Ranpo x Reader

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Thanks @SprinkleFish180 for the request!

Ranpo lounged across the couch in the main office, not sparing the body seeping blood into the carpet a second glance.  He was too preoccupied with an origami crane in his fingers that he held up like a little kid to spare even a moment of his attention.  It took everything in me not to shake him and beg for him to give away the answer for who had committed the murder. 

Sighing, I shifted my weight from one foot to another in eager anticipation for the exact moment when Ranpo would sit up and make his foolproof claim.  It was standing by and waiting patiently that set my nerves tingling as if lit on fire.  I wasn't one to be known for my patience and being paired to work with Ranpo was possibly the worst duo combination that has ever graced this bloodstained room. 

"Does this look like a star to you from this direction?  Or maybe a camel?" Ranpo muttered, twisting the folded paper around his hand as he leaned back to stare up at the ceiling.  There was only so much I'd be able to handle of his carefree attitude at the scene of a crime and a murder before I began to freak out.  Hopefully it didn't get to that point because I didn't want to snap at Ranpo who was still a dear friend to me despite our different working styles. 

"Ranpo, can we maybe wait on that and focus on the case at hand?" I gently urged with a patient smile.  He didn't even glance at me, shrugging his shoulders as if he couldn't care less for the corpse.  I knew that wasn't actually the case and that this was possibly just a method to clear his head but it unnerved me to see him so nonchalant about a murder when I was jumpy and mourning a life that I didn't lose.  This line of work was going to destroy me. 

"I'm working on it.  Don't worry so much y/n.  The killer won't get far," Ranpo tried to assure me but I wasn't feeling secure or safe about the notion that the murderer was being given extra time to escape.  Justice had to be served to allow the man who had died some closure, some for me as well.  I couldn't help but feel awful standing this close to the body of someone who had once been loved and cared for, living his life until someone had decided to end it. 

Starting to pace, I needed to move to try and alleviate some stress.  My pulse was quickening and a familiar thrum in my ears threatened to give me a headache if I kept working myself up over this.  Everyone meets their ends at some point and this happened to be the unfortunate ending of this innocent man.  It didn't make it right but there wasn't anything that could be done to bring him back and I had to accept that. 

"Y/n, I said calm down.  Pacing isn't going to help you, it just riles you up more," Ranpo called out seriously.  I could barely register what he was saying, everything sounding as if we were underwater as the steady thrumming in my head grew louder and more insistent.  The body on the ground stared up at me mockingly, putting pressure on me to find the monster who could do such a thing. 

"Y/n.  Hey, snap out of it!  Y/n!"  The corpse winked at me, a wicked smile pulling across the dead man's lips.  I wouldn't be surprised if it moved to snatch my foot and drag me down to hell.  I was just standing around and waiting for someone else to solve the problem.  I was barely a detective if I couldn't defend those who couldn't stand up for themselves anymore.  The body agreed with a sickening nod that had my stomach churning. 

"Y/N!"  Hands grabbed my shoulders, making me flinch at the contact as the corpse went still.  I must've been losing my mind as Ranpo spun me around to face him.  Tears rolled down my face as I blinked in confusion to focus on my surroundings.  The room felt like it was trying to knock me off my feet but Ranpo held me up to keep me from falling.  "Are you alright?  Were you having a stroke?" 

"It was the assistant.  She killed him for what he did to her.  It's why she didn't want to help with the investigation," I blurted out.  Ranpo gently sat me onto the couch, crouching down in front of me with his hands on my knees to stare at me.  I decided to ignore the position for now, my surprise at my own claims for the case shocking me and yet the truth of it rang clear. 

"That's correct but are you alright?  You were muttering to yourself and froze up," Ranpo frowned in concern.  I felt myself coming down from the strange fever dream I must've felt moments before as I smiled softly at him.  His concern for me was endearing and the way his eyes were wide was just adorable.  It was easier to get along with him when he wasn't testing my patience. 

"I'm fine now.  The stress just got to me but I'll be alright.  Thanks Ranpo," I breathed out, leaning back into the couch in exhaustion.  Ranpo squeezed my knees once before a sudden weight on my thigh caused me to jolt in surprise.  When I glanced down, I found him resting his head in my lap with a small pout pulling at his lips.  I couldn't fight the warmth spreading through my body at the contact, deciding to take a chance and allow my hand to rest on his head, my fingers running through his hair. 

"Don't do that again.  You scared me," he whispered, cuddling against my lap.  He probably didn't even realize what he was doing and I wasn't going to stop him either.  He seemed just as shaken up as I was and clearly needed the comfort that I wanted as well.  Indulging a bit to relieve my stress, I held Ranpo close as he clung to me affectionately.

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