Poe x Reader

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Thanks @space_boy_Mats for the request!

My steps echoed down the hallway, ricocheting off the walls like a bullet.  An assortment of papers clutched tightly in my hand and an anticipating smile on my face prepared me for another pleasant encounter.  If I were lucky, maybe he'd give me more than a few words this time.  If not, I'd find a way to get his attention. 
The familiar door now stood in front of me, massive and elegant.  My hand came up to knock sharply against the wood with another echo down the hall.  It sounded like a hollow heartbeat.  Waiting a few seconds to give him a chance to approach, I knew he wouldn't appear so I let myself in yet again. 
The room was otherwise dark with a single window letting in a dramatic swipe of light that illuminated the dust swirling in the air.  A subtle scent of pine and old pages filled my nose as I inhaled deeply.  Something about this room always felt suffocating.  I couldn't understand how he could work like this. 
My eyes found the hunched form in the center of the room behind a massive desk.  His hair was tousled and his clothes just as ragged looking despite their elegance.  He didn't so much as glance up, his focus seemingly always on whatever book or poem he was writing currently.  I wished I could be the center of his world like his inanimate books were. 
"Hello there," I cheerily called out.  Brushing by his desk, I peered at his latest project.  A fountain pen in hand, Poe inscripted words across an aged page.  His penmanship was loopy and regal, something I'd recognize even if it was a needle in a haystack.  He didn't so much as blink at my greeting. 
Sighing, I leaned over his shoulder to read a few lines in silence.  Chills traveled down my spine at his beautifully dark word choices, his stories always woefully tragic and yet so alluring.  I should know considering I've read all of his work, sometimes right off his desk. 
"Little raven," I whispered into his ear.  He shivered suddenly as a smirk worked its way across my face.  So he did know I was here.  My hand carefully wrapped around his to take his pen from his grip, making sure not to spill any ink onto the parchment.  He willingly released the object with no struggle as his shoulders tensed. 
"Why do you always insist on interrupting a masterpiece?" he quietly mused aloud.  A soft chatter from nearby caught my attention before I responded.  Glancing down, I spotted Karl sprawled across Poe's lap with his small eyes trained on me.  I pocketed the pen before leaning past Poe's shoulders to slide my hand down to pet the raccoon. 
"Because I enjoy your company when you're not in a blind trance," I smiled, noticing the way Poe trembled slightly as my chest pressed against his shoulder.  It made me filled with a sick pride that he was hyper focused on where we touched.  I pulled my hand away from the raccoon before sliding the bundle of papers in my other hand onto the desk.  "Also because these are for you." 
Poe's head tilted at the letters as he tenderly flipped through each sheet, reading the formal writing on each one.  I hadn't exactly been sure what they were when I found them in one of the Port Mafia offices but on my way here, I had concurred that they were a list of all our exports.  I figured it was a little something to give the Guild member that wouldn't get me in too much trouble should someone find out I was giving information to a rival in order to have an excuse to see Poe. 
"I appreciate the sentiment of your betrayal," he softly praised.  More pride surged through my chest at his grateful tone.  I'd do just about anything, steal anything, sell my soul, to satisfy whatever Poe needed.  I brought my face near his ear again, my lips close to the soft skin.  I felt Poe tense up again. 
"Prove it," I softly blew into his ear.  His breath shuddered and as I pulled away with a deep chuckle, I could see the edges of his face burning bright.  If only I could brush the locks of his hair away from his face, I'd love to stare into his eyes and lose myself. 
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean by that," he mumbled bashfully, his hands moving to fidget in his lap.  Karl took the hint of his anxiousness, pouncing onto the desk to watch our interaction with a glint in his eyes.  I pulled his chair back, the legs of it scraping against the floor loudly to stand directly in front of him.  My hands found his shoulders as I eased him to sit back. 
"I think you know exactly what I mean," I whispered low with a wink.  He shrunk back as his hands went to cover his already hidden face.  I chuckled yet again, moving his hands as I leaned in.  "You're too cute.  Y'know that little raven?" I smiled warmly. 
Leaning in slowly, I gave Poe a chance to push me away.  If he did, I'd make sure to leave him alone and respect his choice even if it broke my heart.  I didn't have to worry though as he suddenly jolted forward, his hands pulling my face to his as our lips collided for a moment. 
My heart stuttered as he pulled away slowly as if savoring my breath on his mouth.  It didn't stop there though as I pulled him back again, the kiss deepening with each time he pushed further against me.  My arms wrapped around his waist as I briskly hauled him up to me and out of his chair, turning us around as I leaned him against his desk.  Karl let out a surprised hiss as Poe laughed softly, his hands pulling me closer again to kiss me harder. 
Melting, I felt my body heat up drastically.  Who knew that the quiet and seemingly timid poet would be suffocating me now, cutting off my oxygen and becoming everything I needed to live or die?

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