Jouno x Reader x Tetchou

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Thanks @-N1K0LAI for the request!

Alright, I love attention. Don't get me wrong when I say that I am a sucker for praise and consideration. If someone even smiles at me, I will swoon and melt immediately. If you give me a compliment, my face will catch on fire. I was sensitive to any sort of positive interactions but by god, if Jouno and Tetchou keep this up, I'm going to go insane.

"Y/n! Did you see me? I saved you from that assassin," Jouno called out with a grin, his shoulder pushing against me. I looked over at him to find bloodstains on his clothes that were now messing my own uniform up. I bit my tongue to keep any rude comments away. It was nice of him to defend me like that but I could've handled myself. I wasn't even sure why he did that. He didn't seem to care before when I handled my own business.

"That wasn't very impressive and you're getting y/n's clothes dirty now. I'll clean them for you when we get home y/n," Tetchou piped up, coming around on my other side to wrap his arms around my waist. I felt instantly suffocated as Jouno stuck his tongue out at our dark haired coworker before he too latched onto me, his hands grabbing my shoulders possessively. The worst part of this was that it's been going on for days now. I was no longer allowed to do anything for myself with both Tetchou and Jouno controlling everything.

At first I had found it cute and endearing that they had a bit of friendly competition between them. When their attention shifted to me though and became a contest for who could treat me better, I had been cursed. They would show off more and be louder around me. They would do favors that really didn't need to be done by either of them and before I knew it, I had lost my free will. If I wanted to fight, one of them would beat me to the strike and claim they saved me. If I was hungry, there would be food in front of me quickly regardless that I had wanted to cook something for myself. Anything I wanted to do was already done by them both and it was getting annoying.

"Thanks Tetchou but I can clean my own clothes," I mumbled uncomfortably, wriggling in their hold. I felt Tetchou's disappointment immediately paired with Jouno's overwhelming emotion of victory tinging the air. Sighing, I managed to free my hands to pry them both off of me. When I turned my gaze to each of them, I wasn't happy with what I saw. Tetchou pouted at the ground like a reprimanded child while Jouno beamed carelessly. This little competition of theirs had gone too far.

"I think it's clear who y/n loves more. Better luck next time Tetchou but you never stood a chance," Jouno smirked, sticking his tongue out again at Tetchou who seemed to shrink back before he turned his eyes to me desperately. My hand slapped onto my face in exasperation. They were acting like fools and their pettiness was really getting on my nerves. I could barely handle their overwhelming care for me but when they hurt each other, that's where I drew the line.

"Knock it off Jouno. Don't say stupid shit like that. In fact, I'm pissed with both of you," I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest. They both shrank back now, their heads tilting towards the ground. Good, they should show some sort of shame for their behavior. Oh god, I sound like my mother. Now I knew that I was done with this as I groaned in annoyance. Furiously wiping at my bloodstained clothes, I tried to keep my cool.

"Whatever Jouno did, I can fix it for you," Tetchou perked up slightly, his eyes wide in what looked like desperation. I frowned back with a glare that immediately shut him up. Pulling at my hair, I collected my thoughts for what I was supposed to do with them. I still loved them of course but I needed them to cool down with the competition and showing off. I just wanted peace, not all of this unnecessary aggression.

"I just want you guys to chill out. You two have made it to where I can't do anything for myself. I appreciate and love you both but sometimes I do need a little space. And I'm done with the petty back and forth insults and showing off between you two. You don't need to try so hard with me, I thought you guys knew this already," I frowned, looking away from them with another sigh. I could feel their attention on me intensely, making me wonder if I was doing the wrong thing. It wasn't everyday that someone was lucky enough to be around such wonderful people and I might end up chasing them away.

Before I could doubt my word choice, I felt two pairs of arms gently pull me into a hug. They both held me carefully, allowing me air to breathe this time. I felt my body untense in this kind of embrace. There was care and affection with no aggression or underlying motives guiding their movements now.

"We love you too y/n. Sorry," Tetchou apologized softly, Jouno murmuring quietly as well. I leaned back before pressing affectionate kisses on both of their temples. My arms wrapped around their shoulders as they pressed in more. I even noticed the way their hands gently brushed against each other. Hopefully this meant I had some freedom now and that they could work through their competitive urges because I wanted more moments like this.

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