Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @space_boy_Mats for the request!

Dazai POV

My eyes strayed to the clock for the thousandth time today.  Time seemed to be dragging on and on today and I felt I couldn't bear it any longer.  With a groan, I clicked my pen in agitation.  I had plans today and staying here at work to finish up paperwork was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. 
Kunikida glanced up from his journal to scowl at me, his eyes narrowed in annoyance through his glasses.  It didn't cure my restlessness though.  Another groan slipped past my lips, seemingly echoing around the quiet office. 
"Will you quit that?  We get it Dazai, you're bored but keep it to yourself.  Some of us are trying to work," Kunikida snapped.  I gave him my own deadpanned stare that showed just how much I cared.  He didn't understand that I had company waiting for me.  The thought of him made my face warm and anticipation to pulse through my veins. 
"I'm clocking out early.  I've got someone waiting for me and I don't want him to start to worry," I announced, ignoring the shocked stare of Kunikida.  He looked offended that I had the audacity to leave early but he should've suspected something like this to happen.  Always expect the unexpected. 
I didn't think twice about giving him a mocking smile and wave of my hand before slipping out of the office.  Pulling out my phone, I decided to search up a nearby stop.  I wasn't about to show up empty handed after all.


Knocking on the door gently, I checked the time to reassure myself that I was on time.  He didn't appreciate it when I was too early and I tried my best to avoid it even though all I wanted was to spend non-stop hours together.  I understood he said that to give himself enough time to tidy up though so I didn't complain. 
It took only a few moments before the door was eased open to show him standing there with a slightly nervous expression.  I couldn't help but smile at the way he instantly brightened when he noticed it was me at his doorstep. 
"It's just me and I've brought an offering," I declared with a puff of my chest.  He tilted his head quizzically but I waved aside the statement.  He gave a small nod before allowing me to walk inside.  "How have you been y/n?" 
"I've been good.  Found another book for my collection," he mumbled quietly, a small smile pulling at his lips.  My heart warmed at the sight.  He had a very keen interest in collecting books.  He's even confessed to spending hours perfecting the order of his bookshelf. 
His gaze wandered as he guided me to the living room where we sat on his couch.  I placed the bag I had been carrying on his table, his eyes focused on the movement before he gave another curious tilt of his head.  Giving him a smirk, I opened the top to retrieve a handful of snacks. 
"You told me the other day you didn't like certain textures so I brought you your favorites," I cheerily stated, handing the pile to him.  He held out his hands instantly, his widened eyes not straying from the treats as he sat there in what seemed to be shock.  "If you don't like them I can take them back, don't worry." 
"These are my favorites," he stated with a smile.  His eyes lifted to meet mine before they strayed again.  That brief moment of eye contact made my face warm though and a tingle to spark at the base of my spine.  "Thank you so much Dazai." 
He promptly opened the package of the snack before taking a bite, a look of satisfaction crossing his face.  I knew watching him eat would make him shy away so after a bit I let my eyes roam around the room.  This was far better than being at work. 
"Do I ever annoy you?"  The question came out of nowhere and split through the comfortable atmosphere.  My gaze shot straight back to him to find him staring at the couch with a troubled expression.  His snack was half eaten and placed on the table, completely forgotten as his mind clearly raced. 
"What are you talking about?  You've never annoyed me so where did you get that idea?" I asked, completely shocked that he'd even think of such a ridiculous thing.  His eyes squinted slightly, his own annoyed expression settling over his features.  His hands started to fidget in his lap in mild distress. 
"Some lady the other day told me I was and it made me wonder if you felt the same," he whispered.  Slowly, I offered my hand out to him.  He glanced at it before pausing.  He has explained to me before that there were times when he couldn't stand being touched and I wanted to go at his pace, especially with him feeling down.  His hand rested on mine though, my fingers gently rubbing over the smooth skin. 
"I can assure you that you are not annoying.  I find myself anticipating every time I see you actually," I stated, using my other hand to rest over his.  Eyes staring into mine, I saw the way his shoulders relaxed and his breathing evened out.  It didn't stop his frown from remaining though, a million thoughts behind his stare. 
"Would you like me more if I wasn't—". 
"You're amazing and that's all that matters," I interrupted his ridiculous question.  His head tilted shyly, a small smile returning to his face and his gaze averting.  I felt his hand twitch and so I let go, receiving a thankful glance from y/n. 
"How about you show me some of your books?  Next time I'm going to bring you another bookshelf."  He instantly brightened, eyes practically shining as he shot up, waving his hand over his shoulder for me to follow.  Without missing a beat, I trailed behind.  Spending my time with him was always worth it.  Definitely far better than listening to Kunikida nag at me for another hour.

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