Jouno x Reader (Part 1)

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Thanks @euphoria990 for the request!

"Will you take a break already?  When was the last time we even hung out?" I whined, frowning at Jouno as he threw on his uniform without even turning in my direction.  He was starting to really piss me off and I wasn't going to try so hard to get his attention anymore.  I was tired of being cast aside by him when all I do is try to care for him. 

"I can't take breaks and you know that, now stop being selfish and go find something else to do that doesn't include bugging me," Jouno huffed out as if tired of dealing with me.  The tone in his voice was mocking and harsh, making me clench my teeth in anger that he could behave like that and think he would get away with it.  He'd soon find out that I wasn't going to stick around much longer like this. 

Standing abruptly from the couch, Jouno tilted his face in my direction at the sudden movement but there was no look of concern on his face as I stormed past him, making sure my shoulder hit him on my way out.  Turning around one last time unbeknownst to him, I flipped him off knowing that he wouldn't be able to see the gesture but feel my emotions swirling around me. 

"You're the selfish prick here and I'm tired of trying to deal with it.  I've been nothing but patient and caring with you and you won't even give me the time of day," I hissed out, slamming a fist on the doorway to accentuate my anger.  Jouno only shrugged casually as if I wasn't ready to tear him into shreds.  I didn't care anymore though, stomping out the door and wanting to break something as I heard him call after me. 

"It's 2:30," he shouted out, his disgusting smirk clear on his face.  I was the one who was going to have the last laugh though when he returned later to find me gone.  Maybe he'd finally learn that I was always serious about us even when he wasn't.


As I walked through the streets, I came to a realization.  I should've known that Jouno would always choose his work over me.  He was the type of guy that was married to his job, never able to settle down for someone else no matter how hard I tried to make him.  I wasn't the problem in this equation, it was his stubbornness to even try to relax for a bit. 

I was bitter by the time I made it to my own home.  When I opened the door, I became instantly aware of how long it's been since I've last stayed here.  Dust settled over everything and nothing looked like it had been moved since about a month ago when I started staying at Jouno's house to try to convince him to hang out with me more.  I now knew how ridiculous I was to even attempt to get even a part of his attention. 

A heaviness settled in my chest at the time I've wasted and the energy I'd spent.  Just because I left so easily didn't mean it didn't hurt.  I tried to distract myself from my decision as I began to tidy up the place to the best of my heartbroken abilities.  Nothing could ease my pain though as my thoughts were left to wander. 

There was a reason I was so dedicated to him despite our recent troubles.  He had been the one to first pull me out of the dark place I had found myself in about a year ago.  He was the one that was there for me when I needed someone the most.  I instantly fell for his witty humor and sense of justice, not to mention how adorable he was when he pouted after I rang the little bell earring he had. 

Sighing in both relief and exhaustion, I practically collapsed on my newly made bed that I would now be sleeping in by myself.  Some things just couldn't be helped though, I wasn't going to go crawling back to him after leaving the way I did.  If he wanted me back, he'd have to try to find me first.  And even then I wasn't sure if I could handle going back with him if things didn't change between us.


Jouno POV

After a long day of work, I couldn't wait to make it back to my bed where y/n would be.  At this hour he'd most likely be asleep so I could easily crawl in beside him to hold him when he didn't think I was.  After our scuffle last evening, I had to make sure to apologize for my behavior as well.  I hadn't meant to act that way and definitely felt guilty about it through the whole day.  I made sure to take it out on Tetchou though so I was ready to talk it out with y/n. 

When I got home, I instantly noticed that something was off.  Everything felt too quiet and empty when I took that first step into the house.  There was a stillness echoing through the space that told me no one had been here for some time.  I felt panic begin to course through my body as I tore through all the rooms, desperately looking for any sign that y/n had been back here after he stormed off yesterday when we had fought. 

The longer I searched for any trace of him, the more horrified I became as nothing turned up.  Some of his stuff was still here but nothing essential that he'd come back for.  There wasn't anything moved that he might've touched since I left for work and even the air didn't carry his scent as I became frustrated with what this meant.  He hadn't been lying about leaving me.  He'd left...just like he said he would. 

"Y/n, please!  This has to be a joke, I'm sorry!" I called out into the empty house, my desperate voice echoing back to me.  It was no use though.  It was clear he wasn't here and that he wouldn't be coming back.  I felt tears prick my closed eyes, bitterness at myself welling up inside my aching chest.  I'd been the one to let him go even after he'd been trying so hard for me to stay. 

"I'm so sorry.  I didn't think you'd actually leave," I cried out, hoping wherever y/n was that he'd be able to feel the regret I felt at giving him up.  My tears were nothing compared to the hole gaping wide in my body as I shakily walked to my room, collapsing onto the empty bed where he used to wait for me after long nights spent away from him.  There'd be no more waiting up for me now, the thought making me sob harder as I desperately clung to his side of the bed, wishing that he was here to console me like he would have always done before.

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