Junichiro x Reader

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Thanks @Its_yoboy_childe for the request!

Waiting silently, I felt my adrenaline spike.  My back was beginning to hurt from my crouched position in the dark but it was too late to back out now.  All I had to do was wait a bit longer.  If I held out it would surely be worth it but as more moments passed by, I was beginning to become far more eager to move. 
I heard footsteps approach, as recognizable as if he were calling out his name.  Ducking down farther, my pulse quickened faster.  There was a brief pause in his step before his legs came into view.  This was my moment to attack. 
"What the hell?!" Junichiro screamed out as I grabbed his leg from under the desk.  His instinct made him attempt to kick me but by the time his foot was out, I was already behind him.  That only scared him again, his shrieks echoing in the office as I tackled his back playfully.  My hands reached up to his chest from behind him, his heartbeat thrumming under my fingers. 
"Jeez, you really are scared.  You should be used to this by now," I chuckled cheerily, tightening my hug around him as I heard him sigh.  I pressed my face to his neck to feel the way he shivered in my hold.  Glancing over his shoulder at his face, I noticed a bright blush along his features as he averted his gaze from mine bashfully.  Teleporting to his front side, I faced him head on with a grin. 
"I think my soul left my body that time," he whispered shakily.  Leaning in, I placed a hand over his heart again with a smirk.  His face deepened its red coloring as a flustered frown pulled at his lips.  He took a hesitant step back as I pushed closer and closer.  When his back hit the wall, he tensed up but I didn't pause my movements until our bodies were pressed together. 
"Should I find a way to calm you down?  I'll gladly find a way to help you," I cooed, tilting my face towards his but not close enough to cause any contact, not yet at least.  I could feel his breathing quicken against my fingertips as he locked his eyes with mine in a nervous stare down.  I didn't flinch away, returning his intensity with my own.
"If this is your way of calming me down, you're failing," he shakily breathed out.  I hummed in response, my other hand moving to twirl a strand of his hair in my fingers.  Watching in satisfaction, his eyelids fluttered briefly before he looked panicked at his reaction. 
We were now only a breath away, his expression all too inviting as I leaned in.  Right when his arms raised to hold me though, I was gone.  Now I stood along a street with a small smile on my face.  Teasing him was fun as hell but it was starting to become clear we were getting a little too attached to each other for it to be merely friendly anymore.


"I can't believe you left me earlier!  What's with that?"  I didn't even look at Junichiro as I flipped through another case file.  He was standing over me with an actual pissed off expression that I hadn't even been sure he was capable of.  I pretended not to be too impressed as I whirled around in my chair. 
The truth was that earlier that day had scared me a bit.  When I had him pushed against that wall and I was getting closer, I really wanted to kiss him.  He hadn't seemed to want to push me away either and that was going to lead to a standstill between us. 
"I like to tease you.  Isn't that what friends are for?" I muttered bitterly as I stood from my chair with a huff.  Slapping the case file onto the desk, I turned away from Junichiro without another word.  At least the conversation was supposed to be over but his hand clasped over my arm.  He was stupid to think that would stop me though. 
Activating my ability, I slipped out of his grasp to reappear a few steps away from him.  I was going to at least walk away so I didn't feel like a coward later on for just disappearing completely but a small part of me also wanted him to convince me to stay with him.  Perhaps he could make me stay for all the right reasons. 
"What's going on with you?  Please, just tell me.  You're making me feel tense," he proclaimed with a concerned frown.  I wanted to make him blush again, to see that same flustered expression that would make me desperately want to kiss him.  But that also was the same thing that made me want to run.  Because if he didn't return this giant pool of affection that was growing in my chest, I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection well and it would quite possibly ruin our friendship. 
"I just need space right now," I mumbled, backing up to escape out the door.  Junichiro really didn't want me to go though as he flung himself forward to block the door.  I gave him a sigh of slight irritation, crossing my arms to stare at him meaningfully.  "That's not going to stop me.  You know I could just teleport away right?" 
"But you haven't yet, which means you really do want to talk to me," he pointed out with a small victorious smile.  Rolling my eyes, I moved to shove past him but his hands quickly laid on my waist.  He was right though.  I could've left already but even now as I glared at him, I didn't plan on teleporting away from the yearning look in his eyes. 
"I know I do a lot of teasing but lately it's been starting to feel a bit different.  Earlier today, I really did wanna kiss you," I mumbled, looking away from him.  He chuckled before he leaned in closer to me.  Hope swirled in my chest as his lips brushed over mine.  He seemed to enjoy his own teasing as he kept himself restrained. 
"I've been wanting to kiss you for a while now," Junichiro confessed.  One of his hands slid to cup the nape of my neck as he let himself move forward to properly kiss me.  Sparks shot through me in shock with how wonderful the feeling was as I eagerly pressed against him, our bodies fitting together perfectly as if we were made for each other.  There was no teasing in the rapid pulse of his heartbeat.

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