Tachihara x Reader

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Thanks @KenjiKazuni for the request!

There's nothing wrong with being materialistic. It's not vain or narcissistic to spend money that someone's willing to give. I find it endearing actually and a sign of some form of loyalty and affection when I hold the money that someone else has spent their blood, sweat and tears to make. There was something awfully poetic about being able to trade someone's livelihood to make my own more fun and interesting. Luckily for me as well, there was always someone to pay for my attention.

"Isn't it kinda sick that you only use Tachihara for his money?" Chuuya asked, sitting back in his chair with a glass of wine in his hand. I held back my smirk at the irony of the situation; Chuuya somewhat chastising me as he downed expensive pleasures of his own. The only difference between us was that I had someone who willingly spoiled me unlike Chuuya who probably gained the money himself. No judgment on my part but it'd be nice if he stopped casting me a side eye.

"I think it would be more sick if I declined his money, therefore his affection. It's not like I'm leading him on or anything either. He knows I'm materialistic and that I still feel some type of emotion towards him, with or without money involved," I boasted, flashing a smile at Chuuya who merely raised a brow. He shrugged half heartedly before finishing off his glass of wine, leaving me to sit in silence and think over what he was implying. It actually pissed me off that someone like him would even worry about whatever relationship I had with Tachihara.

"Well speaking of the devil, we made plans to go out tonight so I should probably get ready. Oh and for your information..." I stood from my seat to lean over Chuuya with a glare. He visibly sat a bit straighter with his eye twitching. I wanted him to think twice before trying to shame me again. "...I love Tachihara more than his wallet," I whispered, flipping him off. He smirked back, chuckling to himself as I smiled warmly towards him before leaving the room to prepare for another outing with Tachihara, all expenses paid.


"You sure I can get this? You're going to go broke at this point," I asked yet again, twirling the obsidian blade between my fingers, staring at Tachihara to find a blush spreading along his face as he watched me. Amusement flared in my chest with how quick and easy it was to make Tachihara a mess. It made all sorts of scenarios and possibilities far too easy to imagine. All I wanted was to tease him for every penny he was worth.

"Get anything and everything you desire. Don't worry for a moment about the cost. As long as you keep looking at me like that, I'll manage," he smirked, his hand on my waist tightening. Leaning in, I pressed the flat edge of the knife against his chest but didn't avert my stare away from his. One of my hands lifted, my finger trailing down his forehead, the bridge of his nose past the bandage to his lips. He shivered at the contact but didn't dare break away.

"I'm not sure that's how money works but alright. Just remember I tried to warn you," I winked at him, my fingers trailing down his chest and stomach before stopping at his waist band. His breath hitched as his blush darkened. It felt so good to tease him like this, especially when I got money out of it as well. My hand dipped into his pocket, pulling out his wallet without a single protest from him, just a mildly disappointed pout. I slid out several bills to pay for the blade, feeling giddy at my luck. Tachihara chuckled softly to himself, grabbing the blade and the money to go pay for them as I looked around at the other weapons.

This underground gang weapons exchange was probably one of my favorite places to go with Tachihara. It was somewhere we both enjoyed and could stock up on supplies, while he spoiled me rotten for the whole experience as well. I was always carrying many concealed knives and pistols, nearly jingling with each step by the end of these trips. Tachihara was barely any better, even now as I watched him eyeing a pair of revolvers that I'd personally love to see on his hips.

By the end of our shopping spree, I was cheerily holding bags full of various weapons of choice. Tachihara held my arm in his with his own satisfied smile across his face despite how I managed to spend all of the money he had brought. A sigh slid past my lips, my head leaning on his shoulder in content. Everything about this moment, walking back to his place knowing that I had his heart in my hands based on the lack of limits he held for me, was perfect.

"I promise to make up all the money I spent in whatever way you wish. I love you Tachihara," I whispered, kissing his cheek lovingly. His spare hand immediately lifted to brush the spot I had pecked with a heavy blush on his features. His eyes averted away from me bashfully but he couldn't hide the way his lips twitched into a smile.

"I'm counting on it. I love you too."

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