Yosano x Reader

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Thanks @DeathOfAMoron for the request!

"Can you give these files to Ranpo for me?" I perked up at the sweet sound of Dr. Yosano's voice. The organizing of the medical supplies was instantly paused as I walked to her side where a light colored folder awaited its delivery.

"Of course! Anything else?" I asked politely as I took the file from her outstretched hand. She tilted her head to look at me with a considering stare. A small smile tugged at her lips before she ruffled my hair affectionately making my face heat up and my grip on the folder to clench.

"You're so sweet! I don't need anything else but thank you," she cheerily replied. Mumbling out a dazed response, I spun on my heel to exit the medical bay with a goofy smile plastered on my face. Nearly tripping on happiness, I searched for the detective I needed.

Being Dr. Yosano's assistant was the best, it meant being around her all day and being depended on by a goddess. After knowing her for so long, it was crazy that I still wasn't over how she made me feel. Every laugh from her sent butterflies through my chest and each ruffle of my hair would cause a flustered response. I probably looked like a dork around her but I couldn't help it.

Shaking off the remaining buzz in my head, I practically fell into the chair across from Ranpo. The detective I was also familiar with glanced up with his interest clearly piqued. He gave me a sly, and frankly terrifying, smile with his eyebrows raised.

"You're acting weird again. You still haven't told me why you get all dopey and smiley like this," he fake whined with a pleading stare. Frowning in stubbornness, I smacked him in the head with the file before letting it land on his desk.

"That's from Dr. Yosano and I'm still not telling you. You don't seem like the type to keep a secret," I stated with an upturned nose. Especially if he was Yosano's best friend, he would definitely tell her of my affection. I wasn't about to take that chance...at least not yet. Ranpo frowned in disappointment, his arms crossing in defiance but I wasn't going to break.

"Then I'm going to start guessing until I get the response I need from you," he smirked evilly. Smiling in return, I settled back into my chair to stare him dead in the eyes, accepting his challenge. There was no way he'd guess it right anyways. He might be a good detective but he was clueless with social cues.

"I dare you to try," I taunted. Ranpo narrowed his eyes in concentration as he rattled off ridiculous guesses including always being hungry to a theory about allergies to the thought of being stung by a bee. All of his theories were illogical and almost comedic but there was no way he would guess correctly. Of course that was before he took a long pause with his finger scratching the side of his head in thought.

"Are you in love?" Nearly choking on air, I very obviously gave myself away as I heard Ranpo let out a loud gasp. Heat crept up my neck as I caught my breath to glare at him. "I was right! You are in love."

"How the hell do you even know what that is?" I groaned in defeat. It apparently turned out that Ranpo did know more about social cues than I had previously thought. It was a good thing that the office was otherwise empty because I was about ready to strangle Ranpo for his feigned cluelessness.

"Atsushi explained the concept to me but that's besides the point," he taunted with a victorious grin. I'll kill him later. "Now who is it? I'm going to say someone who works for the ADA considering your responses usually occur here...".

Gulping in nervousness, I crossed my fingers in hopes that he wouldn't figure it out too quickly. At least give me time to confess myself without him doing it for me and making me look like a flustered wimp.

"It's Yosano, isn't it?" What the actual hell? My hands came up to hide my face as I let out a groan, my body sliding down in the chair at the idea of my doom. I should've expected the world's best detective to figure it out. "I'm pretty sure she already knows, it's probably why she talks about you a lot."

Peeking through my fingers in astonishment, I perked up at what he was implying. The question was whether it was the truth or not. Ranpo's casual shrug didn't seem to hold any alternative motives but it was hard to tell at times.

"Are you being serious?" I whispered anxiously. If that was true then confessing to her felt more doable. The main reason I hadn't mentioned anything to her before was my fear of her affection belonging to someone else.

Ranpo clasped his hands in front of him, his elbows digging into the table as he leaned forward to stare me in the eyes. There was only seriousness on his face now, his earlier teasing expression completely gone.

"You should tell her already. Don't wait because by then it will be too late," he stated ominously. Shivers ran down my spine at the finality of his warning. He had a point and this felt like a threat that if I didn't do anything he would take matters into his own hands and god forbid he do that.

"You're right. It's about time I man up," I admitted though the butterflies nervously fluttering in my chest told me otherwise. Standing from my chair, I took a deep breath before turning to make my way back to the medical bay where Yosano awaited.


"There you are! I was beginning to wonder if you left for the day," Yosano called over her shoulder as she disinfected her medical tools. Gulping down my anxiety, I couldn't find a response. She spun around to stare at me in confusion, her expression turning to one of concern when she saw my face. "Are you alright? You look sick."

"I'm fine," I whispered before clearing my throat. This was already going horribly, there was no hope for me at this point. Ranpo might as well call me out and leave her to think I was a wimp. If the shoe fits, wear it, I suppose.

Yosano seemed to notice my disappointment as she set down her tools to walk closer to me. My face already began to heat when she rested her hand against my forehead. Her breath fanned across my features with how close we were. This definitely wasn't helping my flustered state.

"You're really warm. Are you sure you're not sick?" she muttered with a small frown. Her concern for me only made my heart race with each moment that passed with her hand pressing against my skin.

Deciding to finally take a chance, my arm came up as my fingers rested over hers. Gently pulling her hand down my forehead to the side of my face, I averted my gaze from her widening eyes.

"In a way, I guess I am sick but it's not the usual illness," I whispered, her head tilting in curiosity as she processed what I was saying. She didn't pull her hand away from my face, only waiting patiently for me to continue. Breathing in deeply, I forced my stare to focus on her gorgeous magenta eyes.

"I wanted to be the first one to tell you this but I have very strong feelings for you. In fact, I think I love you," I stated with a sudden burst of confidence. Silence stretched between us as her eyes widened in surprise. My mood began to fall as she only stared at me without any emotion. It wasn't until a wide smile pulled at her lips and a light blush dusted her cheeks did I realize what I had desperately hoped to be true.

"My goodness, what took you so long? I've been waiting for you to say something for forever now!" she cheerily replied before she threw her arms around my neck in happiness. I was stuck in a daze but my hands had already found her waist where they rested gently. I did it. My own smile beamed across my face as I pushed my face against her hair in victory. It had only taken years but was absolutely worth it to have her wrapped up in my arms.

Yosano tenderly reached for my face before she leaned in to place a kiss against my lips. Shocked yet in ecstasy, I didn't have a single coherent thought until she had pulled away to stare at me somewhat bashfully. A smirk found its way to her face as heat erupted across my features, my stare blank as the feeling of her lips left my mouth all tingly.

"You're amazing," I mumbled in a swooning daze. She chuckled as she pulled me in for another kiss that I thankfully was aware enough to actually react to in the moment. Pushing against her gently, we found a rhythm that had both of us melting in the other's arms.

"Best assistant ever," she whispered against my lips, my face heating up even more as a small smirk tugged at my lips. I also intended on being the best boyfriend ever as she was going to find out with each passing day we now get to have together.

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