Dazai x Reader

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The gunfire was unrelenting, a storm of bullets aimed to kill.  Something about being ambushed agitated me.  It felt like cheating in a way.  Having machine guns was far from fair and frankly overkill.  It took all the fun out of a job. 
I rolled across the floor, shattered glass lodging into my arms painfully.  The target area was a few feet away, fallen chunks of twisted metal and concrete.  If I could get there and reload my gun, maybe pull out my ability, this could all be over.  The good news was their attention wasn't on me.  The bad news was their attention wasn't on me.  A groan behind me alerted me that another blow was made to a comrade.  I was starting to get pissed. 
I was almost there when a bullet panged dangerously close to me.  My time was up.  All attention turned to my assailants whose nice shiny guns were now aimed at me.  Something grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked hard.  I stumbled right into the person's arms in a daze.  Loud shots ricocheted off the metal protection before being aimed in a different direction, most likely where our backup showed up. 
"This isn't going very well is it?" I groaned with a pout aimed up at the brown haired beauty above me.  I still lay in his lap not wanting to chance any part of me slipping out from the cover.  Dazai chuckled to himself, one hand cradling my back, the other holding a pistol. 
"I'd say it's going great now," he gestured to our closeness with a nod of his head.  With a roll of my eyes I brought out my own pistol, reloading it as quickly as I could and cocking it once.  This bad boy was ready to go with a little help from my ability.  I threw my head back to stare up at Dazai with a smirk. 
"Not that I didn't enjoy our brief time together but I've got a date."  He raised an eyebrow in amusement, face leaning down to mine.  Hair tickled my face making my nose scrunch up to avoid sneezing. 
"You run from nothing, don't you?" he jokingly sighed.  I readjusted myself on his lap, half straddling his waist.  I peaked above the metal cover to spot five men still barreling down on our backup.  My attention was redirected to Dazai. 
"That's not true, spiders are pretty terrifying."  And with a quick kiss to his nose, I rolled back out into the fray.  Gun raised and focus centered I watched each man fall, each one more surprised than the last. 
With nothing blocking me now, I darted forward to the space behind them.  Shoes slipping in blood I made it to the back room they had been protecting.  No time to wait for the others to catch up, I yanked open the door with a metallic screech.  "God damn it!" I yelled at no one in particular.  A hand rested on my shoulder as Dazai looked inside to find what I had found...absolutely nothing. 
"So it was a false lead," he muttered, annoyed.  I felt him sigh against me, his hands coming to land on my waist, his chest pushing against my back.  "This was a waste of our time."  His disappointment was surely matched as I huffed, turning away from the nothingness before a thought made me freeze.  Dazai's hold on me loosened as he felt my mood switch to one of curiosity. 
I spun back around to stride into the seemingly abandoned room.  It didn't make sense to guard an empty room even if it was a distraction, too much firepower was used for it to be pointless.  My eyes scanned the walls first, searching for anything that was out of the ordinary.  Channeling my inner Ranpo, I rested my hand against the wall to feel for any sort of divot.  When I was starting to lose hope once again, Dazai's voice grabbed my attention. 
"There's a button here if that's what you're looking for," he smirked at me, his hand hovering over the wall.  Excitement bubbled up at the chance of finishing this job already and going home to cuddle with Dazai.  Nearly bounding to his side, I watched eagerly as his finger pressed the hidden button. 
There was a squeak of gears and metal as part of the wall slid open to reveal a silver file.  It seemed a trivial thing to sacrifice lives over but I knew by the look of it that it held plenty of valuable information.  I snatched the file without a second thought, turning to Dazai with a victorious cheer. 
"Finally!  Let's drop this off and head home, I'm due for a nap," I declared with a yawn.  Dazai's arm wrapped around my waist as he leaned down to place a kiss on my lips.  "What was that for?" I questioned, not minding the affection one bit. 
"You're too cute when you've tasted victory.  It makes your face even more kissable," he cooed lovingly.  I tucked the file away under my shirt and into my belt, out of sight from enemies till we could hide it.  My hands gently grabbed Dazai's face to place my own kiss on his lips. 
"And you're always kissable," I whispered, pecking him with tiny kisses.  He smiled, my own grin spreading as well.  I swooned at the feeling of his hands brushing through my hair carefully, my own fingers gripping his coat to hold him closer. 
"God, I love you," he muttered into the kiss.  I pulled away, attempting to catch my breath and slow my spinning thoughts. 
"I love you too, Dazai."

Bungou Stray Dogs x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now