Tetchou x Reader

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Thanks @SprinkleFish180 for the request!

Wiping down the tabletops, I expected it to be another regular night. The cafe wasn't usually busy this hour, only a single other customer in the building. She was nearly done with her meal anyways and probably about ready to leave at any moment. I didn't favor the idea of being alone after she left but I'd deal with it.

Humming to myself, I started cleaning to the rhythm with a small smile. This was an upside to having few witnesses, I could lose myself without a care in the world. It would be rare for anyone else to stumble in after the other customer left anyways. Business was usually slow any time after ten so this promised to be a lonely night.

I watched out of the corner of my eye as the last customer exited the cafe with a wave in my direction. I smiled goodbye to her before going back to cleaning another table. My humming picked up again as I lost myself to the tune joyfully. I became so distracted by the feeling of bliss swirling in my chest I didn't even notice as another person walked into the cafe.

Hands suddenly slammed onto the tabletop on either side of me, caging me in as I yelped in surprise. I shot back to try to escape as my back hit into someone's chest. Glancing over my shoulder, my face warmed at the sight of dark eyes and a small frown on a handsome face. He gave me a curious tilt of his head as he leaned in towards my ear.

"Sorry, I wanted to get your attention so I could be seated," the stranger whispered. I choked back any words, too paralyzed by shock and feeling flustered to form a coherent sentence other than stuttering. The stranger seemed to notice my discomfort as he took a step back, allowing me space to breathe and try to cool off my burning face.

"I'm sorry sir. If you could follow me," I mumbled, still in a bit of a daze before my professional instincts kicked in. It wasn't as if I did anything wrong. I could be mature about this and serve him without any more embarrassing interactions between us...hopefully. The stranger didn't even bat an eye at the tension between us. Perhaps it was just me feeling it simmering like someone had lit a match.

Brushing aside the strange feeling, I sat the stranger down at his own table. He gave me an appreciative nod as I passed him a menu and walked away to let him pick out his order. As much as I said I'd be mature about the handsome customer, I couldn't help but spy from the kitchen, looking over every movement he made from the tap of his shoes to the way he occasionally bit his lip.

When I realized just how intently I was staring, I felt my face grow warm again as I turned away to wash dishes. It wasn't very professional to stand and stare at customers with such creepy focus. I was even starting to disgust myself with the idea. This was just a late night visit that he wanted to make, maybe after a particularly long day at work and he expected comfort not a stalker.

"I think I'm ready," he called out softly, his eyes locking with mine the moment I stepped out of the kitchen. It could've been merely my imagination but his stare seemed to be tracking me as I pulled out a pad of paper and a pen, standing over him and waiting for his order. I felt like I was burning under his gaze as he folded the menu to hand to me.

"Can I get a bowl of white rice with sugar on top along with your name and number?" he asked with a serious frown. I froze up writing mid order, cocking my head at him with surprise. I wasn't sure what sounded more blasphemous, putting sugar on white rice or asking for my number out of the blue. I did feel a bit flattered though when he smiled warmly.

"I can get you both actually. The white rice will be right up and my name is y/n," I grinned back bashfully. He suddenly reached out, gently grabbing my hand before raising it slowly to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on my knuckles, making me want to squeal at the gesture. When he winked up at me, I nearly swooned.

"That's a beautiful name fit for a prince such as yourself. I'm Tetchou but eventually you can call me yours," he whispered. It became clear to me that he wasn't usually like this, the effort he was making was charming but obvious as the seriousness in his eyes won over his trying smile. It made me chuckle softly, bowing down to look at him intently. He instantly perked up, smile dropping into a curious frown.

"That's so sweet Mr. Tetchou but you don't need to try so hard to win me over with your flattery. I'm already sold," I admitted, turning away back to the kitchen to get his order ready along with my number on a slip of paper. I felt his eyes follow my back as I waved cheerily over my shoulder. His face had a light shade of pink as if he hadn't expected me to actually give him my name and number but he was cute and had this seriousness around him that told me he wasn't just joking around.

When I came back out with the bowl of white rice and sugar, I placed my number on the table as well. Tetchou gave me a gratifying smile before digging in with excitement. Laughing as I walked away, I realized that was another reason I wanted to be able to talk to him later on. I needed to know how anyone would want to eat white rice with sugar.

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