Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @Itz_JuliaMoonlight for the request!

"I don't think this is working." My head swiveled to look at my girlfriend in surprise. She didn't even look at me as she frowned with a neutral expression. For a moment I wasn't even sure I heard her correctly until she glanced at me with a serious depth in her eyes that made me shiver unpleasantly. I didn't like what she was implying with her words and attitude.

"What do you mean by that? This has been working for months now," I questioned with a confused rise of my eyebrow. At least I was sure that everything has been rolling smoothly between us. I've certainly never had complaints and she never mentioned any problems so where was this coming from now so out of the blue? I couldn't think of a single incident that would've even led to this point.

"I'm saying that I want to break up. Don't call me or text me anymore. I'm leaving with my stuff tonight and not coming back," she stated nonchalantly as if she wasn't breaking my heart. My chest clenched in sudden fear and anxiety of this random breakup. I didn't know what I did or why she didn't want me anymore and it only hurt me more as pain bloomed through my body.

"What did I do? What happened between us? We can talk this out," I whispered urgently, moving forward to make a grab for her arm. She twisted away from me with finality as she started to make her way towards the door with her small bag full of the stuff she sometimes left here in my apartment. I knew deep down that even as I tried to make her stay, once she walked out that door she wasn't coming back again.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I started to overcome my shock. I was so sure that she was the one for me. We laughed and cried together, cuddled and kissed. Not once was there even a fight that made me worry over the stability of our relationship. I just wanted to know what I had to fix or how I managed to mess up a perfectly fine relationship.

"Don't bother finding me. I don't want to see you again," she declared, her back turned to me as she threw open my door and stepped out of my life. I was left behind in my shock and disbelief with tears running down my face. There wasn't anything I could do but watch her go as every one of my insecurities heightened to dangerous levels. Without a single reason given to me on how I failed, I figured it was all of me that was the problem.


"She just left? Without even an explanation for her choice?" Kunikida gawked at me in disbelief. I pressed the palms of my hands to my eyes where dark circles now rested just below them from my lack of sleep. It's been a week since my girlfriend picked up and left without any warning and it was no secret to anyone that I was suffering with my sleep schedule as shown by my eye bags and constant yawning. Not to mention the few times when my eyes were still puffy from crying.

"Yup. Now I can't eat or sleep properly without thinking about her and depressing myself all over again. I'm so damn tired Kunikida," I groaned in agitation, leaning my head on my desk in defeat. I felt the blonde move a bit closer to me, his shoulder bumping mine. He was always the first one I went to for anything, including all of my personal issues. There was something about him that always comforted me in one way or another.

I felt his hand gently press against my back in between my shoulder blades. The contact made me warm up instantly from the inside out. Humming softly to myself, I was convinced that I'd be able to sleep with my head on the desk and Kunikida's hand on my back if I was given the chance. Sadly with work in the way, I forced myself to sit back up groggily, sending a thankful smile in Kunikida's direction.

"She doesn't know what she's missing out on. You're a great guy y/n and if she can't see that then she doesn't deserve you," Kunikida reasoned with clarity. It didn't feel like she was regretting her decision though. She was probably out in the world living her best life while I was stuck here wondering what I must've done wrong to end up like this. It was a type of torture I've never been subjected to before and wasn't quite enjoyable.

"Thanks Kunikida but it still hurts. I actually thought that she might've been the one for me. I didn't realize that she wasn't happy with me," I frowned bitterly, tilting my head back to face the ceiling as my eyes closed to keep my tears from running. My problem might've not even lied with the fact that she left me but that she didn't give me a reason. I wasn't given a chance for any kind of closure that would've aided me through the worst of this pain.

"Why would you need a girlfriend when you can have a boyfriend like me?" Kunikida mumbled beside me. My eyes snapped open in shock, quite sure that my ears were deceiving me because there was no way that my amazing blonde coworker and friend had just muttered something like that. When I looked at the soft blush and purposeful shimmer in his eyes though, I knew he wasn't just joking around with me. It made a strange affection and hope bubble through my sadness.

"Are you being serious? Would you actually want that?" I asked a bit eagerly, practically leaning towards him at this point as he warmly smiled at me, the sight making my broken heart melt. I started to wonder if I would want that as well. He was an honorable and kind person that I had definitely felt an attraction to before I started going out with my now ex girlfriend. Perhaps he could be the one to take away my pain as well.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it y/n. I figure you might need some time to work through the effects of your last relationship but when you're ready, I'm always here," Kunikida softly offered with his blush darkening even further. I darted forward, throwing my arms around him affectionately as I rested my weary head on his shoulder with a relieved sigh. It felt like I had a goal at the end of my heartbreak pain where happiness eventually would be found.

"Give me a week to work through this and then I'd love that Kunikida," I whispered cheerfully, squeezing him in my hold. He chuckled gently, his own face pushing against my neck lovingly. These next few mourning days had to go by quickly or I'd possibly lose it. With my prize waiting at the end, I was ready to put my old girlfriend quickly in the painful past so I could move on to my fulfilling future with Kunikida.

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