Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @xXHailSNailXx for the request!

"Will you two leave me alone already?"  The blonde man hissed over his shoulder at my sister and I.  A smirk played on my lips and when I sent a glance at my sister, I noticed a matching determination in her eyes that we shared.  This detective was going to have us along the ride whether he wanted us or not. 
"Sorry handsome, but we're not going anywhere.  We were dragged into this and I at least plan to get justice," I stated with confidence.  Kunikida didn't seem amused as he glared at me.  It sent chills down my back but I still followed him as we dropped onto the tracks of the underground subway. 
When I looked at Aya, she had a nervous expression that made me waver for a moment.  As her big brother, I had to look after her.  She had been the one to force me to follow her as she practically harassed this stranger and I didn't mind at first going after the bomber who had messed with my sister and schedule.  Now as we stood in the dark of the tunnel though, staring at Aya's face, I had to be the responsible one and give her an out. 
Crouching down, I looked Aya in the eyes to find fear in them.  When I reached out to grip her shoulders, I found that she was shaky.  Guilt pulsed in my body for being blinded by my adrenaline that I mistook her nervousness as excitement.  Kunikida had also stopped a bit ahead, looking back at us but I only looked at Aya. 
"Hey, I'm not sure the police will know where we are when they come.  It'd be good if someone waited to tell them where Mr. Kunikida is going.  Can you keep me safe?  Can you tell the police where we went?" I asked, my smile comforting and encouraging.  There was no judgment in my tone.  She was a child after all and now I realized how foolish I was to let her come this far.  It was ridiculous that she was here in the subway tunnel. 
"I can keep you both safe!  I'll tell the police where you went!  You can count on me y/n," Aya shouted confidently though she still trembled.  I gave her a wide grin, hugging her close before placing a small kiss on her forehead that made her giggle.  Turning her around, I pointed to the exit of the subway tunnels that we had just walked through. 
"I know I can.  I love you Aya, stay safe for me," I whispered lovingly, pushing her away gently.  She gave me a smile, eagerly running to the exit of the tunnel.  The sudden tension in my chest eased a bit as I turned to Kunikida, walking past him to lead the way down the tunnel.  He seemed shocked but eventually fell in step beside me. 
"That was a smart decision but I wish you'd go as well.  This is going to be dangerous," he advised, his earlier irritation gone from his tone and replaced with something more understanding.  I only shook my head though, causing Kunikida to groan in defeat.  It was going to take more than that to scare me off defending my sister and getting revenge for scaring her earlier. 
"Sorry Kunikida, but I need to do this.  I'm not helpless," I smiled, glancing at him with determination.  He didn't seem as confident in me though.  That was before I lunged forward to grab his arm, pulling him back.  The movement was too sudden though as we both were knocked to the ground. 
"What the he—are those trip wires?" Kunikida started before breaking off at the sight of silver strings a short distance away from our tangled legs.  He didn't move at first, staring down at me under him before he quickly rolled off of me.  Standing quickly, he reached down to help me up.  I made sure to avoid the obvious trip wire across the tracks. 
"Look, it connects under the tracks.  I'm guessing those small boxes aren't usually a part of the tunnel," I pointed out.  Kunikida gave a nod, a look of concern crossing his expression at how close we were to exploding.  With how many bombs were strapped to the ground, it looked to be enough to destroy the whole tunnel and everyone inside. 
"We need to be careful.  The bomber must be near, he probably wants to see the destruction he's going to cause and I'll be damned if anything happens to you," Kunikida stated with conviction.  It made my pulse quicken in a strange way, the light in his eyes bringing heat to my face.  He was right though, I needed to get back to my sister after this. 
"How sweet of you to care about me.  You're making me wanna giggle and blush," I cooed playfully, leaning against his side teasingly.  The sharp glare he sent me actually made me chuckle, the sound echoing down the tunnel.  Shutting my mouth tight, I promised to ease up on the teasing till after we brought down the bomber. 
A sudden whisper of breath curled by my ear then, my body whipping around to find no one there as the hair on my neck stood up.  Kunikida turned away, focused on something down the other side of the tunnel.  Something was off though but when I reached out to tug on Kunikida's sleeve, a rag was pushed against my mouth and nose.  I jolted, trying my best not to breathe in but I failed, taking in huge mouthfuls of the chemicals as my head lulled and everything went dark.


"Let him go!  You don't know what you're doing!"  My head spun, ears ringing as I tried to lift my face to the familiar voice.  Everything hurt but I fought past the pain to open my eyes.  The view confused me as Kunikida yelled and shouted at some guy clad in black with a remote in his hands. 
Shifting slightly, I found I couldn't move very far.  My hands were tied behind my back where someone had put me slouched against a wall of the tunnel.  The strangest part was the vest strapped across my chest but as my mind focused more clearly, terror filled my head. 
"Nonononono, this can't be happening!  Please, no!  I need to get back to my sister!" I pleaded, my head lifting to face the guy with the remote that controlled the bomb strapped on my body.  Kunikida's attention snapped towards me as his frown deepened in agony.  The welling tears in his eyes only terrified me more.  If he was losing hope, what was left for me? 
"Well this is interesting?  Giving up on him so soon Kunikida?" the stranger drawled without a hint of remorse.  I strained against the ropes on my hands and the vest but it would be impossible to escape, let alone unscathed.  I looked to Kunikida pleadingly to find he had shut down his expression to one of neutrality.  It filled me with cold clarity. 
"I'm not letting anyone die in front of me.  I'll be here with you y/n.  I'm not going anywhere," Kunikida whispered, moving closer to me as he ignored the now shocked stranger.  He sank onto his knees, pulling me to his chest as my tears spilled down my face.  Curling in against him, I buried my face into his shoulder. 
"Disappointing," the bomber muttered in clear fascination before there was a single click of a button.  I pressed against Kunikida closer as his arms held me tighter.  There was a moment of white hot pain before everything melted away with Kunikida staying with me till the very end.


I shot up in a hospital bed, fear coursing through my veins and making my head swim.  My thoughts were sluggish but revolved around where Aya was and whether she was safe.  A moment later I began to take in my surroundings and what the hell had happened. 
Memories resurfaced including Kunikida's arms around me along with the fact that I was going to die.  Then the overwhelming pain that I thought surely meant I was dead and yet here I was, sitting upright in an unfamiliar room. 
"I'm sorry I scared you like that but if the bomber knew you would be revived, he would've killed a lot more people," Kunikida's voice softly explained, my head turning to see the blonde man I hadn't noticed by my side earlier.  He didn't have a scratch on him, only deep circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept.  The sight of him filled me with relief as tears filled my eyes.  He didn't hesitate to reach towards me, cradling me in his arms as I cried hysterically. 
"God, I thought I was going to die.  Aya would've killed me," I sobbed against Kunikida's vest.  One of his hands ran through my hair soothingly, fingers massaging my scalp to calm me down as I slowed my breathing.  The warmth from him was easing my rapid pulse slowly yet surely. 
"Aya's still pissed with you but you're safe now.  I told you I'd protect you," Kunikida whispered reassuringly.  My hold on him tightened, gratefulness flowing out of me with each tear.  When he pressed a kiss to my head, I nearly combusted again from shock and longing.  Kunikida chuckled at my reaction, keeping me close against him as he kissed my head again and again.

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