Gin x Reader

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@HantraxHF thanks for the idea!

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She had been pretty beautiful, Higuchi might actually have a reason to be nervous. "She could be an assassin sent to kill him! If we don't stop her we could all die," the ramblings continued. My eyes nearly rolled out of my head with the half assed excuses to stalk a young woman, we already looked suspicious as hell leaning over the balcony with binoculars.

"Stop assuming something weird is going on. Akutagawa doesn't seem the type to have a mysterious lover," but the obsessed blonde wasn't listening to a word I had to say. My best friend just continued to glare through the binoculars like a creep.

I peeked over the edge secretly hoping to catch sight of the dark haired beauty from the other night. Higuchi and I happened to drive by Akutagawa the night before to find the mystery young woman by his side looking oh so familiar and now my curiosity was piqued.

"Wait, give me the binoculars," I urged, wondering if my eyes were tricking me. She huffed loudly before the object was slapped into my hands like a small child handing over a toy. I made sure to stick my tongue out at her as I brought the binoculars to my eyes. And there it was! Blurry figures. I quickly adjusted the zoom, the blurs slowly focusing till they were unmistakable.

"Shit, the ADA is here with the weretiger," I groaned. Too much hassle seemed to revolve around those guys and I was in no mood after being hauled around everywhere by a certain blonde. "We need to leave, now."

She shot up, snatching the binoculars from my hands. Her face visibly paled, eyes wide in shock. Something seemed to spook her more than the weretiger though. Slowly, she turned to face me, her expression now unreadable. "I was right! They're looking for her, she's gotta be part of the ADA," she bursted loudly.

Nearby shoppers instantly perked at the noise, their attention sliding to us. My hand slapped over Higuchi's mouth in a late attempt to shut her up. This was getting ridiculous.

"That's it, I'm leaving," I decided. I wasn't about to cause trouble over Higuchi's obsessions and sure as hell wasn't about to take on a tiger either. "You're going to have to continue this on your own." My best friend gave me a fake pout, lip trembling for good measure but I was over it, not even my curiosity of the familiar face could keep me going. She crossed her arms with a grunt.

"Fine I'll find her all by myself without the help of a stupid guy like you." I turned away knowing she would forgive me later once she found out that nothing was happening with Akutagawa, or she'd cry on my shoulder like a best friend is for.

Walking down the steps I found my mind wandering for something to do now. The boss mentioned a job for Gin and I but that wasn't till later, something I was looking forward to actually. I slightly paused at the thought of the silent assassin. It was weird not seeing her around and even weirder finding out from Higuchi that he was actually a she a few weeks ago. It didn't bother me so much as it intrigued me, maybe a bit more than intrigued when it came to the mysterious Gin.

I shook my head and focused on where I was going, hoping Higuchi wouldn't get into any trouble by herself. I couldn't for the life of me understand how willing she seems to put her life in danger for Akutagawa, the guy was kinda a bastard.

Before I knew it, I found myself in the middle of the mall surrounded by shoppers and tourists. This really wasn't my scene and a part of me was starting to wonder if my best friend was doing alright. A half hour might've passed, give or take and plenty could've gone down in that amount of time. But something about the mystery girl really was familiar, another person's name right at the tip of my tongue though I couldn't figure it out. It was frustrating to say the least.

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