Tachihara x Reader

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Thanks @George_thepenguin324 for the request!

Waiting in the shadows, I twirled my dagger in anticipation.  My targets were down below in the bottom of the warehouse, completely unaware that their reaper was crouched close by, watching for an opening.  The ADA members merely conversed with each other as if death wasn't near.  They were sadly mistaken though as I adjusted my footing. 
After a lead had given Mori the location a couple of ADA members would be seen at, he sent me to intercept, and if possible, ambush them and cut them down.  I never was one to back down from a challenge so this was something I had to do no matter how long I had to wait for an opening where I could catch them off guard. 
My eyes scanned the two, focus directed at the smaller one who seemed too nervous to be a threat.  His white hair was choppy and he curled himself forward, fiddling with his fingers as he watched the taller one with unease.  I happened to recognize Dazai who stood there with his hands on his hips and cockiness practically flowing off of him.  It would be more difficult to get rid of him but I could kill off the smaller one with ease. 
As Dazai turned away to point somewhere, I took my chance.  Darting out of the shadows, I leveled my blade towards the younger boy.  He noticed me as he gave a surprised yelp but it would be too late as I raised my dagger high.  When I brought it down however, something happened. 
My wrist was jerked sharply to the side, my hold on my weapon going slack before pain blossomed in my side as my own knife slid into my skin.  I cried out at the immediate pain, staggering before falling against the ground. 
When I looked up, I couldn't find Dazai but a red haired boy who looked slightly horrified.  I was vaguely aware of an ADA member who could create holograms and realized how stupid I had been.  My blood pooled around me as I clutched the wound, my head spinning.  Both of the detectives looked unsure but eventually ran off warily, probably to alert someone that I was here.  If they came back, I couldn't be here unless I wanted to be arrested. 
So with tears running down my face, I started to crawl across the warehouse floor to try to hide.  Heat pulsed through my wound and sharp aches made me wonder if I was going to die this way, alone and bleeding out in an abandoned warehouse.  I couldn't let that happen though, not yet at least. 
My hand reached out to pull myself farther when I noticed shoes in front of me.  My eyes weakly trailed up the figure standing before me as recognition flared through me.  I sneered at Tachihara with my remaining strength as he merely smirked as if victorious.  When his gaze moved behind me, probably spotting the bloody trail, concern flitted onto his expression. 
"What the hell did you do now, you idiot?" he chastised, leaning down to help grab me.  I hissed as his hand pressed against the gash in my side, his touch immediately moving to my waist.  He looked down my body to find the wound blistering and bloody.  He paled at the sight as I chuckled darkly. 
"Can't handle a bit of blood huh?  I thought you were stronger than that Tachihara," I cooed teasingly, one of my hands pressing against his chest to steady myself on my wobbly legs.  My head spun at the unbearable pain but I was conscious enough to smirk at Tachihara's glare.  My small victory was short lived though as I doubled over to heave my lunch onto the ground.  The world abruptly went dark as I blacked out to the sound of Tachihara calling for me.


When I came to, I immediately noticed the subsided pain in my side.  It still burned like crazy but it was just bearable enough for me not to cry out.  The next thing I noticed was the soft bed I found myself lying back in.  Pillows had been stacked comfortably, causing me to sigh in relaxation at the softness of it all. 
Taking a moment to just breathe, I allowed myself the silence that hung around me before opening my eyes to look at my wound.  What I found was many surprising things all at once.  My shirt was gone with a bandage wrapped around my torso, blood seeping through the material as I quickly glanced away.  Ointments still laid nearby, clearly used with some of the caps twisted off haphazardly.  The most shocking thing of it all though was Tachihara sitting at the end of the bed with a solemn look in his sad eyes. 
"You're an idiot, getting yourself stabbed like that.  What the hell were you thinking dumbass?" he whispered angrily.  Scoffing, I rolled my eyes at his dramatics.  It was only a knife wound and not as gnarly as a lot of other injuries could be.  Tachihara wasn't amused with my nonchalance as he glared at me. 
"What's got you so worked up?  I'm not dead so who cares?  Get over it," I shrugged, leaning back as I closed my eyes with a hum.  The bed creaked as I was abruptly dragged by my leg down across the sheets.  I gave a surprised yelp, trying to kick Tachihara but not having enough strength to do so.  Nothing stopped him from hovering over me with a killer glare. 
"Maybe I care!  You could've died you selfish asshole so don't act like it was nothing!  I get you wouldn't care if it was me but I couldn't bear seeing you like that," he yelled in irritation, sneering in my face.  My mouth fell open in shock at his confession, unsure how to feel other than suddenly flustered. 
"Who says I don't care about you?  I'd sure as hell be pissed off if someone dared to stab you so fuck you," I shot back angrily.  It was clear we didn't know how to process these strange emotions but as we glared at each other, a switch seemed to flip as I pulled him close and eagerly kissed his lips. 
I felt him tense before pushing against me greedily, his breath mixing with mine as his hands roamed my body, careful not to touch my wound.  My own hands pulled at his hair as I hummed longingly against his lips.  When we pulled away, we took a solid minute catching our breath with our glares softening the slightest bit. 
"You need to heal dumbass.  Stop provoking me or else you're not getting rest anytime soon," he huffed out, a bright blush on his face as he turned away.  I smirked at my victory even with my own face burning bashfully.  My hand strayed to press against my side, fully realizing that Tachihara had patched me up and possibly saved my life.  A different kind of warmth curled inside my chest as the clarity of our kiss made me smile.

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