Fyodor x Reader

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Soft clanking could be heard through the walls, echoing from down the hallway. The shadows stretched and shrunk like they were their own souls grasping desperately at nothing while the icy breeze felt like their cries for help, luring me deeper and deeper down the expanse of the hall while my eyes tried to adjust to the lack of light, recognizing that if I took out my flashlight to give away my presence, I could easily die down here with no one to hear me scream.

I followed the quiet metallic clicking, my head turning and tilting to try and navigate the maze of such a large underground network of tunnels, trying to recall what turn led to where. At some point I wasn't even sure if I was hearing the clinking or the pulse of my heartbeat rattling in my ears from the fear I felt.

Turning back now would only mean devastation though, especially knowing that someone unauthorized was down here and up to nothing good. It almost felt worse to know I wasn't alone down here, that at any moment I could bump into anyone who emerges from the shadows. Because of that, I took each step slow to ensure that I made the least amount of noise possible due to this fear that was making my hands tremble against my sides.

But then I saw it in the midst of the adrenaline and the darkness. A flash of light from a doorway off to the side a couple steps away, my heart stuttering for a moment at the sight. There was now no doubt in my mind that someone was here.

My thoughts tried to race to think of what tunnel that led to but my inklings and guesses were scrambled with adrenaline, and nothing could come to mind behind the instinct telling me to run.

And so, with a deep breath, my hand moved to unlatch the gun from my hip while I stepped closer, my arms shaking while I raised the weapon up. Everything seemed to press in closer; the walls, the shadows, everything felt too suffocating while I took each step by step towards the metallic clicking coming from the entryway.

Should I yell out for the person to freeze? Should I claim I have a weapon and will use force? Should I turn and run, risking my job and quite possibly my life? I stuck to silent steps instead, waiting just around the corner to breathe and center myself, letting that cold mask of morality, knowing that I had to do this wash over me before moving forward and aiming high at the wall of darkness while my eyes quickly adjusted to the lighting to find a tall figure.

"You have to be kidding me..." a very familiar voice sighed out at the sight of me standing in the entryway with my gun pointed straight at his chest. There stood Fyodor Dostoevsky: terrorist, genius, untouchable to everyone...except me.

"Fyo, what the hell are you doing down here? I was terrified. I thought I was going to either kill someone or die," I glared at him, letting my arm fall back to my side as I tilted my head up and breathed in gulps of air to settle the anxiety that had nearly suffocated me, slipping the gun back in the holster at my hip before my eyes took in the project he had been interrupted from. "Is that a bomb...?" I whispered in the darkness, recognizing the wires and centerpiece wrapped around an electrical unit.

Fyodor looked unamused, his eyes narrowed and a frown twitching on his lips. He turned away from me without a word, kneeling back down to pull at the wiring and untangle the bomb from its deadly perch.

"What are you doing? You said you were staying in the hotel all day? You lied to me," I accused very quickly, my voice tinged with hurt and a bit of betrayal. The adrenaline from before was still pumping through my veins and making me very uncomfortable as it is without the disappointment of his shady behavior.

"You're a stupid boy, coming down here by yourself with no backup. I could've killed you," he mumbled with a huff, very clearly pissed off at having to scrap his plan for whatever he was doing. His fingers worked quickly to dismantle the bomb he had been putting up, a cloudy aura surrounding him as I stood there and merely watched him with equal unease at the situation.

"We're supposed to be partners in crime and you're setting up bombs without even telling me? What if I was only a tunnel over and that went off? Fyodor, talk to me." I could hear the shakiness in my demand, and I hated it but there was nothing to stop it while I needed answers from him. The last thing I wanted was to be lied to or ignored when it felt like everything was riding on this tension between us, a string being pulled so tight, I felt I couldn't breathe once again.

His movements paused, the now useless bomb dropping on the ground with a clatter as he stood up and finally let his dark eyes meet mine. He was still guarded; I could see it in his closed off expression. Of course, I was used to it, but it made me feel a chill of fear that he could kill me after all this time and a small part of me wasn't sure if he would care after all this time we've spent together.

"I apologize. I didn't want you to know about this for your own safety. I didn't mean to scare you," he whispered lowly. There was sincerity, I could hear it in his tone even while his eyes remained dark and calculating. But it didn't patch the unease I had about the whole situation, and I knew he could feel it rippling between us like a white flag in the wind after a tragedy.

There was a soft sigh from him as he stepped closer to me, pulling me in by the small of my back so our chests pressed together, and I had no choice but for my head to rest against his shoulder.

"I found your work schedule and went off of that to ensure that you weren't in the tunnels and had the above ground position for tonight. I didn't realize you'd be down here, and I searched the area to make sure you weren't here. It scares me more than anything to know you were so close to death brought on by me," he whispered against the top of my head, his fingers sliding up along my body to rest against my neck and under my jaw. "I never wish to bring you any harm, ever."

The remaining adrenaline in my body began to calm as I leaned against him with my arms moving to wrap up and around his shoulders, something he rarely let me do because it made him feel stuck and yet he didn't flinch this time, merely adjusting his hands down to my waist again and holding me close as if that was his way of promising to communicate better in the future.

"I was only down here because I swapped shifts with someone else. I still wish you would've told me you'd be down here and trying to blow something up though..." I spoke softly against his shoulder, letting him feel the guilt of scaring me in more ways than one.

His fingers tensed and released against my hips, the only thing that gave away that he had heard me while he remained silent, most likely contemplating his actions and how to fix this moving on. I didn't mind him not responding though, at least for now.

I was exhausted from the ups and downs of only about half an hour of time and the emotions running high from the earlier adrenaline. I was content to stand here in his arms though, the bomb dismantled on the floor in the darkness while I felt one of the most dangerous people in the world's heartbeat against my chest, hoping that it truly belonged to me after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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