Kunikida x Reader

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"This is sooo boring!  I wanna destroy something already."  My whines went unheard though as the long haired blonde by my side merely kept writing in his journal.  This walk was absolutely no fun like I had hoped.  I'd rather have just stayed at the office so I could at least tease Junichiro or Atsushi.  There was no shaking Kunikida out of his focus though when he was face first in his planner.  Even as we walked he didn't bother to look up, causing me to lead him around various obstacles. 
Groaning, I began to tug at my hair in annoyance.  The urge to start chaos was taking over and I was not to be held responsible for whatever I was about to do.  The least Kunikida could do was talk to me but that would mean dividing his attention which god forbid he do. 
My hands twitched at my sides with the lack of excitement from around me as well as this shunning from Kunikida.  Not even the streets were bustling with activity.  Very few people were out despite the nice weather leaving me to groan again as the frustration built up.  Somebody help me now before I commit arson. 
My ability was just itching to set something alight, the wave of energy threatening to burst but I held strong with my remaining self restraint.  Of course someone like me had to have such a destructive ability though.  The power was building despite my attempts to push it back deep down inside.  I guess my ability didn't understand that I was only joking about the arson. 
Sweat rolled down my neck with the growing heat that spread through my chest.  Hands clenching at my side, I focused strictly on dousing the flames that threatened to emit.  My arms were beginning to tingle though from inside my jacket as my eyes began to unfocus. 
"Kunikida, where's the nearest warehouse?" I nervously mumbled.  He only hummed in acknowledgment with his head still pushed into his journal.  I tried to bite back on the irritation but it only made my body heat up further.  Holding back my ability like this was only making the situation worse and if I didn't find an empty space soon, all of these buildings were going to burn. 
Panic erupted inside my head at the sight of a cheery family with two little girls walking towards us.  They couldn't have been older than five but they were about to forever stay five if I didn't leave.  Adrenaline coursed through my heated veins as I shot down the street, leaving behind clueless Kunikida in a desperate search for a clear space. 
Stupid buildings popped up every street I turned and the stress was quickening my ability.  My fingers were twitching and my arms were beginning to burn.  I stripped off my jacket while running in an attempt to cool myself down but it did little to help. 
Sprinting down street after street, there seemed to be no way to escape.  Adding this sudden claustrophobia sent smoke curling out of my mouth and nostrils.  My eyes widened as the taste of sulfur coated my tongue.  It wasn't too long now until I would find myself unraveling.  If I hadn't let myself get annoyed in the first place, I wouldn't be here panicking with every step made in a pointless direction. 
Accidentally running into a stranger, they placed their hands on my shoulders to steady me before quickly yanking their touch away, a look of pain crossing their expression.  I didn't stick around to hear their offer to take me to a doctor for my boiling skin as I spotted a break in the buildings where a small road broke away. 
Discomfort was seizing my insides as my skin became unbearably itchy but my chance at escape was too far away for me to make it.  Tears pricked at my eyes at the lack of full control I had over my own ability.  It wasn't fair. 
"Look out!"  Water suddenly doused my body as steam curled off my skin with the contact.  Glancing over my shoulder, I spotted Kunikida with an empty water bottle tossed behind him as he retrieved another from his journal.  "Keep moving!" he shouted. 
I flashed him a grateful smile as he tossed another water bottle onto me as I sprinted down the rest of the street to find an empty lot with no bystanders.  It was just big enough to limit mass destruction to public property and perfect to let loose a firestorm. 
I had just enough time to check behind me to ensure Kunikida was a safe distance away before I allowed my ability to unravel.  Dante's Inferno.  A sharp stinging sensation flooded across my arms as bright flames exploded from my skin. 
It felt so good to let go and I couldn't help but admire the beauty of my fire as it swirled around me, creating waves of blistering heat.  The pain in my arms subsided quickly as the flames continued to rise.  It seemed like it was going to take a while before it died down and so I sat down on the pavement to watch from inside my swirling inferno. 
A relieved smile stretched across my face causing my flames to take on a shimmering glow.  If Kunikida hadn't noticed my absence to come find me, I would've been screwed.  But then again, if he had been giving me attention we wouldn't be here at all.  It all came down to me, I needed a tighter hold on my ability and therefore my emotions.  Perhaps being around Kunikida wasn't the best option for that.  It seems that he has caused most of these fire attacks in one way or another.  I just couldn't contain my emotions around him. 
As the fire began to die down, I started to regulate my body temperature to a cooler and more healthy one.  The air around me still felt warm but it was no longer deadly.  Hands grasped my shoulders causing me to flinch at the touch.  Someone leaned against my back as a head rested against mine.  Looking up, I came face to face with Kunikida's concerned stare. 
"What caused it this time?" he questioned with a serious frown.  Rolling my eyes in slight annoyance, I huffed out.  My arms crossed like a child as I stuck my tongue out at him hovering over me. 
"You kept ignoring me!  Your rudeness was the problem," I accused.  He raised a mocking eyebrow as his hand came up to rub at his chin as if he was deep in thought though there was nothing to think about. 
"This seems to happen every time you're around me, if I recall correctly.  Are you sure it's not your affection towards me that is invoking your flames," he mused with a smirk.  Not being able to stop the heat that spread across my face, smoke curled out of my mouth causing me to slap my hands over my face with wide eyes. 
He let out a chuckle, letting go of my shoulders to walk in front of me and help me up to my feet.  I averted my bashful gaze from his teasing expression as he brushed off bits of ash from off my charred shirt. 
"You're a jerk," I mumbled with a pout, recrossing my arms but still letting him clean me up a bit.  Another chuckle left his lips as gently grabbed my chin to force me to stare at him dead in the eyes.  More smoke curled from my mouth at his action. 
"Don't worry.  You fit all my requirements for a decent wife...or should I say husband?" he whispered with a mischievous tilt to his head.  A small flame ignited along my cheek with my flustered expression.  Kunikida smiled softly as he brought his finger to my face to extinguish the flame.  I wasn't even aware that Kunikida could have such an intensely passionate expression but god, I wasn't complaining.  This was going to make it hard to control my ability though.  Sacrifices must be made I guess.

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