Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @striifes for the request!

Just accept my love and affection for you already, goddamnit!  I sighed as Kunikida glanced at me in mild confusion and concern before he went back to the papers stacked on his desk.  He didn't even react to the letter I had left him with a goddamn heart in the corner that had listed all the things I liked about him.  All I got in return was a polite nod before he went right back to work, occasionally scribbling in his ideals journal. 
How could someone be so handsome and smart and yet so clueless?  It was honestly infuriating to the point that I was ready to throttle him with the love I felt for him if he didn't wise up soon.  Seriously, I've done it all it seems.  I complimented and flirted, briefly brushed against him and grabbed his hand tenderly.  He would usually only respond with weird looks and chastising words of indecency.  Never once have I even caught him with the slightest of blushes. 
Sighing, I leaned back in my chair while managing to snap the pencil in my hands in aggravation.  What was a man to do when someone didn't even notice his attempts?  There was only so far I could go before practically throwing myself at him and I wasn't looking to scare the poor guy away.  I certainly found myself in a tight spot now, backed against a wall with only one way out that I refused to take. 
I'm sorry but I found nothing as cliche or tacky as outwardly confessing out of the blue without at least having some sort of friendly courtship beforehand.  It isn't my fault that Kunikida was the most clueless bastard to ever walk the planet but it sure was my problem if I ever hoped to even have a chance of becoming his boyfriend.  I had to figure something out before I missed my chance and someone else manages to scoop him up. 
Why couldn't he just realize all the affection I was practically shoving down his throat?  I had to be a bit more upfront I suppose.  Perhaps flowers or a new pen?  One typically romantic and the other a bit personal and yet I could already see him giving me a friendly smile before he brushed me off again.  It already made a disappointed ache spread through my chest as if I was watching it all play out before me.  God, it hurts just to imagine it. 
"Are you alright y/n?" Kunikida's voice suddenly called out, shaking me from my depressing thoughts.  I tilted back in my chair to look at him standing in front of me with his usual confident stance that made my heart melt.  Of course he probably didn't notice the way I was fawning over him currently though as he lifted an eyebrow in concern. 
"No, actually, not really and it's all your fault," I pointed accusingly.  It seems there really is only one way of doing this if I wanted to do it right and that was to place the blame solely on him.  I at least had his attention in the way his eyes widened in surprise behind his glasses, a frown pulling at his lips at my blatant accusation.  Honestly, his expression was the most extreme one I've seen him give me but still the wrong emotion in play. 
"What did I do?  I'm sure I haven't hurt you in any way, have I?" he questioned with a horrified twitch of his eye.  This was probably a cruel thing to do to someone like Kunikida, his ideals leading his life of unnecessary violence.  It was too late to pull away though as I stood abruptly, making him flinch in the process as his gaze turned intense and pleading.  He looked like he needed to know what he could've possibly done to harm me.  He was about to be shocked for sure, possibly even irritated with the way I was playing with his attention now. 
"Well the truth is you've been clueless, unaware and I have a faint feeling that you've also been avoiding me as well as my attempts at getting your attention Mr. Kunikida and frankly it hurts," I frowned while turning up my nose.  It was all a jest of course and only a segway to the real point I wanted to make.  This was the best way to keep his focus and eventually steer him in the direction I wanted his thoughts to go.  So far it seemed to be working as curiosity got the best of him and guided him to lean in closer to me as if trying to understand me better just by closing some distance between us. 
"I don't think I understand.  What have you been trying to get my attention for?" Kunikida asked with concern.  I smirked then, leaning against my desk to press in closer to him.  He didn't move away, our faces very near to each other as I looked him in the eyes.  It was then I saw what I've been dying to see for the longest time now.  A soft pink hue was spreading across his cheeks and over his nose.  I could already taste victory. 
"I like you Kunikida and want to go out with you," I whispered, nervous my voice might break if I spoke too loudly.  He straightened up even further, eyes fully wide now as his face darkened to a lovely crimson color.  On top of it all, his lips twitched into a flustered smile that made my head reel.  It was the expression I've wanted to see on his face after every attempt I've made before. 
"I think I'd like that.  You fit my ideals after all.  I've been meaning to tell you for a while now actually," Kunikida smiled softly, twirling his finger around a stray hair of his bashfully.  I was too overjoyed to be frustrated, darting over the desk to wrap him in my arms.  He hugged back tenderly as if nervous about letting himself have this.  I was going to make him feel loved and cared for though so he better get used to this.

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