Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @MoonModie for the request!

"Ha! Well that's not good." I looked down at the knife wound in my arm with a grin. My eyes slid over the blood that was already dribbling down my skin and spattering on the warehouse floor below me before I turned my attention to the prick that had thought to stab me. I took a step forward, not bothering to care about the knife as I lashed out with my own dagger.

"You'll pay for that," a voice hissed out that wasn't mine. I barely had time to turn around when a loud gunshot rang out and echoed off the warehouse walls. I was vaguely aware of my attacker's body falling off the lifted walkway and thudding on the floor below but most of my thoughts were now focused on Dazai's glare as he strode up to me with a murderous look in his eyes. I was half sure he might throw me off as well until he yanked my arm towards him.

"Hey! That hurts!" I yelped in surprise and pain but Dazai didn't spare me a glance as he twisted my arm to look at the wound better. It was covered in crimson to the point where I couldn't tell how deep the real wound actually was. It was bleeding a hell of a ton though which was a bit concerning.

"You're so careless. You didn't even try to move when he struck out at you," Dazai hissed, yanking my arm again as he practically dragged me down the staircase and to the bottom floor. I decided to ignore the body that lay splattered on the ground as I was seated on the cold concrete.

"It was an accident. I wouldn't have died or anything," I shrugged, watching Dazai as he gripped my wrist harshly in one hand, his other rummaging around in his coat. I really hadn't been scared and I wasn't afraid now, even with the drops of blood hitting the floor. Dazai clearly didn't find me funny as he practically snarled at me. I decided to shut my mouth for now as he pulled out a roll of gauze and bandages from somewhere in his coat.

"That was a goddamn knife wound struck at a very important vein in your arm and you're saying that you wouldn't have died?" he hissed at me with a glare. Okay, maybe I was starting to get scared as Dazai leaned his face closer to mine. His expression was terrifying. When he killed, it was always an apathetic look or one of insanity induced happiness but the way he was looking at me now was one of pure fury. Was he really that upset over an accident?

"I'm still alive, aren't I?" I whispered nervously, not wanting to set this side of Dazai off. He just huffed as he started unrolling the bandages in front of me. They were clearly the ones he used for himself, matching the bandages that covered his arms and other eye. It was ridiculous but my heart fluttered at the thought of him sharing them with me. It felt personal and intimate for just being a bandage. They were Dazai's bandages though.

"You're so stupid. Such an idiot," he muttered under his breath as he started to slowly wrap the bandage around my arm. There was nothing to clean it with in this disgusting warehouse so I would have to wait for home even if I found the thought of waiting so long disgusting. At least this would keep it from being contaminated any further.

I sat back, trying to get comfortable as I watched Dazai gingerly wrap my wound. He was careful and seemingly hyper aware of each small twitch of his hand or any time I flinched in the slightest way. It was cute that he was being so caring right now, even if he sounded like he also wanted to kill me.

"It was a tiny knife," I broke the silence. "Just letting you know to calm you down," I shrugged. He didn't need to treat me like I was dying even if I did like this attention from him. It was just a scratch that went a little too out of hand. Nothing to baby me over, especially in the Port Mafia.

"Well that tiny knife is going to get you stitches when we get back. That's a deep gash and it won't heal on its own without some help," Dazai sighed as he tied off the bandage carefully. I watched his skilled fingers in awe, barely registering the danger I had put myself through. It didn't matter anymore with the guy dead and my arm bandaged up. I'd say it was a fair deal.

"Will I live though doctor?" I asked breathily in the most teasing voice I could. Dazai glanced at me, unamused before the smallest twitch of a smile spread on his lips. He sighed again before laying my arm across my lap with a mocking sneer.

"I suppose you will. Now get up loser, we're going home to clean it," Dazai mumbled, holding his hands out to me. I took them as he hauled me to my feet. I took a moment to look over the bandage around my arm with awe. He had wrapped it up nearly perfectly. When I glanced back at him, he had a small smile on his face and a warm look in his eyes.

"What is it, Dazai?" I asked carefully, looking at my arm again in case something was wrong. But there was nothing out of the ordinary as Dazai chuckled softly to himself.

"You just look like me with those bandages," he smiled, almost to himself. I grinned back, bounding by his side happily as we walked out of the warehouse together. When his pinky moved to curl with mine, I let him. It felt natural, right.

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