Sigma x Reader (Part 1)

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Thanks @crack_x for the request!

Dancing to a drunken sway, I felt higher than the clouds as I hummed. The streets were empty and dark as I beamed happily. The night was still young and yet it already felt like it was over as I began to sing softly. I didn't even have many drinks, the downsides of being a lightweight I suppose.

There was nothing to worry about though as I swayed on my feet, a bit lightheaded as the cold breeze sent a chill down my body. I was definitely not wearing enough layers for this cold weather but the warm buzz thrumming in my chest kept me comfortable. It was a shame I was enjoying this alone though.

My blurred vision did its best to focus on tiny details, as far as I knew I was alone out here. If I had been sober, I probably would've been more concerned about this strangeness of a lack of people. I wasn't sober though so everything was perfectly fine and dandy. Even the breeze seemed to agree with my headspace as it blew against me, making me trip as I crashed into someone.

"Oh my, sir are you alright?" a voice echoed in my head. I groaned in response, my body resting against something soft as I went limp in exhaustion. There was a surprised squeak that broke me from my trance as I looked up to find a man under me with his face bright red. I felt my own face heat up as I smirked down at him under me.

"'re really hot," I mumbled out, my hands landing on the sidewalk on either side of his head before I pushed myself up to a sitting position. The stranger I had landed on sat up after a moment as well, his face an even brighter color as I chuckled softly. Leaning a bit, my head rested on his shoulder as he tensed up.

"I wish I was sober so I wouldn't scare you away," I sighed, really damn disappointed at my timing. Whatever I was upset with blanked from my mind a moment later as I began to hum again, cuddling against this stranger. I heard him exhale shakily before he moved me off his shoulder. Before I could whine, his hands were on my shoulders and shaking me.

"Where do you live? I'm going to take you home so you don't get yourself killed," the stranger asked urgently, a small frown on his lips. I tilted my head, looking at him with appreciation and longing. He really was attractive with his long, flawless hair and beautiful face. His eyes were caring and made butterflies flutter around in my chest.

"I'm y/n, not a lost cause, I swear," I slurred, my body swaying from my sitting position. My eyes began to droop as I promptly forgot what this handsome stranger had asked me. I was vaguely aware of him shaking me and trying to tell me something but I was already blacking out despite my best efforts to stay awake.


Sigma POV

I had been on my way home from the casino. So how the hell did I end up here with a handsome stranger in my bed and my heart rapidly beating. After he blacked out, I couldn't get him to wake up again so I dragged him to my own home considering I didn't know where this stranger lived. All I knew was I felt something spark between us the moment he looked down at me after we bumped into each other.

Now I sat by the bed in a chair, staring wide eyed and a bit bashfully at y/n. He looked so peaceful as he slept deeply, his hands wrapped around one of my pillows as he held it against his chest. The sight made me grin despite myself. He was pretty cute himself and was definitely having a pleasant dream according to the warm smile twitching on his slightly parted lips. I chuckled to myself, enjoying every small movement he made in his sleep including his random finger taps and spontaneous shivers.

Eventually I grabbed him extra blankets to make sure he wasn't cold before preparing some water for him when he awoke. It had to be any moment now considering he had begun to make small groans in his sleep, stretching more often with his eyelids fluttering.

When his eyes actually flashed open, I wasn't prepared enough as I froze up. The feeling swirling in my chest immediately made my breath catch as we stared each other down, something warm sparking between us. Y/n blinked a couple times before he held my pillow closer and gave me a small lopsided smile that made me flustered.

"I remember you. I think we bumped into each other last night. I didn't do anything, did I?" y/n suddenly frowned in concern, sitting up to take in his surroundings. Hearing his sober voice made me swoon a bit as I stood from my chair to hand him a glass of water that he took with a thankful nod.

"No, nothing happened! I just brought you here because I didn't want to leave you on the streets. I'm sorry for not asking or making you feel uncomfortable," I apologized, bowing slightly as y/n chuckled. The sound made my ears turn red. I felt one of his hands touch my shoulder, urging me to stand as he smiled warmly at me. My heart practically melted.

"Don't apologize, I should be thanking you. You probably saved my life and definitely saved my dignity. I appreciate it. Can I get your name though?" he softly asked. My eyes glanced between his hand still on my shoulder and his comfortable gaze. I cleared my throat to ensure my voice wasn't wobbly when I replied.

"You can call me Sigma," I mumbled bashfully. The air between us seemed to heat up more as y/n's fingers squeezed my shoulder once gently as if he didn't want to let go. It might've sounded crazy but I didn't want him to let go either. I wasn't one to believe something that seemed so silly but since last night, I've felt drawn to y/n and his adorable lopsided smile and bright eyes. It made me briefly wonder if love at first sight was more than a myth. There was no denying the tension building between us as I smiled shyly.

"Thank you Sigma. I intend on paying you back in any way you see fit," he whispered, clearly picking up on the emotions swirling between us. He seemed to be caught in this spell just like me as he gazed into my eyes longingly. It felt both ridiculous and wonderful and I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I asked him to stay a bit longer.

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