Fukuzawa x Reader

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"Fuku!  I come bearing gifts!" I happily exclaimed with pride as I set down a handful of bags onto his desk, right on the papers he had been looking over.  He didn't even blink, clearly used to my behavior, especially towards him.  I took that as a positive sign and a tell of our strong connection.  It also helped that as his boyfriend, he had chosen to deal with me so my mess was his fault. 

"Right now?  Can't this wait till I'm on my break?" he raised an eyebrow at me skeptically.  He knew better to hope for such a thing though as I eagerly pushed one of the bags his way, ignoring his request with excitement shining in my eyes.  Bouncing on the heels of my feet, I was giddy with what I had gotten him...again.  What else was I supposed to do with my money but spoil my boyfriend with riches and gifts. 

"Please Fuku, I promise that after this one gift you can go back to work and open the rest later," I smiled brightly, moving to stand behind him with my arms around his shoulders.  My head rested against the crook of his neck before I kissed his jaw from behind him.  "Please please please..." I whined in a whisper right by his ear. 

Eventually, he gave in with a sigh of defeat.  He should've known that he couldn't ever win in these cases.  Not when I was so adamant on spoiling him and giving him dozens of things he would've never wanted beforehand.  Despite his lack of materialistic tendencies, he never turned down my presents knowing that giving gifts was my love language. 

"Alright.  Just this one and then you have to wait for the others," he sighed as he tilted his head to the side to peck my cheek softly.  I nodded with a chuckle, squeezing him tighter while watching over his shoulder as he pulled the bag closer to himself and started gently digging through it.  With eager eyes, I watched him grab the small box that was inside the bag to place on his desk. 

For a moment, he just stared at it.  It took me plenty of restraint not to push him to keep going.  When he did finally flip open the lid to the box, excitement thrummed down my spine as his shoulders tensed up for a moment.  I knew that this tenseness in his body after receiving certain gifts was a sign that he was awestruck and unsure how to react considering he usually wasn't very forward with his enjoyment towards things. 

"Do you like it, baby?" I ask quietly as I watch his fingers slide along the silver arm band with black decorative crystals engraved into it along with our initials.  A part of me was always a bit nervous that I'd get him something personal that he'd reject.  But my nervousness was quickly dismissed as he immediately took the band from the box and lifted up his sleeve to click it along his upper arm.  My face heated up at the sight while I smiled wide. 

"I love it...and I love you and everything you do for me," he whispered while cupping one side of my face and kissing the other side.  Fukuzawa wasn't usually so openly affectionate and showed his love for me in more hinting ways like small sticky notes with hearts and occasionally grabbing my hand to rub my palms.  When it came to kisses and direct embraces though, he usually shied away from those and was more professional and strict in his pda.  This was a nice change of pace however as I gushed with each small kiss he left behind on my face. 

"I love you too Fuku.  I really hope you like the arm band," I whisper softly as I leaned more against him and melted under his affection.  I had to resist the urge to just overwhelm him with my own loving kisses, not wanting to scare him back into his shell.  I was lucky to even have this kind of attention from him, especially while he was at work where anyone could walk into his office. 

"I'd love it even more if you happened to be wearing one as well..." he whispered between kisses along my temple while his hand slid up my own sleeve to feel my upper arm where my own matching arm band already rested.  A shiver rolled through my body at the contact while my heartbeat raced.  This was probably the most emotion I've gotten out of him after a gift and that brought me so much joy I couldn't help leaning over to cup his face and softly press a kiss to his lips, causing him to hum softly. 

"I know I don't show it enough but I really do love and appreciate everything you do for me.  Even at times when I don't understand why you spend so much money or I'm not as excited over materials, I still love that you think of me and go out of your way to share these experiences with me," he whispered against my lips, making me swoon.  I maneuvered around him before settling into his lap, my arms around his shoulders as I happily peck his jaw and nose.  He was being so sweet and it was enough to drive me insane with my own love for him. 

"I know I'm a bit more on the materialistic side and that you don't always agree with my lifestyle but I'm so so happy that you understand my meaning behind the gifts rather than the objects themselves.  Because I really do love you and sometimes that's the easiest way for me to show you, "I mumble back with a small smile, unable to contain my happiness for him.  He grinned back at me, leaning forward to place a kiss to my forehead that felt like he had hit a bullseye, my eyes closing as I shivered with delight. 

"I think the main message here is that we love each other and that makes everything else fall into place without worry..." he softly smiled.  I wrapped my head around that idea, that anything else we did or how we expressed our love was merely smaller details to a bigger message that didn't change.  That I was utterly infatuated with him and he loved me back just as much.  That's all I needed from him after all.

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