Sigma x Reader

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Thanks @macandcheese02 for the request!

Could I really do this? I ran a hand through my hair anxiously, the guy staring at me in the mirror a nervous wreck. Sweat made my face glisten in all the wrong ways, my eyes wide in terror. This was going to be the most nerve wracking moment of my life and that was saying a lot considering years of my existence spent in all sorts of dangerous predicaments. I had to do this though, for him and for myself.

Sigma and I had been dating for a while now and I was ready to finally ask him the biggest question of all that determined our future spent together. Pulling at my suit, I anxiously tried to smooth out all the wrinkles mostly to distract myself. It wasn't too late to back out but then I'd never forgive myself for not at least trying. The worst he could say was no and then we'd either wait or I wouldn't waste my time on someone who didn't really want me. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him though, the longing of waking up and seeing his face or glancing and seeing a ring on his finger filled me with pure joy and an eagerness I've rarely felt for anything else.

"Are you almost done? We're going to be late if we wait any longer," Sigma called from the other side of the door. The sound of his voice made me jolt out of my thoughts, desperately fixing my hair to as close to perfection as it could be. I sighed once before snatching the tiny box off the counter, slipping it inside a hidden pocket under my coat. It was time for our date where I would finally propose to the love of my life.

"I'm coming, love!" I called out, throwing open the door to find Sigma standing just outside in his own beautiful suit. His long hair fell past his shoulders in shimmery waves, my eyes snapping to the necklace he was wearing that had been a gift from me to him on one of our anniversaries. It made me smile softly, a newfound confidence growing in my chest at the sight of him. This was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Are you ready for a spectacular night, my dear?" I whispered gently, holding my arm out. He rolled his eyes briefly with a grin as his hand took hold of my arm. He might've tried to put on a nonchalant exterior but there was no denying the way he leaned against me lovingly and the sigh that slid past his lips when he did so.

"Every night with you is spectacular."


My leg bounced anxiously under the table, thankfully hidden from Sigma's view as he cheerfully talked about his day at work in the casino. I listened intently but all the while I could feel the box in my coat becoming heavier as if trying to break free from me to fit itself onto Sigma's finger. The moment was arriving where I would interrupt him politely to ask for his hand. I hadn't accounted for witnesses however which only made me more nervous but there was nothing to be done about them now.

"And only one of the casino machines broke down! This must be my lucky day, y/n! I'm on a lucky streak," he smiled brightly. His happiness was rubbing off on me as I felt my unease slowly ebb away. Even when he wasn't aware of it, he could soothe me with just one look or touch. I looked at where our hands were holding on the table fondly.

"I'm always on a lucky streak with you around and I have something to ask you," I smiled softly, rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand gently to relieve my anxiousness before I slid out of my seat. My hand dipped into my coat to pull out the tiny box that held the key to a happy future before I sank to my knee by his side. His eyes widened in response with his mouth falling open in shock.

I tenderly grabbed his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles with the box flipping open to display a small black band with diamond dust sprinkled into the metal like stars glimmering in the dead of night. When I saw it in the store, I knew instantly that it was the perfect style for Sigma. By the way his face darkened with a blush and a wide smile spread across his face, I could take a guess that I was correct in my assumption.

"I've loved you for so long now and I know I've said it before but actions speak louder and I really think we can make this an even more beautiful connection. Will you be the stars to my night? The sun to my moon? Will you, Sigma, do me the honor of becoming my husband?" I looked up at him pleadingly as the people around us witnessing this moment leaned closer in almost as much anticipation as I felt.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Sigma cheerfully exclaimed, his hands cupping his own face in disbelief with his smile beaming at me warmly. I chuckled happily, taking his left hand to slide the ring onto his finger. Even though it was only an engagement ring, it symbolized our shared future that promised all kinds of love and happiness for as long as we both should live.

Cheers and clapping echoed around us as Sigma yanked me onto my feet before pulling me in for a deep kiss that immediately took my breath away. My hands ran through his hair, moving down his body till they pulled him in closer to me by his waist. He hummed happily after he pulled away to stare at me lovingly, his expression one that I could forever enjoy waking up next to each morning.

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