Chuuya x Reader

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My arms and chest were littered in bruises and small cuts, a stinging sensation moving across my damaged skin.  I hissed in pain as I trudged to my apartment. 
Being jumped in an alleyway was absolutely no fun at all.  My day had already started crappy but this was the cherry on top of a shitty cake.  I was stupid enough to leave my home without my trusty dagger, something you'd think a Port Mafia member would never forget and yet that's exactly what I did. 
A frustrated and pained sigh drained from me in a satisfying exhale.  The damn thugs had taken all my money (which wasn't much in the first place), my apartment keys and shoes while they were at it.  I felt absolutely filthy and was already relishing the idea of a burning hot shower.  Maybe it could drown away my day down the drain. 
Reaching my apartment complex, I practically dragged myself up the stairs and to my door.  With no keys, I resorted to picking my own lock only to find it was already unlocked.  Alarm rose in my mind as I turned the knob quietly.  I might've been forgetful enough to leave behind my weapon but I wasn't hopeless enough to not lock my door behind me.  It didn't seem the smartest idea to go into possible danger without a weapon but at this point how much more could go wrong today? 
I slipped inside stealthily, making sure to silently close the door behind me.  Nothing immediately looked amiss, all my windows still shut and nothing was broken or stolen.  I scanned the living room, moving on to my bedroom to check for any stowaways.  I paused by the kitchen counter to snatch a knife that I held out in front of me, ready to stab any trespassers. 
My hand rested on my room's door knob, turning it slowly before kicking down the door altogether.  The hairs on my arms rose in alarm at the sight of a figure on my bed before my shock turned to irritation. 
"Chuuya?!" I shouted angrily.  The red head lifted his head to look at me nonchalantly as if he wasn't lying in my bed after breaking into my apartment.  "Seriously, dude, what the hell?" I growled.  His icy eyes rolled nearly out of his head as he waved his hand as if he was dismissing a peasant. 
"I needed a place to crash tonight and your apartment was closest, get over it," he sneered.  I stomped over to the entitled brat, my knife raised in front of me still.  I slapped off his hat, grabbing him by the collar to glare at him. 
"How the hell did you find where I live?" I asked in a frustrated shout.  His gloved hands came up to shove me backwards, the cuts on my chest stinging at the contact. 
"I already said get over it," he replied sassily.  His eyes scanned my body as if he just noticed my bruises, his expression softening slightly.  "What happened to you?"  I scowled at him, turning around to rummage through my drawers and grabbing fresh clothes that weren't bloodstained. 
"None of your fucking business so just get comfy asshole while I go take a shower," my voice snapped irritatingly.  I didn't need fake concern or pity from anyone, least of all Chuuya.  There was a firm tug on my shirt making me spin around. 
"You suck at bandaging your cuts from what I've seen before, I'm doing it," he declared with a serious frown.  I rolled my eyes at his offer for help but I was beginning to become too tired to argue. 
I tried my best to ignore my uninvited guest as I stumbled to the bathroom.  Aching and pained, I reached to turn on the shower only for my hand to be slapped away. 
"What the actual fuck?" I groaned, turning to scowl at Chuuya.  He glared right back, shoving my shoulders and forcing me to sit on the ledge of the bathtub as he twisted the handle of the shower, turning the water on for me as if I was too incapable to do such a simple task. 
"I'm not allowing you to do shit.  By the looks of it you've already gotten into enough trouble," he smirked.  I only frowned back knowing he had a point despite my wounded pride.  I was tempted to cross my arms and throw a tantrum just to test Chuuya's patience but I was too exhausted to do anything other than wait quietly for him to gather ointments and bandages. 
Steam began to billow from the flow of water, my hand reaching out and relishing the burn of the heat.  I almost wanted to strip and jump in even if I did have company.  The red head flashed me a disapproving look as if he could tell what I was thinking and wasn't as interested in my idea as I was.  He grasped the edge of my shirt, not giving me a moment to object before pulling it over my head, leaving my chest bare. 
"Well fuck," his eyebrows lifted at the sight of dark bruises and scattered cuts adorning my skin.  I gave him a wink, a small smirk pulling at my lips. 
"You dragged yourself into this mess.  Get to cleaning Ginger," I ordered snarkily.  He only sighed before pushing me once again, my body thumping into the bathtub and burning water.  I groaned at the pain but the wonderful feel of the water drowned out any lingering aching. 
Staggering to a sitting position, Chuuya waited patiently for me to balance again, a look of satisfaction crossing his expression as I eased back comfortably (despite my soaked pants).  We both watched as the red tinged water circled down the drain, my cuts being washed out. 
"I was jumped," I muttered, not exactly sure why I chose to share.  His head tilted towards me with a hum, his hands retrieving a cloth that he then began to use to massage over my back.  I flinched with each push but I was more shocked than in pain.  Chuuya wasn't necessarily the most nurturing type.  I couldn't lie though and say I didn't like this side of him better than his asshole side. 
"Typical for an idiot like you to get jumped," he scoffed.  There's the Chuuya we all know and love.  My bruises ached with the pressure but the cuts were already numbing in the water.  The wounds on my legs needed to be cleaned too and I wasn't sure how close Chuuya and I were about to become. 
Without any warning, he stood and went to the door, calling out over his shoulder before leaving.  "Finish your shower and put on some pants then I'll bandage you up."  The door shut behind him as I waited a second to make sure he was actually gone before standing carefully and preparing for my shower.


"Fuck Chuuya, that fucking hurts," I groaned.  He didn't relent as he only tightened the bandage on my arm tighter, my cuts practically screaming from the pain.  I gritted my teeth to hold back the stream of whines that were trying to escape. 
"Suck it up, I still have to bandage your chest," he rolled his eyes.  I almost wanted to tell him off but the cuts on my torso were still bleeding and I didn't want to ruin any more shirts. 
Chuuya tied off the bandage on my arm before grabbing another clean one.  He looked at me for approval, to which I only nodded as I mentally prepared myself.  His hands reached behind me, bringing the cloth to my front and around again.  Chuuya kept his eyes focused on my torso but I let my stare stray to the way his hair swept over his shoulder in a satisfying sweep, how his blue eyes were intent and his mouth twitched with each time I flinched.  He's actually pretty gorgeous
"Hold still for this part," he warned before pulling tight.  I hissed at the sensation, my hands flying up to grab Chuuya's arms.  It wasn't enough to stop him but he did flash me a sympathetic look. 
"Goddamnit just tie it already," I panted.  My bruises were suffocating and Chuuya's strength was unrelenting.  He wrapped the bandage around a couple more times before beginning to tie it.  I groaned at the pain before something rested against my lips. 
My pain faded as shock overcame my senses at the strangely wonderful feeling of Chuuya's lips on mine.  His fingers worked on the knot on my chest as my eyes closed, leaning in closer to the kiss.  It was definitely unexpected but not entirely unwelcome.  He slowly pulled away, his eyes glazed over and unfocused before meeting my stare. 
"Damn Chuuya, do you treat all your patients like this?" I teased with a wink.  A light pink hue dusted his cheeks as he leaned in again, me moving forward to meet him halfway.  The kiss was sweet and slow, his arms wrapping around my neck and hands running through my hair as my own hands found his waist. 
"I'm just distracting you from the pain," he breathed against my lips.  I hummed, dragging small pecks over his jaw and up his face to his forehead before meeting his lips again. 
"Good thing for me then cause I'm in a lot of pain."  Chuuya's face blushed even more as he probably realized the trouble he got himself into but I made sure to shut him up with another kiss.

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