Bram x Reader

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Thanks @crack_x for the request!

The night was chilly and clear of clouds, leaving the night sky bright and glowing with stars and moonlight. It brought me peace along with the anticipation of my destination that rested at the end of the road I stalked along. Despite the late hour, I knew that nothing and no one would dare mess with me. I was the earl's favorite and therefore untouchable unless someone wished for punishment.

The satchel across my chest weighed heavily and hit against my waist with each confident step I took. The gift I had brought was of decent size but to see Bram's expression would make carrying it all this way worth it. After my trip away from him, I could only hope that he'd be just as excited to see me as I was to see him. Three weeks was a long time to be gone after all.

His home came into view once I turned a corner on the small street, my mood brightening instantly at the familiarity of it. I've already spent countless nights in the quiet space, thankful for Bram's endless hospitality and care for me. It made me feel guilty when I couldn't provide him the same necessities to pay him back. I had to show my gratitude in smaller ways.

Standing outside his door, I dedicated a moment of my time to brush off my vest and fix my hair to ensure I didn't look like I trudged through the streets after poor sleep overseas. It really shouldn't matter what my appearance looked like when Bram didn't seem to mind what I presented myself as but this is the first time I'd see him after weeks of being apart. I wanted to gain his attention again.

My hand nervously raised to knock upon the door but it swung open before I had the chance. This should've eased my mind that I was expected by Bram although it had the opposite effect on me, leaving me trembling and a bit flustered. I wasn't sure if he was watching me now or if he had been following me the moment I stepped off the boat and it didn't really matter to me. All I cared about was seeing him again.

"There you are my dear. I was wondering when you would return home to me," a soft voice echoed through the entranceway. Anticipation overruled my other uneasy emotions as I stepped further into the household, making sure the door shut behind me on my way in. I eagerly glanced around the foyer in the darkness, the torches along the walls creating moving shadows. As I looked a bit harder though, I could see a figure leaning against the far wall.

"Bram? Is that you?" I called out tentatively. In the span of a second, the figure was no longer across the foyer and standing in front of me. My eyes quickly adjusted to the sudden shift, taking in all of Bram from his flowing hair, down his elegant suit and back to his exhausted eyes. He looked absolutely divine in the flickering firelight. Everything about him was immaculate and designed to make my heart beat faster.

"Welcome home. How was your trip? Need me to carry your satchel to your room?" he questioned with a tilt of his head, a small smile pulling back his lips enough where his fangs glinted enticingly. I smiled back warmly, my uneasiness dissipating at his caring demeanor. My hand came up to cup his face gently, my fingers stroking his pointed ear to make him shiver. It was like nothing had changed between us.

"It was good! I'm just glad to be back here. I brought you a gift as well," I stated through a small chuckle at how he was eagerly leaning closer to me, practically purring as I rubbed his ear before moving my hand through his hair. With my other hand, I dug around inside my satchel to withdraw the small box-like object. Bram took instant interest in the item as I held it out to him.

"What is it? Is it a trap of sorts perhaps?" he curiously perused, gingerly grabbing the object in his hands. He flipped the box around in different directions, messing with the knobs on it like an inquisitive owl inspecting a new shiny object. It was adorable to watch and I could only hope he'd like it once I flip the switch on the back. I reached forward to click the on button, both of us watching in awe as a faint light flickered on one face of it.

"It's called a radio. It plays music and sometimes talks. I bought it and figured you might like it," I explained, turning one of the knobs as a buzzing sound escaped from the small box. Bram perked up, messing with the dial himself with wide eyes. When a soft tune drifted through the air, he paused to stare at it in awe. One of his ears twitched at the sound, his incredulity morphing into a smile on his face as he turned to look at me.

"You're too kind. This is a fabulous gift and I thank you," he whispered, setting the small box on a nearby table before he held out his hands to me. A bit confused, I reached out to him not knowing what he was up to. When he pulled me close to him, one of his hands on my waist and the other grabbing my own hand, I felt myself become slightly light headed with the contact.

"What are you doing?" I trembled in a flustered daze, full of anticipation. Bram gave me a shy smile that had me melting in his hold, my other arm wrapping around his shoulders to keep me secure. He pulled me even closer to where I could feel his chest on mine. His heartbeat was dreadfully slow but the fact that I could feel it at all sent off butterflies in my stomach.

"We've got music so this calls for a dance my dear," he whispered back, slowly guiding me in a sweep. The sound of the radio urged us on as a beautiful melody echoed through the foyer, seeming to swirl around us when we glided across the floor as if we were made to dance together, fitting against one another perfectly.

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