Kunikida x Reader

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Thanks @HayHay5453 for the request!

Looking up at the building looming in front of me, I felt a small curl of hesitation. I double checked the address and sure enough, this was the same place. I inhaled deeply to ease my nervousness before a sudden determination filled me. I came all this way and I planned on showing up...plus Kunikida would track me down if I wasn't on time.

Without further delay, I made my way up the steps and through the front door to find a nice cafe type area. The coziness of it settled my racing heart as I felt my shoulders relax. This didn't seem to be the right spot though as I noticed a set of stairs curling upward to the next floor. It was like I had to move onto another level without mastering the one I was on but I had little other choice.

Each step I took closer to the ADA office, I felt my nerves heighten. My excitement blended with unease as the hair on my neck rose. Perspiration made the air heavy by the time I made it to the top of the stairs where a final door stood. Clamping down on my ability, I released my tension before knocking politely.

I began counting down, triple checking the address in case I was wrong. It was unlikely but still possible. I pulled out my phone to see if Kunikida had sent me any texts to find no notifications. This had to be it.

The door opened suddenly to reveal a white haired boy with wide eyes full of curiosity. He tilted his head in confusion as if my presence was a strange occurrence. I began to wonder in panic if Kunikida had mentioned I was showing up to the office.

"Can I help you?" the boy asked kindly. There was no menace in his stare or tone but I couldn't help feeling unsure all the same. This was supposed to be a quick favor for Kunikida, just a swing by to say hi to him and leave but this was becoming more trouble than I had hoped.

"Did Kunikida not say anything?" I meekly whispered. The stranger's eyes lit up instantly in surprise and recognition. It was enough to make me sigh with relief, though part of me was still nervous. At least this guy seemed to kinda know what I'm talking about.

"Yeah, he mentioned his lover stopping by. Sorry, I should've remembered that before asking," the boy apologized. I smiled softly at his gentleness as he opened the door fully to allow me to come inside. I gave him a small nod of appreciation before looking around the office.

It was larger than I thought it would be. Everything was clean and neat, somehow reminding me of Kunikida as if he was the one that kept the space orderly. In truth, he probably would be the one to organize the room. More unfamiliar people were placed throughout the office with their stares lifting to stare at me. My shoulders tensed immediately at the sudden attention as the white haired boy shut the door behind me.

"Oh my, is this who I think it is?" an unfamiliar woman called out with a smile. My gaze dropped to the ground as I shyly waved. The woman had short dark hair and a butterfly clip in her hair. She didn't hesitate to move around one of the desks to stand in front of me with her hands on her hips. It didn't take long for others to follow her lead as a blonde boy with a farmer's hat, a red headed guy with a young girl with long dark hair holding his arm and a bandaged man crowded around me in curiosity.

"You're Kunikida's visitor, aren't you?" the blonde boy with freckles piped up cheerfully. I nodded nervously, fiddling with my fingers as everyone's stares burned through me. The air began to feel heavy again and if you focused hard enough, the spark of a storm lingered in the atmosphere. No else seemed to notice the signs of my ability as they all smiled and chattered in excitement around me.

"I'm y/n," I quietly mumbled with a shaky wave. The woman with the butterfly clip gushed immediately as she cooed. The bandaged man squinted at me with scrutiny as the boy and girl with interlocked arms smiled sympathetically. The boy who had let me in stood by my shoulder now as he looked around as if sensing the change in the air.

"So, what the hell do you see in Kunikida anyways?" the bandaged stranger frowned distastefully. I could actually answer that question any other time but I was starting to become more and more stressed with how close everyone was. All of this attention was putting me on edge and I could tell that the boy from earlier was beginning to notice as well as he cast a concerned frown in my direction. I just wanted to know where Kunikida was.

"Guys, we should give him some space," the white haired boy called out but he was too quiet and everyone else was starting to get louder with questions and comments. I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying as the air grew heavier with each second. My hands were clenching by my side as I took deep breaths. I was suffocating while trying to control my panic before it burst.

I felt the exact moment my grip slipped, something in my chest snapping as a thin sheet of murkiness moved through the air. The space turned colder as the perspiration collected into drops of water. Rain began to fall lightly as everyone's voices trailed off in confusion. A few of them held out their hands in amazement as the water drops rolled down their skin.

"What do you all think you're doing?" a stern voice called out over the sound of raindrops hitting the carpet of the office. I exhaled in relief at the familiar sound of Kunikida's voice behind me. Arms wrapped around my middle as everyone else took an apologetic step back. With Kunikida's warmth seeping into my back as he held me close, my breathing evened out as the rain stopped and the air lifted.

"I'm sorry, I guess we can be quite a bit to handle," the woman with the butterfly pin apologized with a soft smile. With Kunikida holding me though, I didn't feel anywhere near as panicked anymore. I gave everyone a small smile of my own as I sighed at the weight lifting from my shoulders.

"Y/n is shy and gets overwhelmed easily so be mindful next time. I'm sorry for not being here sooner," Kunikida addressed the group before whispering into my ear. I shivered at the feeling of his breath against my skin, a final smatter of water drops falling before disappearing completely. Kunikida chuckled as I smiled warmly. If I could get more comfortable with his coworkers, I wouldn't mind coming back again just to have his arms around me.

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