Nikolai x Reader

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Thanks @Stephanie845624 for the request!

It was already midnight by the time I had finished my work and I already knew what awaited me by the time I got home.  I spent all day away, searching for my targets and completing my tasks but I hadn't expected for it to take most of my night as well as the whole day.  I guess my excitement got in the way of my reasoning. 

Pulling out my phone, I left a red streak across the screen as I scrolled through the spam of messages from a certain partner of mine, all of them begging to know where I was.  With a sigh, I returned my phone to my pocket while whipping out a handkerchief to wipe my face off.  I still had to clean myself up from my earlier activities before I could even think of returning home where my persistent partner was probably freaking out. 

Giving a final glance to the bodies littered across the ground, I turned away to leave the warehouse and slip into the shadows of the night.  Calling Nikolai would only cause more problems if he knew that I wasn't home yet and so I avoided answering the vibration in my pocket.  He'd just have to wait a little longer for my attention, I suppose. 

I still couldn't help but keep up a quicker pace though as I turned down the dimly lit streets of the city.  The idea of home was sounding better and better with each passing moment in the cold breeze of the night.  I was almost tempted to pick up the phone just to hear Nikolai's voice but it was better for me to focus on the strangers moving along the sidewalks. 

Although that didn't work as well as I had hoped as I turned a corner to bump into someone.  The knife up my sleeve slid into my palm on instinct but the stranger in front of me only pouted at the contact of our bodies hitting against each other. 

"Watch where you're going!  You almost made me spill my sweets," the man whined as he squinted at me in accusation.  Quickly sliding the knife back into its hidden holster, I gave the man a bewildered stare.  Who on earth would wander along the streets in a sketchy part of town at midnight?  Not wanting to stick around any longer in case this was a trap, I attempted to shove past him but his hand wrapped around my wrist making me flinch at the contact. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?!  Let go of me," I hissed, shocked by the audacity of this stranger.  No one in their right mind would behave this way and so why was this stranger acting like this?  My eyes traced over his body for hidden weapons or objectives but the dark haired man only frowned at me. 

"You seem familiar.  Have we met before?" the man asked in a low voice.  Pinpricks caused goosebumps to run down my arms, a feeling of being watched sending adrenaline through my body.  Something did seem familiar about this stranger and it sent alarms off in my head.  Tugging my arm away from the man's hold, I raised the hood of my sweatshirt over my head to obscure my face. 

"Get the hell away from me," I threatened before sprinting away from the speculation of the stranger.  It wasn't until I turned another corner into a dark alleyway that I recognized who I had run into, suddenly extremely grateful the man hadn't known who I was.  Shit, that was an ADA member. 

Leaning against the wall of the alleyway, I focused on catching my breath from sprinting so far so quickly.  Chest heaving, I didn't hear the sound of footsteps growing nearer to me until a hand slid over my wrist.  Snatching my arm away while swinging out with my knife, I had barely been able to pull the weapon away just in time to not skewer Nikolai's neck. 

"Damn it!  If I could go five minutes without having a heart attack that'd be great," I muttered to myself darkly.  My hand came up to rub the bridge of my nose, trying to alleviate a growing headache while waiting to hear the usual perkiness of Nikolai only to hear a heavy silence. 

Glancing to my side, I tilted my head in concern at the saddened expression on my partner's face.  It wasn't normal for him to not seem happy-go-lucky and he definitely wasn't putting on a show right now by the expression on his usual cheery face.  I leaned away from the wall to place my hands gently on his face, him immediately leaning in to the touch. 

"Hey, what's up?  Tell me," I whispered tenderly, pulling him slightly closer.  His eye flicked to me uncertainly as his arms wound around my neck slowly as if he wasn't sure if it was alright.  This behavior was definitely strange.  He had no problem with contact before so why was he acting so unsure now? 

"I saw you with that guy.  The one who held your wrist and you were gone for so long," he muttered quietly.  He turned his head away shyly before whispering lowly.  "I missed you when you were gone.  I wasn't sure where you were." 

I couldn't help but chuckle at the explanation for his behavior, his eye widening at my reaction.  My hands found his hips, pulling him in as our chests touched reassuringly.  I watched in satisfaction as a light blush darkened his pale cheeks. 

"How ridiculous of you to think I would choose someone else over you," I whispered into his ear before placing a soft kiss against the side of his face.  I felt him shiver in my hold as his hold around my neck tightened.  It was clear that he was having one of those nights where he needed reassurance and after the long day I had, I was ready to give it to him.  "Let's go home and I promise you can have me for the rest of the night."


This was the highlight of my existence; lying in bed with Nikolai cuddled up against my chest with his soft hair twirling between my fingers.  A gentle silence rested over us like a blanket, keeping us comfortable as we enjoyed the feeling of each other's warming touches.  Our legs were intertwined with our hips pushed against each other, our bodies fitting together perfectly as if we were made for one another. 

Gently tugging on Nikolai's braid, he looked up to me with a small smile.  I gave him my own grin as I leaned in to place a slow kiss on his lips.  He hummed happily, sending tingles against my mouth and making me chuckle at the feeling.  One hand found his waist where my fingers traced small circles against his skin, my other hand guiding his face in a smooth rhythm against mine. 

"You're absolutely gorgeous," I whispered against his lips, mumbling more praises with each kiss we exchanged.  Nikolai pushed against me more greedily as more moments passed but I sure as hell didn't mind.  I knew he needed each praise for him to understand how much I adored him and I made sure to make him realize with each touch. 

"I love you Nikolai," I stated, my hands pulling his face away from mine so I could watch as his face reddened right before my eyes.  Making him blush was my favorite hobby, my favorite color being the hue of his face when I confessed the truth to him.  Everything about him made me thrum with content and happiness. 

"I love you too," he mumbled softly, his hands resting against my chest before he leaned in to peck my forehead, trailing more kisses down to my lips where he lingered for a bit.  It seemed there would be no sleeping anytime soon and I was okay with that, my hours were about to be well spent.


I awoke with a satisfied yawn, my arms stretching above my head.  Assuming I fell asleep sometime last night after a very affectionate cuddling session with Nikolai, a small smile flitted across my lips.  Warmth spread across my neck as something very comfortable supported my head. 
Still half awake, I nuzzled closer to what I assumed was a pillow as a soft chuckle echoed in my ears.  A hand ran through my hair gently as I tilted my head to look above me at the man who seemed to already be fully awake. 
Heat crept up my face as I started to shake off my sleepy daze to realize that the soft pillow I was cuddled against was actually Nikolai's thighs.  The white haired man was gazing at me lovingly with a small smirk on his lips knowing full well that I was comfortable as hell with my head in his lap. 
"You seem happy my dear," Nikolai taunted in a low voice.  The joke was on him though because I didn't plan on moving anytime soon, keeping the white haired man stuck here with me for the next few hours. 
My own smirk pulled at my lips as I gave a gentle squeeze to one of his thighs causing him to let out a surprised yelp.  His hands abruptly left my hair to cover his mouth in shock but I only readjusted myself on his incredibly soft thighs to prepare myself for another nap. 
"I am indeed very happy my darling.  Hope you didn't make any plans today because your schedule seems to be filled," I stated giving him a mischievous wink that made him roll his eyes with a flustered blush.

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