Jouno x Reader

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Thanks @HantraxHF for the request!

If anyone truly knew me, they'd know that I was the type to play games. With friends or on the battlefield, I loved teasing, messing around and overall playing. Some people could handle it more than others. Tetchou was usually clueless when I tried to tease him or mess with him. Sometimes it made it fun but otherwise he was boring. Okura was scary when she was angry so I mostly avoided her but Fukuchi was fun. He was light hearted and kind when it came to my pranks and teasing.

My all time favorite person out of the whole hunting dog squad to mess around with though was Jouno. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't picking on him for his blindness. In fact, if he didn't have such high senses to guide him, I would've left him alone. He was fun though and appreciated a joke now and again. I made sure never to do anything that would hurt him but he always found ways around my games.

After weeks of being his partner in the hunting dogs and trying to catch him slipping, I couldn't seem to do it. It was admirable the level of skill he had in observing what was happening around him without eyesight. Even after pestering him about his secret of actually deducing what was around him, he never revealed his secret and would only smirk at me as if I wasn't in on his own joke. It got to the point where I was even starting to question if he was actually blind or not. How on earth was this guy more observant than someone with eyesight?

Now I have made it my life's mission to see how far his other senses worked for something you would need eyesight to figure out. My research was important to me and easily became an obsession as I followed Jouno everywhere, watching him keenly to see what he did to find his surroundings. After a while with no realizations, I decided to take matters into my own hands to unravel his secrets.

"Jouno. This is a life or death question and if you answer incorrectly I will have no choice but to ask Tetchou to come to your house," I stated seriously, frowning at the man who was trying to relax on his couch. Jouno perked up instantly, tilting his head in my direction with a look of disgust at the mention of our comrade's name. Of course it would only take threatening Tetchou's presence for Jouno's compliance.

"Ask away then. If I lose then I'm burning down the house with Tetchou inside," he grumbled, one of his hands moving to flick his earring. I inhaled deeply, preparing for this serious task that would determine my purpose in life. This could be what destroyed my research. I wasn't going to lose to Jouno. Not like this and not today. Lifting my hand, I brought two of my fingers down.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" I breathed out shakily, my eyes glued to Jouno. All the tension in his body uncurled as he chuckled to himself. I wasn't sure if he was mocking me or just really excited to burn down Tetchou but the sound of it had me feeling like I lost my game before he even made a guess. My hand trembled in anticipation for what he would say, thinking that it would be impossible for a blind man to tell how many fingers were in the air.

"Three fingers. I guess I get to keep my house and my life after all," he smiled, leaning back against the couch in victory. My jaw dropped at the confidence in his answer. He didn't even take a moment to hesitate and it left me shocked into disbelief. This had to be beginner's luck because there was no way Jouno could know how many fingers I was holding up. But what if there was a way?

"Alright try again. That first one was just a warm up," I stammered, quickly lifting two fingers in the air now. My brain was racing with guesses and theories, each one more ridiculous than the last. Jouno could be a witch of some sort or have holes in his eyelids with working eyes looking around. Maybe he was a telepath and could hear my thoughts. Are you listening to me right now? Tetchou is awesome and my favorite coworker. Jouno's expression didn't shift so that wasn't the answer.

"Now you're holding two fingers up...and you switched them in a panic to five just to say I'm wrong," Jouno smiled. He was clearly enjoying this but I was only getting more worked up. I eagerly sprinted to Jouno's side to get in his face, searching for tiny holes in his eyelids. He pushed me away with a laugh. "Just quit this, y/n. I don't need eyes to see."

"Rock, paper, scissors right now," I demanded, slamming my fist against my palm. Jouno shrugged in response, sitting up to prepare for the game. The first round he had won, stating his victory without even needing to touch my hands to check what I had thrown out. The next one, I had won but he had yet again figured that out without me telling him what I had made. Out of desperation, I stuck out one finger as fake dynamite but Jouno only chuckled, claiming that we weren't using explosives in this game.

"What the hell?" I whispered, looking at Jouno incredulously. He truly was amazing and succeeded in winning all my games without any fault. I was absolutely blown away, too awestruck to truly feel the sting of my repeated defeat. Jouno winked at me before he stood to leave the room, waving at me before he left me to my disbelief.

"I had fun. You're going to have to try harder to mess with my type of vision though," he stated triumphantly, turning away as I chuckled to myself. If he thought I was going to give up now, he was wrong. I was going to catch him if it was the last thing I did.

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