Atsushi x Reader

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"C'mon keep up!" My legs pumped faster, my feet hitting harder as my breathing deepened. In the air, way up here I felt untouchable. Rooftops and high places were where I belonged. Above it all I felt free.

Wind whipped my face and tugged at my clothes. And then there it was, my body suspended in the air for only a second, defying gravity for only a moment before I rolled onto the building across the drop. I sprang back up, heart racing as I admired the distance I jumped. My arm shot up to wave at the figure still a few feet away.

"Hurry up Atsushi!" That poor tiger, what was I supposed to do with him? He slowed down to a stop at the edge of the building across from me. The poor boy was clearly tired as I watched him lean his hands on his thighs to pant heavily. He should've just sped up to clear the drop.

My arms crossed against my chest as I smirked at him. We've only gone an hour, how was he already tired? Still, I gave him his break, watching his chest heave pitifully. How did he even make it this far in this city like that? I cupped my hands around my mouth.

"Atsushi! You're not going to survive if you can't even handle these rooftops!" He only wobbled a bit in response. Rolling my eyes I walked back a few steps before sprinting forward and launching myself across the alleyway below. I dropped into a tuck and roll before shooting back up by the weretiger's side. His eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at me baffled.

"How do you do it so easily?" he asked, dumbfounded. I only gave him a knowing smile in return before grabbing his shoulders and straightening his back. He let out a pained whine but he didn't reposition himself.

"If you get enough speed and throw your weight, it becomes no problem. Not to mention years of practice," I reassured him, patting his back. He groaned, his head tilting to the side. "C'mon, you gotta at least try."

His multi-colored eyes panned over to the drop, a new determined glint in his expression. It sure didn't take much to get the tiger determined. I soaked in his every movement. Eyes narrowed, the intent line of his mouth, the way his legs tensed after retreating back a few steps to prepare him for the jump. Everything about him was just there, his very personality displayed in his every motion.

He went deathly still, focus trained on the ledge on the other side. I would've laughed at his attentive stare but I was too transfixed to do anything but watch. He lunged, feet slapping hard against the concrete rooftop, his foot hitting the very edge before the drop.

It was then that I truly realized the amount of beauty in his strength. Watching him push off the ledge as he seemed to fly across the drop, it was like witnessing a tiger pounce on its prey. His hair flapped wildly, his legs already coming out for the landing...too early.

"Wait Atsushi!" But it was already in motion. I could only watch as he realized his mistake too late, his momentum slowing down leading to him falling forward. A loud crack reverberated in my ears as I winced at the sight of Atsushi's ankle colliding with the ledge of the opposite building. He cried out before tucking into a roll too late and managing to fumble in a heap.

"Atsushi oh my god! Wait right there," my panic seeped into my voice. I raced toward him, clearing the jump as he did...minus the shattered ankle of course. He lay on his side, knee up to his chest as his fingers hovered right over the now swelling area. The skin was already darkening into a bruised purple by the time I knelt by his limp body.

"My god you dumbass!" I said encouragingly. "You're supposed to let the momentum carry you till you're sure you're going to make the distance. What the hell am I supposed to do?" Atsushi groaned out providing me with no answer. "Fine, Dr. Yosano it is."

I didn't know if I had the energy to carry him back but I was surely going to try. His eyes were clenched tight as I wrapped an arm around his back and attempted to scoop him up. Even though he was lean like a neglected an underfed orphan...point is he was surprisingly heavy for his slim build. A bead of sweat rolled down his face as he gasped.

After what felt like an eternity, I had managed to
get him upright and lean against me. His injured foot hovered above the ground, his head slumping against my shoulder. My arm was firmly wrapped around his midriff to keep him balanced.

"Alright I'm going to need you to work with me here. Match my every step and don't stop leaning on me," and as we took that first step I realized how hard it would be to get off this roof. I held Atsushi in place before he could try to take another step. A sigh blew past my lips. Atsushi lifted his head and stared me straight in the eyes, his hand coming up to squeeze my face closer to his.

"You're really handsome," he giggled. I couldn't help the heat that bubbled up into my face despite my now very strong concerns. My arm pulled him closer to me as my spare hand slid into Atsushi's hair.

"And you have a damn concussion." I could feel the bump on his head swelling. He must've hit it against the ground when he failed his tuck and roll. I retracted my hand as my face finally cooled down again. Concussions just weren't sexy. I dug around in my pocket to retrieve my phone, dialing with one hand.

"What are you doing?" Atsushi made a pathetic attempt at grabbing my phone. Managing to keep the phone away from him, I heard the familiar, concerned voice of Kunikida. "I don't want to go, my ankle doesn't hurt anymore. I want to stay with you," the little tiger boy whined.

Wasn't buying it though, he was clearly not okay on any level and his constant clinginess was only proving my worst fears. A sudden panicked theory popped into my brain. I slammed the phone to my mouth. "Oh my god Kunikida! Atsushi's dying?!"

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