Dazai x Reader

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Thanks @crack_x for the request!

My walk to the office was pretty peaceful as usual. This early in the morning, the only people around were others going off to their own jobs and yet the streets were still nearly empty. It was altogether pleasant, giving me a chance to properly breathe before starting the usually stressful and noisy day. I at least had these moments to enjoy the quiet around me.

That didn't last long though after I stepped into the ADA office. Instantly I was overcome with new file cases, Ranpo arguing loudly about some sort of clues, Kunikida shouting over the noise to try to maintain order and of course Atsushi curled up somewhere in the corner having a breakdown. Just another day at the office, I suppose.

Moving past all of them with a few polite nods and brief smiles, I slunk into my own chair behind my desk. I spent a single second inhaling deeply to reorient myself in this loud and busy space before turning to my case files. This was something I've grown used to after several years here and something that I've even found endearing. Very few people had the pleasure to be surrounded by these unique individuals and I happened to be one of them. The thought brought a small smile to my face as I began researching and analyzing my new case files.

"Good morning y/n! I couldn't help but notice you walking in. How are you?" Dazai practically bounded towards me with a cheery smile wide across his face. I kept myself from laughing, knowing that would only entice Dazai to keep up his rather foolish behavior. As much as I usually enjoyed his presence, Kunikida had warned me of entertaining his enthusiasm and what would come of it.

"I've been fine. How about you? Is there something you need?" I questioned back, giving him a single acknowledging glance before turning my eyes back to my case files. I had to have these done by the lunch break if Ranpo was to be satisfied with my efficiency. If he didn't get them in time, he'd either abandon the case altogether to make more work for me or whine the rest of the day about how slow I was. Neither idea sounded pleasant.

"I just wanted to check in on you! Have I ever told you how handsome you are? Cause you always take my breath away, y/n," he smiled warmly, folding his arms on my desk before resting his head to look at me. My stare couldn't help but flicker to him for a moment, his flattering words echoing through my head. He sure could be a charmer when he put his mind to it. The question was why he was choosing to be charming now and to me.

"That's sweet Dazai but are you alright? Perhaps feeling under the weather or is there something you want from me?" I tilted my head curiously, keeping away the warmth trying to spread through my body and to my face. It would be unprofessional of me to allow Dazai to elicit a less than decent reaction from me. The idea of decency wasn't enough to make me turn away from him though as I found myself staring at him more often with each second that passed between us.

"I was just wondering if you have to do those case files now? Maybe we could go out for breakfast instead, or for a walk or anything other than doing work," he perked up, eyes shimmering with hope. He really didn't want to be in the office today. That thought didn't feel right though. Dazai was the type who didn't need an excuse to pick up and leave. He could easily leave at any moment without a care in the world if Kunikida chewed him out later. This would mean one other thing....

"I have to have these case files done and analyzed for Ranpo by lunch. I sadly don't have enough time to join you but I hope you have fun," I muttered in disappointment, going back to my work. Dazai didn't seem to like my answer as he pouted, all his lovely energy deflating. It was clear now that he was practically begging for my attention in the way he stared at me longingly even after I dismissed him. I wanted to give him my attention as well but my job came first.

Suddenly, the case files that were in front of me were snatched out from under me. I swiveled my head towards Dazai who held them in his hands as he stood, a victorious smile twitching onto his lips when he winked at me. Dread and anticipation curled inside me like a tense string ready to snap. I needed to complete them but by the mischievous shine in his eyes, I knew I wasn't going to be able to finish my task.

"I'll make you a deal. You go out to breakfast with me and I'll return these to you afterwards, and you can't be salty the whole time either," he proposed with confidence. He already knew my answer even as he waited patiently. Everyone knew I would do just about anything to finish the work I was given at almost any cost. A breakfast with Dazai was in its own way a win-win situation as well. He should've known better than to threaten me with a good time.

"Since it's clear you're extra clingy today, I'll do this but you have to help me finish the case files afterwards. And you can't be salty the whole time either," I shot back with a wink. The small gesture made his smile widen and a soft pink blush to dust his pale skin. He eagerly tucked the case files away in his coat before grabbing my arm in anticipation, my amused laughter sounding out in response to his excitement.

"It's a deal," Dazai smiled, tugging me along towards the office door. I could feel everyone else staring at Dazai and me but it didn't shake me. In fact, all I could focus on was my hand where Dazai had intertwined his fingers with mine. Giving him a gentle squeeze, I felt him sigh in relief as if he'd been holding in an anxious breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.

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