Akutagawa x Reader

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Here you go bestie @itosan990
‼️kinda angst??‼️

"Don't look at me like that...". Akutagawa's head was down as he rifled through his dresser for something that wasn't drenched in blood like the outfit he had on now. My eyes were tentative even looking him over, not sure which spills were from his victim and which were from his own throbbing wounds exposed under the torn cloth.

"Looking at you like what?" I whisper softly as I come up beside him to gently push him aside so I could look through his clothes for him without him bloodying up anything else. I absentmindedly grabbed the comfiest shirt I could find and some boxers for him, turning to face him only to find him on the other side of the room with his arms crossed across his chest and a glare on his features, though his eyes didn't lift to me but settled on the nightstand of his bed.

"Like I'm something fragile that'll break if you're not around to fix me..." he whispered bitterly. The tone threw me off despite his usual sourness. This one felt more serious, like I had actively done something wrong to spite him somehow. He didn't look amused or joking but instead almost angry and clearly vulnerable. I didn't exactly understand why he didn't want my care though, especially considering I was his boyfriend who was known to cherish him so utterly.

I sighed, knowing that this was about to become an argument for no reason no matter what I did or said. I refused to be completely silent and just let him stew in his feelings for too long though as I placed his clean clothes on his bed and gathered some medical supplies before sitting down on the mattress, an open gesture for him to sit down beside me. He didn't take the invitation.

"Listen, Aku, I'm not trying to treat you like you're breakable or fragile or anything like that. I just want to care for you in the way that you're clearly not caring for yourself. It's nothing to get all angry over," I sigh while gently grabbing his wrist and trying to guide him closer to me for me to clean his wounds. "Can you save this for after you're bandaged up?"

That seemed to rub him the wrong way as he yanked his hand back with an annoyed rumble in the back of his throat. "This isn't some game. I'm being serious y/n. Stop treating me like a child. It's suffocating and I don't need it!" The way the words hissed past his lips made my eyes narrow. He really was getting into this argument heated. I didn't like the direction he was starting to take it but my own emotions were welling up as I stood up to glare at him as well.

"Maybe if you weren't so helpless, I wouldn't need to baby you so much! If you were careful and actually took care of yourself, I wouldn't feel like I have to step up to save your ass," I shot back just as bitterly, my chest growing tight with the brewing anger in the air. I could feel my hands shaking as I clenched my fists. "I just want to take care of you Aku and love you. Just let me do this."

There was a moment of silence as he seemed to swallow his anger, his expression darkening while he bit his tongue to stop whatever he was about to say. I wanted to push it though. I wanted to make him talk to me and open up.

"Whatever it is, just spit it out Akutagawa," I hissed through clenched teeth, not realizing just how bad he was capable of hurting me.

"I don't want you to care for me, I don't want your love and I don't want you..." he whispered lowly, his voice quiet but his words trained to kill. It took a moment for it to seep into my head as I stood there dumbfounded, my eyes widening from their glare into a pained betrayal. I was about to say he didn't mean that but by the way he stared into my eyes so sincerely, the only time he has bothered to look at me till now, I could feel that to some extent, he wasn't lying.

"Just get out...y/n, please just go..." Akutagawa choked out, his teeth clenched tight while he took a deep breath to cool himself off. I didn't say a word as I set the medicine back on the bed, my gaze not able to even look his way as the emotional pain made my stomach feel sick. I was almost suffocating in this horrible grief of what I felt I was suddenly losing. I couldn't tell if this was his way of breaking up with me, though it sure felt like it. He didn't want me. He didn't want my love. He didn't want any of it. So he wasn't going to have any of it.

"Y/n, wait. I'm sorry, that was harsh..." Akutagawa barely whispered out with a sigh. I wasn't having it though. He had already said it, he clearly meant some extent of it. I wasn't about to hang back to let his guilt keep us together. I'd rather deal with the pain then let him do that.

"I mean...you never did seem to like having me around anyways...guess I know why..." I mumbled before turning away to grab the door handle to his bedroom. I was debating sending a glance over my shoulder before I went but knew it would only end in my own further heartache. I managed a shaky sigh, trying to ignore the crying I suddenly heard behind me that was wrenching my gut. With a push of the door, I left him to his sobbing and his wounds, wanting nothing more than to hold him close and kiss his scars.

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