Tachihara x Reader

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Thanks @Greg_thesnail185 for the request!

My pistol spun in my grip, whoever I aimed at falling without another word.  The death I handed out was merciful in comparison to some of my fellow Guild members who preferred more brutal attacks.  Against the Port Mafia though, I didn't mind ending their misery quickly. 
Luckily I didn't recognize any of the members who attacked with little luck.  It made my job easier without reckless emotions giving away how I truly felt.  It would be better to keep my secrets hidden away far from Francis.  Who knows what he would do if he ever caught me?  It wouldn't be any good. 
Keeping my head down was how I've survived so many years in the streets and then the Guild.  I was another face in a crowd of followers.  I might've even been able to truly hide away if it weren't for my ability.  It was something to be coveted and used by the highest bidder who Francis happened to be. 
That same ability was activated now when I pressed a hand to a bleeding out enemy who lay by my feet.  He didn't seem to be dying quick enough which would give me just enough time to use his own ability against his comrades.  I felt the power of the stranger simmering underneath the surface before I unleashed it to the line of enemies in front of me. 
A strange mist solidified before me in the form of a serpent.  Its jaws sprang open, regarding me with cold eyes as if it knew that I wasn't its real master but the control I had over it was strong as I ordered it to take out the strangers across the skirmish.  It hesitated only a moment before it curled away, tearing apart everyone it came in contact with.  A bitter smile spread across my face.  Hopefully this will end soon. 
These mindless fights and slaughtering of the Port Mafia were a waste of time and resources.  Someone like Francis who wasn't aware of the concept of the dangers of wasting would never understand spreading resources thin.  It was going to cost him in a way he'd never be able to pay back one day.  Hopefully I'd be long gone by then but until then I shot down another Port Mafia member.


"You do what you gotta do.  I don't care either way as long as you're safe," the voice whispered in my ear, making me shiver.  Tachihara had me held against a wall as he left gentle kisses along my jaw and neck.  After the fight, I hadn't hesitated a single moment before finding him to relax.  It turned out to be a good choice as I now found myself in one of the Port Mafia hideouts with a few of my other hidden friends nearby. 
"It sounds like Francis is a prick anyways.  Just ditch him already," Chuuya huffed out, lounging on one of the couches.  Gin nodded in agreement, swishing a knife between their fingers with ease.  A small smile spread across my face but they didn't understand that I couldn't leave so easily.  If I could, I would've been long gone already. 
"Trust me when I say I want to but my contract doesn't end anytime soon and I can't find the damn paper to destroy it.  Until then, Francis and I are bound in life and death," I mumbled in bitterness.  Tachihara's grip on my waist tightened as his chest pressed against mine.  His hips dug into mine, making me squirm a bit but not retreating. 
"I say we kill the bastard.  You can then stay here with us.  I bet Mori would love having you with us.  I know I sure would," he murmured against my neck longingly.  My shoulders tensed, unsure what to do.  Tachihara had been the first to trust me when I happened to stumble across the group.  He was also the one who flirted the most until it became more than a joke. 
Now I wasn't exactly sure what we were but definitely more than friends.  I wanted to give in to this aching longing for him but our situation made things difficult.  It didn't stop us from cuddling against a wall now though, or trading kisses every now and again. 
"I can't wait till I'm free.  No one can stop me from getting what I want then," I smirked slyly, cupping Tachihara's suddenly pink face.  My lips found his, pushing against him lovingly as he groaned.  I hummed in return, enjoying every small noise and shiver he made. 
An awkward cough from Hirotsu made me calm down, pulling away from Tachihara as I laughed softly.  His eyes were clouded with desire, a blissed out smile twitching on his lips.  I couldn't wait for the day when he would be all mine with no barriers separating us, no contracts keeping me bound to a group I didn't want to be part of any longer. 
"Go take a cold shower, you two.  This is a group hangout, keep it clean please," Chuuya muttered, a playful glare sent in our direction as I chuckled again.  Hirotsu let out an agreeing huff but he had his own gentle smile that told me that he supported us all the way.  Gin stayed silent as usual, giving me an amused eyebrow raise. 
"Only if y/n joins me.  What do you say handsome?" Tachihara smirked at me, sending a knowing look at Chuuya who only rolled his eyes.  My hands slid into Tachihara's hair, tugging on it gently with my own smirk.  His hips accidentally slid against mine, making us both tense up for a moment. 
"Lead the way gorgeous," I whispered with a wink.  Chuuya groaned from across the room as Tachihara perked up, his blush becoming brighter as his eyes darkened.  His hand gently intertwined with mine as he pulled me along behind him.  We all became so caught up in the moment that no one noticed the stray pair of eyes taking in everything that occurred in the hideout through an open window.

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