Dazai x Reader

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‼️slightly implied suggestive content‼️

It's funny how alcohol and bright lights could chase away all the darkness that threatened to overwhelm me only moments before. I wasn't usually the type to show up to clubs like this but I guess harsh breakups could change a person in ways you couldn't imagine. I knew I was forever changed, at least for tonight as my eyes gazed lazily over the crowd of strangers that could easily be the one to take away the remaining tendrils of pain left behind by my last relationship.

Taking another swig of my drink that I wasn't aware of the contents of at this point, my gaze happened to fall on the same man I've made eye contact with twice so far in the past few minutes. He was pretty tall with tousled dark hair, a casual suit accentuating his body perfectly. I've already caught his stare on me before and I couldn't help trying to sneak several peaks at him at the other end of the bar. There was something about him that just screamed trouble. Luckily, that's exactly what I was looking for.

I decided to be a little risky to this handsome stranger, leaning further over the counter of the bar before flashing a wink at him. If that wasn't a clear enough sign to this guy then he was stupid. It would seem though that he got the hint as his stare turned intense, one of his hands running through his hair as the other gripped the edge of the counter harshly. I lifted my drink to my lips to take another sip, savoring the feel of the burn in my throat a final time before a hand pressed against the small of my back.

"Can I buy your next drink to go?" a voice whispered against my ear, sending chills through my body. I looked over my shoulder to find the handsome stranger standing there, close enough for me to hear him over the loud music. Even with the whole crowd though, I was only focused on him and our close proximity as he smirked down at me. There was something clear in his expression that made my heart race with anticipation. I just wanted to drown out any lingering memories I had.

"Yes please, Mr...?" I trailed off, gazing up at him through my eyelashes. If he wasn't committed to spending the next few hours with me before, I was going to drive him crazy now. He chuckled to himself, leaning over me against the counter with his hand sliding over to my waist. I didn't push him away once. Instead, I leaned against his side enticingly, my hand casually reaching out to his chest.

"Dazai Osamu, the one who can take away all of the pain you're carrying, if you let me of course," he flashed me a smile that was surely a promise. I could feel the way his fingers were caressing my hip slowly, as if prepared for me to push him away at any moment. He was going to find out quickly that I wasn't going to let go of him anytime soon, especially with him looking at me like that. Even his name sent a thrill along my spine.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Dazai. You can call me y/n. We can always skip ordering the drink. If you really want to take away my pain, then I'll gladly let you," I smirked back, dragging my hand up his chest to rest behind his neck. I twirled a piece of his hair between my fingers carefully, noticing how soft the tendrils were. His eyes didn't stray once from mine, intense and focused on only me. It was clear this flimsy desire I held wasn't just one sided.

"Y/n, what a gorgeous name befitting for you," Dazai whispered against my ear, his breath warming the side of my face. He promptly pressed a kiss against my temple that had me shivering. The contact was so gentle and caring for something that was so scandalous. Interactions like these never lasted till morning after all. No matter how much passion might be shared tonight would burn in the light of sunrise whether I felt treasured in this moment or not.

Dazai pressed a few more delicate kisses along the side of my face, down my jaw and along my neck. My breath quickly became heavy and sharp as I inhaled desperately in his hold. Both of his hands now held my waist as he gently pressed me against the bar counter. He didn't seem to give a damn that other people were most likely watching as I whispered his name breathily, not sure whether to urge him on or calm him down.

"No need to be tense, I'm not going to do anything crazy with so many witnesses. Wanna take this somewhere more private?" Dazai smirked, gently nipping my jaw to elicit a gasp from me. I nodded my head in a daze, my hands gripping the front of his shirt. He chuckled to himself once again before shaking his head. He pulled away and helped me stand on my own feet without the help of the counter to keep me up.

"I'm going to need you to speak up. You need to make it clear that you want this as much as I do," Dazai clarified, his finger coming up to trace my lips. I couldn't help parting my mouth, getting excited for what might happen in these hours to come. The pain was already ebbing away with just Dazai's touch, I couldn't imagine what other things he could do to grab all of my attention to make sure that he was the only one on my mind. I was ready to find out though.

"I want this with you. Take it all away from me, Dazai."

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