firmly.  The moment when Fyodor stepped closer as well to gingerly rest his hand on my back, I felt complete. 

"Moya lyubov, what are you doing here?" Fyodor asked with a tilt of his head and a soft tone that made me want to melt into the floor in a flustered puddle.  I knew I shouldn't even be here but I couldn't stand knowing that they were in a dangerous place without me.

"I wanted to see you guys again.  I figured this would be the most dramatic way to come out of hiding," I smiled brightly at them.  Nikolai laughed merrily before picking me up to spin around, causing me to squeak pathetically in surprise.  When he set me back down, I was dizzy and wobbled a bit, leaning against Fyodor to stabilize myself. 

"10/10 points for the theatrics!  I'm very proud my dear," Nikolai brightly smiled, ruffling my hair.  I shook my head to fix my hair with a small chuckle while Fyodor helped to fix some of the strands.  It felt amazing to be doted on by them again and I couldn't wait till we all got out of here to give them all my affection and love. 

"What the hell is happening?" an unfamiliar voice called out as my attention diverted to the brunette standing there with his hands on his hips and bandages on his arms.  I only recognized him from the research Fyodor had done and the times he would rant to us about his fun competition he had.  This was Dazai, one of my love's rivals who now stood with a very confused expression.  I disregarded him and cuddled up against Fyodor.

"Nothing that you should concern yourself with," Fyodor frowned at the man as he ran his fingers along my back soothingly.  He usually wasn't touchy like this so I appreciated that he was doing it now in front of his rival as well. 

That's when I also looked to the side and spotted Sigma, my smile widening as I waved to him.  He had an expression that said he was done with all of this bullshit so I didn't take it to heart.  I knew Nikolai had been dragging him around and how much energy that usually took so I understood his mild contempt for the situation he must've been in. 

"Well my dear, it's great to have you back!  Now you can watch the game be played!" Nikolai happily joined in on the embrace between Fyodor and I, making us one happy love blob.  I clung to both of them, so happy to finally have them again.  I leaned up to give them both a kiss on the cheek, watching as Fyodor slightly blushed and looked away while Nikolai giggled like a maniac. 

"Then let the game begin," I brightly smiled.

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