Ranpo x Reader

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Thanks @xXHailSNailXx for the request!

The streets were sketchy at night but even more risky when you were lacking an important sense. My head tilted towards strange sounds and all kinds of scents were suffocating. I guess a perk of my ability locking away my sight was it also heightening my other senses so much that I could navigate most of the time without help. There were still moments of unease but I had been doing this my whole life now.

I hummed to myself pleasantly as I strolled down the street towards the ADA office. I've been stopping by there several times a week now and had the location locked into my head to where I could find it no matter where I was in the vast city.

My thoughts jumped to a certain detective as my grip on the bag of candies in my hands tightened in anticipation. Ranpo was probably the sweetest and most interesting person I knew. He looked out for me and would tell me wonderful stories that made me chuckle and smile. I've been able to recognize him for a while now without any hesitation.

I smiled to myself as I walked through the door of the cafe with confidence. A mental map in my head told me I was definitely in the right place as I heard the usual owner of the cafe greet me kindly. I waved in the direction of the older man's voice before heading upstairs towards the actual office floor where Ranpo awaited.

As I walked through the door, I picked up the sounds of other ADA workers mingling. I tried to pick apart different voices to match to names but I could only identify Atsushi as I heard him argue with another familiar voice that I couldn't seem to remember the name for. Keeping quiet to not draw any attention and disturb the others, I slinked past various desks towards the back where I heard a shuffle of papers.

"Y/n! You're here again!" Ranpo called out cheerily. I smiled at his enthusiasm as arms suddenly wrapped around me lovingly. Chuckling at the sweet gesture, I accepted his affection before turning to face him and handing him the bag of sweets. I heard him hold his breath as if perking up with interest.

"They might be a little crushed but I hope you like them," I smiled warmly. The sound of crunching made me laugh as Ranpo hummed happily before bringing me back into his arms. I melted into his affection as my face warmed pleasantly. There was no one else that could make me feel this way.

Nuzzling closer, I pushed my face against Ranpo's neck gently. He sighed dreamily, still sounds of chewing coming from his mouth. I never knew him to be patient so this wasn't surprising. I wouldn't be shocked if the candy was gone in the next minute. I'd have to remember to bring more next time.

"Oh, who's this Ranpo? He's been here before hasn't he?" a voice called out as I flinched. I've heard this person before but couldn't put a name to it. I didn't appreciate the skeptical tone in his voice though as I pulled away bashfully from Ranpo who only held me tighter.

"This is y/n. I've told you about him before Dazai, he's my lover," Ranpo stated with pride, his back straightening. The man who's name I now knew was Dazai, clicked his tongue in what sounded like disapproval. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at what I had done or said that made this stranger be so unaccepting towards me.

"He's the one with the stone ability? He doesn't look like much," Dazai grunted. I frowned in the man's direction as I started to become irritated. Who was he to judge me as if I wasn't worthy to so much as be here? Something was clearly wrong with this guy but I wasn't going to let him scare me off.

"Stop talking about me as if I'm not right here," I warned with an accusatory point of my finger. Ranpo tensed beside me before I slipped from his hold to march up to Dazai. This man was asking for something and I was ready to give it to him if he kept up with his disrespect.

"You want to be part of our team here in any way then you have to prove yourself. I've heard you've got an ability but I need to see it to believe it," he shot back with a teasing cheeriness to his voice. I hated the way he seemed to be talking down to me as if I was a child. He wanted to see my ability so badly, he was about to suffer from it.

I restrained myself though as I focused on the sudden shuffling coming from Dazai. He was up to something as he let out a victorious exhale of breath. I was good at sensing what was around me so I could tell that he now held something in his hands. I became suddenly nervous of his intentions.

There was a brief moment of silence before I felt the way the object in his hands was tossed towards me. Everything felt slow as my eyes tracked the object without properly seeing it. Ripples of an image flashed in front of my eyes as my ability activated. I felt the way the object, that I now knew was an apple, turned to stone. The process was quick and immediate, the stone that had once been an apple hitting the floor with a loud thump.

There was a beat of silence before Dazai let out a slow clap. I realized that the rest of the office had gone quiet during the ordeal as I began to feel bashful. Ranpo came up behind me to pull me against his chest. He started to place several kisses against the side of my face to soothe me.

"That was impressive! You're like Medusa!" Dazai cheered. My eyes widened at his sudden flip of emotions but brushed it off. At least he wasn't acting the way he had been earlier. It was all just a setup to see my ability in action and I had fallen in the trap. Ranpo squeezed me tighter as I leaned back against him.

"Don't you ever throw an apple at him again," he hissed at Dazai. Despite everything, I let out a chuckle. How could I stay mad when I was in Ranpo's arms and exhausted. No matter what happened, I still had him to lean on

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