Ranpo x Reader

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Thanks for the request @Aiden_thedummy_

Sun filtered into the office, blinding me and distracting me from my tedious paperwork.  My hand came up to shield from the brightness but that left only one hand left for my stack of hell.  With a huff, I rose from my chair to close the blinds of the window to provide me peace to finish my task despite my strong dislike towards it. 

Sitting back down, my body shifted back to its previous position, hunched over my laptop and scattered papers.  I couldn't even lie to try to hype myself up with how boring this part of my job was.  Someone had to keep track organizing the insane assortment of files the ADA depended on and who other would it be than me?  Could you imagine if Dazai or Atsushi was in charge of this madness?  It would be pure chaos, that's what.  As a senior detective here at the ADA, it was my responsibility as a superior to do the boring junk...hell yeah. 

I tried to work quickly and efficiently with my movements practically on autopilot but there was too much to complete for one day.  I sighed in defeat as I planned for a long night of overtime.  It sucked but was unavoidable at this point. 

The sun was already setting, bringing way to the long night ahead of me.  My coworkers flashed me pitiful smiles and reassuring shoulder pats on their way out of the office to head to their homes, my home far off from my future.  I tried not to take my irritation out on them, instead giving a grim smile before burying myself in my work.  Everyone filed out and into the night, silence spreading in the now empty space and filling me with dread.  This was going to be awful. 

Assuming the office was empty, it wasn't till a head rested on my shoulder that alerted me to my unexpected company.  The smell of sugar and sweets filled my nose as I tried to refocus on the paperwork with little luck.  The person pushed forward, their chest pressing into my shoulders and a hand gripping the back of my chair. 

"I thought you went home already.  What do you want?" I mumbled, not looking up from organizing the files in my lap.  There was an annoyed scoff from by my side that only strengthened the scent of sugar.  I couldn't divert too much attention to the guy hovering over me though despite his alluring presence. 

"I'm waiting on you obviously!  Someone needs to take me home.  Now hurry up this boring stuff so we can go," Ranpo declared in his usual haughty tone which I did not appreciate at the moment.  I couldn't go home even though I really wanted to, this felt too important to ignore.  If these files didn't get organized now then there was a chance of them being scattered or lost causing complete chaos and terrible repercussions that meant more work later on.  Not even Ranpo could drag me away from this. 

"Sorry but I can't.  You'll either have to wait or find someone else to take you," I stated without thinking much about it.  It was hard to divert my focus in two places and this hovering was beginning to distract me more than ever. 

The pressure on my shoulders lifted as the sweet scent receded in the absence of Ranpo, almost like he read my thoughts which wouldn't be too shocking.  My attention jumped straight back to my paperwork without hesitation in his leave.  There was some shuffling before the slam of a door pulled my focus away for a split second.  Did he seriously leave? 

Trying to recall what I had said and failing, I began to slightly worry about what had just happened.  Ranpo was a wild card for sure, many of his choices were questionable and it led me to wonder what he was doing now.  Checking the time, it wasn't that late into the night and so I figured he should be safe wherever he was going. 

Even as I continued my work for another hour or so I couldn't help but think about where he had gone and if he was alright.  The stack of files was still huge and so I pulled out my phone to make a quick call to his cell.  Holding the phone to my ear by my shoulder, I continued organizing as the call sent me to voicemail.  Concern flourished into panic as I stood abruptly from my chair.  That couldn't mean anything good, my brain now racing a million miles an hour. 

Pocketing my phone, I rushed out of the office into the general room where I came to a stop.  My concern dissipated into a small smile as I stared affectionately at the sleeping figure on the couch.  He hadn't left after all. 

Sighing, I walked closer to the snoozing Ranpo before sitting by his feet.  He stirred slightly but continued his deep breathing, his face an expression of calm.  My hand came up to brush a strand of hair away from his face causing his eyes to flutter open to gaze at me. 

"You suck as a boyfriend.  Can we go home now?" he whispered pleadingly.  He not only had a point but his green eyes were full of exhausted hope, how could I say no?  It would mean hell for tomorrow as well as my current detective cases being delayed but I wasn't about to let Ranpo down. 

"On one condition," I bargained with a smirk.  He raised an eyebrow in curiosity, eyes squinting in suspicion.  I leaned in closer, his face pinking the slightest bit in response.  "You have to solve all of my cases until I finish my paperwork." 

"Ugh, fine," he groaned with an eye roll.  His hands came up in a childlike manner, a small pout on his lips.  My arms wrapped under his back to pull him up to me with a victorious smile.  "Now take me home already."


I had practically dragged Ranpo out of the office and down to the street into a taxi, the ride to his home quiet and peaceful with his head resting on my shoulder.  He fell asleep on the way and so I half carried him up the steps and into his apartment without him ever awaking.  It wasn't until I gently laid him on his bed that he stirred with a small yawn that sent flutters through my chest.  I smiled fondly down at him before leaning in close. 

"You're home sleepyhead, go back to sleep.  Remember I'll be next door if you need anything," I whispered low, pulling a blanket over his body.  I hadn't expected any response from him but when I turned to leave, I was stopped by a firm grip on my wrist.  I glanced back at Ranpo to find him sitting up and staring at me with those entrancing bright green eyes of his. 

"I want cuddles," he demanded in a quiet voice.  A sharp tug and some shuffling moments later with no room for discussion, I found myself completely caged in by my boyfriend's hold.  His face rested against my chest as his legs tangled with mine.  When his arms draped around my shoulders, my mind reeled in a daze. 

It didn't take long for me to warm to the embrace, my own hands finding his dark locks.  Discarding his hat to the side with no remorse, my fingers ran through his hair gently.  The small hum that he made resonated against my chest in a satisfying vibration. 

I was already aware that Ranpo was more affectionate when he was tired but this was the most clingy he's been with me so far.  In the past our cuddles never felt this intimate and we surely didn't tangle ourselves this intricately but I wasn't complaining of course. 

"You're too cute sometimes, Ranpo.  You know that?" I chuckled softly, my hands moving to cup his face.  He hummed in response, his eyes barely open as he leaned up to my lips.  Happily responding to the kiss, I pushed back gently while pulling him closer to my body. 

It was no secret that Ranpo loved praise which worked perfectly when I had plenty to give him.  He was perfect even with his imperfections, the ideal half of me I needed.  Also the only person capable of pulling me away from work. 

"I love you," I whispered between kisses.  I felt him tremble against me, a sigh escaping his lips to brush against mine.  Squeezing my shoulders tighter, he pressed into me harder. 

"I love you too," he breathed back.  The kissing eventually died down as we tired out.  Laying there with Ranpo cuddling into my arms felt like paradise.  My eyes began to droop as the soft snoring of my boyfriend filled my ears, dragging me away to sleep without a care in the world.

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