Fyodor x Reader

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‼️emotional damage, recent spoilers‼️

"Don't you worry.  Once I'm out of here and win this little game, I'll have all the time in the world for you.  I promise I'll dote on you more."  Fyodor had cupped my face and kissed my forehead so sweetly after saying those words.  It was hard to get him to show much affection a lot of the time but I knew he cared for me.  And now seeing him so open about it in front of this small strange group of people, I felt even more cared for. 

"Fyodor, you're making me shy," I whispered with a bright smile as I kissed his cheek back.  In truth, I couldn't care less what Nikolai or that Dazai or Sigma thought about us.  All I cared about right now is helping Fyodor escape from here alive so we could spend the rest of our lives together like he promised.  It was an end goal that I had my heart set on. 

Fyodor was suddenly set on peppering the side of my face with small kisses while he rubbed my shoulder softly, his other hand sliding down to my hip where he traced small patterns there that made me swoon.  It was a wonder how I even got so lucky in the first place with him.  And soon enough I'd have him for the rest of my life without worry. 

"I love you so much...I can't wait for you to win this game..." I whispered against Fyodor's lips before gently kissing him, my hands softly moving into his hair.  The kiss didn't last too long.  It was sweet and short considering we still had company in the same room and we didn't want to get too carried away with a time crunch.  Fyodor had packed enough passion and adoration into the small gesture though to make me sigh happily once we separated. 

"I love you too.  I'll be right back in your arms before you know it.  Have some faith in me," Fyodor smiled with that self righteous, borderline cocky smile of his that made me chuckle and shake my head.  I wasn't worried.  I knew Fyodor was a genius and that he could overcome anything.  I put my full trust in him that he would make it back to me after all of this.  Because if I didn't trust him, I'd fall apart.


I should've panicked.  I should've screamed and fought for him to consider another way out the moment the needle was brought into the light.  I should've stopped him before he injected himself or before he left that room or before he tried playing god by escaping the inescapable.  I should've done more other than stand by and trust him.  Just trust him.  Just have faith in him.  Well faith wasn't helping him now as he bled out in the backseat of the helicopter while I was being held back by Chuuya, Fyodor's secret weapon that had been a betrayal in disguise. 

I screamed and begged for his mercy while the red glow around my body held me in place, leaving me helpless to watch.  Hot tears of frustration and fear slid down my face, the only thing able to move while I tried pleading for his life, for someone to save him, for anyone to help.  No one listened though.  Not even Nikolai did anything while that demon Dazai stood there with a victorious smile on his face as if he was enjoying my love's pain. 

I wanted to kill him.  To rip him apart for that disgusting laugh of his while he monologued his triumph, letting Fyodor sit there in his blood and pain.  I couldn't stand it.  The sight was too much.  Fyodor was dying right in front of me and I couldn't do anything. 

Right when I thought that this couldn't get any worse, the helicopter started to rise and my heart fell into the pit of my stomach.  My mouth opened to scream but no sound could come out.  I could only watch wide eyed in horror as the helicopter flew shakily in the air before turning harshly to the side...right into the side of the building. 

Suddenly a hand moved over my eyes too late as I sobbed and screamed finally in heartbreak.  The horrible sound of twisting metal and an engine explosion rang in my ears as Nikolai's gloved hand remained over my eyes to keep me from seeing where Fyodor must've been buried under.  I still couldn't move under the prison of Chuuya's ability.  It was the only thing keeping me from running to the crash site to throw myself into the fire to try to find a piece of Fyodor, something I could salvage of him. 

"Please!  Please!  For the love of god, no!" I screamed and cried until my voice was gone and my tears were spent, leaving me to dry heave until I finally felt Chuuya's ability release me.  I fell to my knees instantly while Nikolai crouched down to keep his hand over my tear stained, bloodshot eyes. 

It was probably for the best.  I didn't want to know that my beloved Fyodor was gone.  That he had gone out so horribly after promising me a future with him.  I didn't want to see the damage or any remains of what used to be the love of my life.  I wanted to wake up.  I wanted to break out of this nightmare and go back into his arms.  I just wanted Fyodor.  I just needed him.

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