Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @Itz_JuliaMoonlight for the request!
‼️ mentions of su!c!de ‼️

Everything had been normal in the office. It was quiet except for some chatter here and there but overall it was a relatively relaxing atmosphere. Nothing was amiss as the ADA members worked silently on their respective tasks.

Even with everything running smoothly as usual, Kunikida couldn't help the unease swirling in his chest as he checked his phone for the fifth time in the last minute. He had expected a response from him already only to receive nothing. It could've been that his lover hadn't seen his messages yet but there was still a sprinkle of doubt that made him tense.

It wasn't until he heard muffled shouts approaching the office that he began to worry. The door slammed open, making Kunikida flinch. His gaze shifted to find a terrified looking Atsushi holding a large dog in his arms. Eyes widening in horrifying recognition, he took in the state of the canine as Atsushi staggered towards the blonde.

Kunikida was quick to stand as his mind was in a state of shock and disbelief. Hands trembling, he reached towards the whining dog whose fur was matted with blood. Deep gashes were made to the canine and as Kunikida wrapped his arms around the animal, blood seeped into his clothes instantly.

"I'm so sorry. I found him and didn't know what to do so I ran him here. I'm so sorry," Atsushi panted through small tears. With the dog out of his arms, he stood around nervously. The dog let out another pitiful whine as Kunikida carried the canine to a couch where he sat, the animal in his lap. The horrible keening of the dying dog filled the earlier silence as Kunikida's expression held nothing but disbelieving seriousness.

"Get...get Yosano," he choked out, hand gently resting on the dog's heaving side. The canine lay across his lap shakily as Atsushi eagerly left to find the doctor. Kunikida was left with the dying animal as tears finally fell down his face. Violent shudders moved through the animal's body as the blonde flinched in unison.

"You need to shift back. Please just do this and then we can get you healed up," he whispered pleadingly. The dog whined in response, one paw trembling as a dim light swirled around the bloody animal. Kunikida held his breath as the light flickered and the body spasmed.

The process was painfully slow but by the time the canine had shifted into a young man, Yosano was there to heal him. Y/n laid across his lover's lap, clothes torn and blood oozing from the deep gashes in his skin with tears staining his face. He was breathing heavily, lungs rattling with each inhale. His stare was unfocused with glazed over eyes that made Kunikida clench his teeth. From one moment to the next, the boy had passed out in the blonde's arms.


It didn't take long for the shape shifter to be healed by Yosano but he hadn't woken up. Kunikida had spent the hours pacing nervously, checking his lover's pulse and listening against his chest for a heartbeat. The boy was alive but just barely.

Now, as he sat on the edge of y/n's bed to watch him sleep, he began to wonder what had happened. Atsushi hadn't been able to give any information, only saying that he found him in a back alleyway. There was a small theory floating around in Kunikida's head but he refused to believe it.

His gaze suddenly snapped at the slightest movement coming from the boy by his side. He watched with his breath held as y/n opened his eyes slowly, unfocused and dazed. Relief washed through Kunikida as he flung his arms around his lover. Y/n jolted at the movement, taking a moment before he locked his arms around Kunikida's shoulders desperately. He buried his face against the blonde's neck as his tears fell. His breathing was still erratic as he was cradled softly, careful kisses placed on his forehead.

"What happened?" Kunikida asked, pulling away to look his boyfriend in the eyes seriously. He only wanted the truth, even if it would hurt him in the end. Y/n continued to cry, wrapping his arms around himself as if to hide himself. It hurt Kunikida to see him like this but he needed to know. "Please, I need to know."

Y/n took a shuddering breath before he lifted his eyes to stare into Kunikida's. The blonde took a sharp inhale at the emptiness that stared back at him. It was like his lover had died even as his body lived on. His chest clenched sorrowfully.

"I jumped." Silence. What would someone say to that? Kunikida had considered it a theory but desperately hoped it wasn't true. Hearing y/n say it out loud had confirmed his greatest fear. He sprung forward to wrap up his boyfriend in his arms, shifting him back onto his lap as they both cried.

"Oh my god, Kunikida I jumped. I didn't think I would but it was there and I felt I had to," y/n sobbed out. Kunikida's grip on him tightened as he buried his face against his lover's neck to stifle his own cries. It hurt him so much to think that someone he saw as perfect would even consider doing such a thing. "I'm just a waste of space."

At that comment, he had enough. He gripped y/n's shoulders to turn him around to face him. Kunikida's face was full of hurt and seriousness, rage simmering right underneath the surface but he held it back. He wasn't angry with y/n, just the horrible thoughts that had possessed him to do something so awful.

"Don't ever think that for one second. You're a person, not a number to calculate your value. You have just as much of a right to exist as anyone else so don't think that you're a waste of anything. You're enough, more than enough. I can't imagine life without you," Kunikida stated passionately, all of his words ringing true.

Y/n teared up again, hands gripping the front of Kunikida's shirt as he curled into himself. Everything still hurt, inside and out but he should've gone to his lover first knowing that he would talk some sense into him. He knew that Kunikida would listen to him but he just couldn't say it. Not out loud.

"I love you, please don't leave me," Kunikida whispered, pushing his lips against y/n's lovingly. He was gentle and slow, cradling the boy in his arms as if he would break. Each touch was reassuring and tethered the shape shifter to his life line.

It wasn't going to be easy moving forward but it was a step in the right direction. The smallest whisper slid past y/n's lips but it didn't go unheard. "I love you too."

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