Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @EarlGrey954 for the request!

There was no stopping what I had accidentally put into motion. My leg jumped to the rhythm of the rapid heartbeat in my chest, my palms clammy and tapping against my thigh. Every now and again, my fingers would adjust the tie across my neck that felt like it was trying to choke me. The damn thing was like a python threatening to cut off all of my air supply.

I tried to focus on the meal in front of me but it was hard to do when everything felt like a threat. My gaze couldn't help jumping around at the other patrons in the restaurant, making sure I didn't look once at the man sitting across from me. It was his eyes that would scare me most of all in this whole place. It was his judgment I feared most of all and was the one person who I felt could build me up and destroy me easily.

"You seem tense, y/n. What's going on?" Dazai asked with concern as he leaned over the table to press his hand across my forehead. My skin must've been hot to him considering his fingers were cold against my face. It felt nice though despite how nervous the contact made me. He truly was caring but I also knew he could cut me out of his life at any moment he deemed me worthless. It was a shock that he hadn't sent me away yet.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it," I smiled in his direction. In the process of trying to lie to him though, my eyes accidentally flickered to his for a brief moment. It apparently was enough for Dazai to determine that something was wrong despite my fake smile as he tensed up. I didn't even have time to try to reassure him that nothing was wrong when his hand reached out to grab mine, making my whole world pause for a moment.

"Mm, a liar and a hypocrite," Dazai whispered with a small smirk, his fingers brushing along my wrist. My nerves, which were already frayed, sent another anxious curl through my body. This could be where he turned me away and brutally broke up with me. Everyone in the restaurant would be able to see me break into a million pieces.

The scene was so real in my head I was almost surprised when Dazai brought my hand to his lips to kiss it. If my heartbeat wasn't already at dangerously high levels, it sure was now as my eyes widened. I suppose it was one of the things I admired about Dazai. Unlike me, he had the confidence to do whatever he pleased with no shame or guilt. He was my polar opposite in every way and I couldn't help being pulled in by his charisma even though I felt like I didn't deserve it.

"Seriously, y/n, what's wrong with you. You're sweating," he pointed out quietly, rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand. The action made me sick to my stomach. It felt too good to be true and I was sure I must be dreaming. Life wasn't fair so how did I end up here on a date with the perfect man in the world? This had to be some elaborate prank that left me doubting my existence in the end. It would only be a matter of time until someone walked out with a camera to explain how much of a fool I was.

"I think I need some air, I'll be back," I choked out, pulling my hand from his to stand. He immediately stood as well with his smile slipping a bit. It was stupid of me to think I could shake him off so easily. I shouldn't have been surprised when I turned around to walk to the nearest exit that he would follow me with his eyes sparkling with concern.

"I'm coming with you," he declared, taking my arm in his and guiding me out of the restaurant. Everything in me was screaming to get away from him even though I desperately wanted to stick by his side like this for the rest of time. Maybe I was overthinking all of this once again but how could you stop what you've been stuck doing for years? I didn't want to ruin what I had with Dazai like this, I really didn't.

Once we were out of the restaurant, a gentle night breeze immediately cooled me down, causing the sweat on my skin to turn chilly. Out of reaction to the sudden cold, I leaned in closer to Dazai who flashed me a warm smile and a wink. My eyes averted to the ground and stayed there as I tried to calm myself, reminding myself that this was all too good to be true and merely a trick that's been going on for a while.

"I know you're getting anxious again but I hope you know how much I love you. You make me want to live," Dazai whispered, tilting his head back to look at the dark sky. He squeezed my hand once before casting me a loving look that made me freeze in place. Tears welled in my eyes as the truth sank in, watching him with his chin held high and his deep eyes focused solely on me with the look of a man who's finally found the light.

When he reached out, I didn't flinch this time. Willingly, I leaned in closer as his hand brushed over my face tenderly, his delicate fingers tracing my lips. My breath came out shakily before I pushed forward to kiss him. It felt so good to have him pull me in by my waist, his lips moving against mine confidently and yet so carefully. He knew I could break at any moment, that he was the one thing holding me together and the one thing that could tear me apart.

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