Akutagawa x Reader

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Thanks @Ultimate-mycologist for the request!

Nobody knew how someone like y/n even ended up in the Port Mafia. He was kind, gentle and was the type to show mercy to those he deemed deserved it. Justice guided him in many things he did and he was willing to accept just about anyone with a full heart. There were rumors spread of a hidden dark side or possibly anarchist ideals that led him to join the Port Mafia but no conclusions have been made on the matter.

After the first few dizzying weeks spent in confusion for the higher ups who couldn't fathom Mori taking in someone with the energy of a puppy and a heart of gold but no one ended up complaining once y/n did his best to make nice with his superiors. He had unintentionally become a peaceful break for many of the other members. They relished in his kindness and many felt that they could finally breathe around someone so pure and wonderful.

Eventually y/n had managed to win the hearts of almost everyone in the Port Mafia in record time just by being his usual open and cheery self. He had gathered plenty of respect and affection from his superiors, even Mori himself but what no one had seen coming was how Akutagawa would react. As one of the most ruthless and bitter of the Port Mafia, plenty actually intercepted their meeting, trying to steer y/n away from the Diablo himself.

Fears of what Akutagawa might say or do to the bright light in a sea of dark violence caused the other members to become anxious for the day they properly met. No one considered that Akutagawa was the one who would grow to care for y/n the most. The one to protect him till his dying breath and the one willing to do anything to ensure y/n's happiness and well-being.


"Akutagawa! You'll never guess what happened!" y/n's voice called out joyously as he opened the door to the familiar room. Akutagawa looked up instantly, always ready to drop whatever he was doing to see what y/n needed from him. When he saw the cheery male with a bouquet of flowers hugged to his chest happily, he felt his heart swell.

"You seem joyous. What happened now?" Akutagawa asked quietly, his gaze glued to the other guy that was now practically bouncing in front of him. Y/n smiled widely and couldn't seem to stop. Being near Akutagawa only made his mood even brighter. He has said it before to anyone who would listen that he absolutely adored the dark haired ability user, even though plenty of people were surprised by the unlikely duo.

"Someone sent flowers to my room and there's a cute little note attached to it as well! I don't know who they're from but isn't it so sweet?" y/n swooned, leaning against Akutagawa who instantly tensed up at the contact. The happy male lifted up the flowers to Akutagawa's face for him to smell the sweet scent wafting from the bouquet. Little did y/n know that his partner in crime was already well aware of the flowers.

"I suppose so. Do you like them at least? Who do you think they're from? Do you think someone is attracted to you?" Akutagawa interrogated before playing off his eagerness with a cough. Y/n tilted his head towards the other with curiosity. It was the most questions he'd heard of his partner in one go and there was something about the way he was asking them that made y/n wonder what was getting the usually nonchalant Akutagawa so worked up.

"I don't know. I do love these flowers though. Oh Akutagawa, I really wish I knew who sent them so I could thank them," y/n smiled warmly, sighing as he rested his head on Akutagawa's shoulder. The infamous Diablo didn't want to admit it but in that moment, he felt complete. He absolutely loved the feeling of y/n leaning on him in such a loving manner. It made him blush if he was being honest with himself.

"What if I told you they were from me? What would you think then?" he whispered nervously. Y/n immediately leaned away to stare at Akutagawa in shock. It was true he hadn't expected him to be the type to send flowers of all things but it sure made his pulse quicken and his palms to grow sweaty as an uncontrollable smile pulled his lips even farther in pure joy and excitement. He really wanted it to be Akutagawa who sent the flowers. He didn't want it to be anyone else at that moment.

"I think I'd really want it to be you. These flowers would mean the world to me if this was your way of telling me something," y/n bashfully whispered, hugging the bouquet closer to him in anticipation. He dreamed of a day like this and he desperately hoped that Akutagawa would be his charmer. He couldn't picture himself with anyone else anymore, his other half being the dark, quiet, beautiful Akutagawa that he'd grown to love in more ways than one.

"They were from me...and they do mean what you think they mean. I really like you," Akutagawa muttered shyly, his face turning even more red. Y/n bubbled with excitement as he set the bouquet aside before tackling the other in a hug. Both of them toppled to the ground in a puddle of smiles and warmth, clinging to each other happily while feeling complete with their other half.

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